Read Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited Trainee Officer 2013 Exam
1. Which one is utility Software?
(a) MS Word
(b) MS Excel
(c) McAfee
(d) Windows 98
Ans. c
2. Which is the smallest (in areas) country in the world?
(a) Vatican
(b) Singapore
(c) Bhutan
(d) Maldives
Ans. a
3. Which of the following fractions is less than 7 8 and greater than 1 3
(a) 1 4
(b) 23 24
(c) 11 12
(d) 17 24
Ans. d
4. The ratio of length and breadth of Bangladesh National Flag is -
(a) 10 : 6
(b) 10 : 3
(c) 10 : 4
(d) 10 : 5
Ans. a
5. Which one is not direct tax?
(a) Income tax
(b) Wealth tax
(c) VAT
(d) All of these
Ans. c
6. If n
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 16
Ans. a
7. BIRDEM Stands for -
(a) Bangladesh International Research Diabetes Examination Method
(b) Bangladesh International Research for Diabetes Examination Methodology
(c) Bangladesh Institute for Research for Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolic Disorder
(d) Bangladesh Institute for Research of Diabetes Examination Method
Ans. c
8. Salary of an officer increases every year by 20%. His salary in the year 2001 was Tk. 26640. What was his salary in 1999?
(a) Tk. 20000
(b) Tk. 19028
(c) Tk. 18500
(d) Tk. 18840
Ans. c
9. In an examination, there are 1000 boys and 800 girls, 60% of boys and 40% girls passed. The percentage of candidates that failed is -
(a) 48.88
(b) 45.88
(c) 50.00
(d) 49.88
Ans. a
10. Which one of the following is not a foreign bank?
(a) Standard Chartered Bank
(b) Citi bank N.A
(c) Commercial bank of Ceylong PLC
(d) NRB Global
Ans. d
11. 2022 FIFA world cup will held in -
(a) Qatar
(b) Russia
(c) UK
(d) not decided yet
Ans. a
12. The book “Glimpses of World History” was written by -
(a) Rabindranath Tagore
(b) Carlyle
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Karl Marx
Ans. c
13. কোন শব্দটির বানান সঠিক?
(a) দোষনীয়
(b) দূষণীয়
(c) দূষনিয়
(d) দোষনীয়
Ans. b
14. (2 3 x )×(y 1 2 ) = 7 3 4 , find the values of x and y.
(a) 3, 19
(b) 3, 14
(c) 14, 3
(d) 24, 6
Ans. c
15. Dhaka University was established in -
(a) 1919
(b) 1920
(c) 1925
(d) 1921
Ans. d
16. BIOS is a -
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Firmware
(d) Humanware
Ans. c
17. If 12% of x equal to 6% of y, then 18% of x will be equal to how much percent of y?
(a) 7%
(b) 9%
(c) 11%
(d) None of these
Ans. b
18. European Union has _____ members states.
(a) 22
(b) 28
(c) 30
(d) 35
Ans. b
19. Universal Blood Donor is -
(a) A group
(b) B group
(c) AB group
(d) O group
Ans. d
20. The number of sections in Constitution of Bangladesh is -
(a) 254
(b) 154
(c) 153
(d) 125
Ans. c
21. Al-Jazeera TV Channel belongs to -
(a) Qatar
(b) Kuwait
(c) Egypt
(d) Bahrain
Ans. a
22. কোনটি রবীন্দ্রনাথের রচনা?
(a) চতুরঙ্গ
(b) চতুষ্কোণ
(c) চতুদর্শী
(d) চতুষ্পদী
Ans. a
23. There are ____ states of the United States.
(a) 13
(b) 28
(c) 40
(d) 50
Ans. d
24. Which one is the largest tribe in Bangladesh?
(a) Garo
(b) Chakma
(c) Marma
(d) Marong
Ans. b
25. If A’s income is 25% less than that of B, then how much percent is B’s income more than that of A?
(a) 33 1 3 %
(b) 66 2 3 %
(c) 11 2 3 %
(d) None of these
Ans. a
26. Who is the author of the novel ‘Uttam Purush’?
(a) Syed Samsul Haq
(b) Rashid Karim
(c) Hasan Azizul Haque
(d) Murtaza Bahir
Ans. b
27. 3 48 is what part of 1 12
(a) 3 7
(b) 1 12
(c) 3 4
(d) None of these
Ans. c
28. How many freedom fighters have been awarded as ‘Birsrestha’?
(a) 426
(b) 7
(c) 9
(d) 11
Ans. b
29. ভাষার মূল উপাদান হচ্ছে -
(a) বর্ণ
(b) শব্দ
(c) ধ্বনি
(d) বাক্য
Ans. c
30. ‘তার বয়স বেড়েছে কিন্তু বুদ্ধি বাড়েনি’ এটা কোন ধরনের বাক্য?
(a) যৌগিক বাক্য
(b) সাধারণ বাক্য
(c) মিশ্র বাক্য
(d) সরল বাক্য
Ans. a
31. Which of the following institution was created due to language movement?
(a) University of Dhaka
(b) Bangla Academy
(c) Asiatic Society
(d) Nazrul Institute
Ans. b
32. Which company is not credit card company?
(a) Visa
(b) Master Card
(c) American
(d) Dinners Club
Ans. d
33. Which of the following organization of the World Bank is known as soft loan window?
(a) IDA
(b) MIGA
(c) IDB
(d) IFC
Ans. a
34. Who designed the first computing machine in the world?
(a) John Von Neumann
(b) Sir Issac Newton
(c) Charles Babbage
(d) Bill Gates
Ans. c
35. Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in -
(a) night blindness
(b) rickets
(c) scurvy
(d) hair fall
Ans. a
36. In ∆ABC, the median BE intersect AC at E, if BG 6 cm, where G is the centroid, then BE is equal to -
(a) 7 cm
(b) 9 cm
(c) 8 cm
(d) 10 cm
Ans. b
37. 10 men can cut 15 trees in 2 hours. If 2 men leave the job, how many trees will be cut in 3 hours?
(a) 20 trees
(b) 18 trees
(c) 24 trees
(d) None of these
Ans. b
38. ‘ব্রজবুলি’ বলতে কী বোঝায়?
(a) ব্রজধামে কথিত ভাষা
(b) এক রকম কৃত্রিম কবিভাষা
(c) বাংলা ও হিন্দি যোগফল
(d) মৈথিলি ভাষায় একটি উপভাষা
Ans. b
39. The central bank of India is -
(a) State bank of India
(b) Reserve Bank
(c) Bank of India
(d) Federal Reserve Bank of India
Ans. b
Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
40. Noise pollution generally receives less attention than _____ air pollution.
(a) does
(b) it does
(c) over
(d) it does over
Ans. b
41. The thieves knew precisely ____ the collection of priceless jewels was hidden.
(a) where
(b) then
(c) who
(d) what
Ans. a
Find out which underlined part of the following sentences has an error.
42. The a psychological school of b behaviorism it c was found d by J. B. Watson.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
43. Small animals can survival a the desert hear by finding b shade during c the dytime d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. a
44. Human beings who a live longer b than one hundred years are c a rare d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. d