Read Meghna Bank Limited Management Trainee Officer 2014 Exam
1. The average of 2, 7, 6 and x is 5 and the average of 1, 1, 6, x and y is 10. What is the value of y?
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 20
(d) 30
Ans. c
2. Which of the following is a programming language?
(a) Lotus
(b) Rascal
(c) MS-Excel
(d) Netscape
Ans. b
3. Who was top scorer of 2014 FIFA World cup?
(a) James Rodriguez
(b) Thomas Muller
(c) Lionel Messi
(d) Arjen Robben
Ans. a
4. Which of the following is not an output device?
(a) Scanner
(b) Printer
(c) Flat Screen
(d) Touch Screen
Ans. a
5. পঞ্চাশের মন্বন্তর উপলক্ষে সুকান্ত ভট্টাচার্য কোন সাহিত্য সংকলন সম্পদনা করেন?
(a) ছাড়পত্র
(b) হরতাল
(c) অভিযান
(d) আকাল
Ans. d
6. According to the latest global livability index the most livable city in the world is:
(a) Vienna
(b) Melbourne
(c) Doha
(d) Shanghai
Ans. b
7. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?
(a) 2
(b) 10
(c) 16
(d) 32
Ans. a
8. Much as Rome ____ roads through Europe in the years of the Roman Empire, Britain _____.
(a) has built, built
(b) built, built
(c) builds, it building
(d) had built, was building
Ans. a
9. ‘যে মানুষটি দাঁড়িয়ে আছেন তাকে একটা চেয়ার দাও’- কি ধরনের বাক্য?
(a) সরল
(b) জটিল
(c) আবেক বাক্য
(d) মিশ্র
Ans. b
10. Galaxy – র পরিভাষা কি?
(a) তারাগুচ্ছ
(b) নীহারিকা
(c) গ্রহানু
(d) নক্ষত্রবিথী
Ans. d
11. The last number which is a perfect square and is divisible by each of the numbers 16, 20 and 24 is
(a) 1600
(b) 3600
(c) 6400
(d) 144000
Ans. b
12. One-third of the students _____ present in the class.
(a) is
(b) are
(c) remains
(d) do not
Ans. b
13. Which is the biggest lake on earth?
(a) Lake Victoria
(b) Caspian Sea
(c) Lake Zambezi
(d) Lake Michigan
Ans. b
14. ভুল বানান কোনটি -
(a) সমীচিন
(b) শিহরন
(c) দ্বন্দ
(d) জিগীষা
Ans. c
15. Which is the highest waterfall in the world?
(a) Niagara
(b) Victoria
(c) Angel
(d) Fany
Ans. c
16. What decimal of an hour is a second?
(a) 0.0025
(b) 0.0256
(c) 0.00027
(d) 0.000126
Ans. c
17. হাতের চতুর্থ আঙুলকে এক কথায় বলে:
(a) তর্জনী
(b) মধ্যমা
(c) অনামিকা
(d) কনিষ্ঠা
Ans. c
18. Which Indian state was known as Mysore in the Past?
(a) Kerala
(b) Maharashtra
(c) Karnataka
(d) Madhya Pradesh
Ans. c
19. Each of the students who filled out the admission from ___ the test.
(a) have appeared at
(b) has appeared at
(c) are appearing at
(d) is appearing
Ans. b
20. Which country was never colorized?
(a) Burma
(b) Laos
(c) Thailand
(d) Indonesia
Ans. c
21. The programs are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM in known as -
(a) Hardware
(b) Software
(c) Firmware
(d) Rom ware
Ans. c
22. ‘সব পক্ষের মন জুগিয়ে চলা’ অর্থে কোন বাগধারার প্রয়োগ হয়?
(a) ঝোলে অম্বলে এক করা
(b) ঝোলে লাউ অম্বলে কদু
(c) ঝোলে ঝোলে অম্বল
(d) ঝালে লাল মিষ্টিতে কালো
Ans. b
23. The target year for achieving the MDGs is
(a) 2016
(b) 2015
(c) 2014
(d) 2018
Ans. b
24. Let’s discuss _____ the ways of improving the basic skills of English.
(a) about
(b) on
(c) no preposition needed
(d) of
Ans. c
25. Number of States with Observer status in SAARC is
(a) 7
(b) 9
(c) 5
(d) 8
Ans. b
26. How may pieces of 85 cm length can be cut from a rod 42.5 meters long?
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) None of these
Ans. d
27. নিচের কোনটি সঠিক বিচ্ছেদ?
(a) ভূ + অন = ভবন
(b) অনু + ঈক্ষণ = অন্বেষণ
(c) পশু + অধম = পশ্বধম
(d) এক + দুই = একেক
Ans. c
28. ‘নীর’ শব্দের অর্থ কি?
(a) বাসা
(b) পাখির বাসা
(c) বাড়ি
(d) বারি
Ans. a
29. What comes in the place of question mark in the following?
Layer 1 ?
(a) Layer 1
(b) Layer 1
(c) Layer 1
(d) Layer 1
Ans. a
30. The capital city of Uzbekistan is:
(a) Kiev
(b) Zurich
(c) Tashkent
(d) Dushambe
Ans. c
31. ‘Well’ is usually an adverb and so describes _____ , but when it refers to health it can be an adjective and describe _____.
(a) Adjectives, Verbs
(b) Nouns, Pronouns
(c) Adjectives, Nouns
(d) Verbs, Nouns
Ans. c
32. বাঙ্গালি শিশুরা কোন বর্গের ধ্বনিগুলো আগে শেখে
(a) ক বর্গ
(b) চ বর্গ
(c) ট বর্গ
(d) প বর্গ
Ans. d
33. When a key pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the key-stroke into the corresponding bits?
(a) ANSI
(d) ISO
Ans. b
34. কোন বানানগুচ্ছ শুদ্ধ?
(a) লাঞ্চনা : লক্ষী
(b) ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া : ক্ষত্রিয়
(c) অকালপক্ক : প্রজ্ঞা
(d) অবাঞ্ছিত : পরিপক্ব
Ans. b
Determine the relationship between the pair of Words in the question and then select, from the options, the pair having a similar relationship to the first pair in bold letters:
35. Debate : Forensic::
(a) Drama : Histrionic
(b) Opera : Spoken
(c) Concerto : Harmonising
(d) Argument : Domestic
Ans. a
36. Promise : Fulfill::
(a) Pawn : Redeem
(b) Pledge : Deny
(c) Law : Enforce
(d) Confession : Hedge
Ans. c
37. Notable : Notorious::
(a) Philanthropic : Benevolent
(b) Philandering : Pleasant
(c) Nefarious : Secret
(d) Philanthropic : Miserly
Ans. d
38. Ernest : Immoral::
(a) Land : Evil
(b) Dissolute : Lascivious
(c) Restrained : Wanton
(d) Shore : Reef
Ans. c
39. Cloud : Storm::
(a) Container : Contained
(b) Portent : Disaster
(c) Cumulus : Gale
(d) Thunder : Lightning
Ans. d
Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital letters:
(a) complex
(b) express
(c) unmatched
(d) various
Ans. d
(a) kindness
(b) brawl
(c) simple song
(d) primitive dance
Ans. b
(a) temporal
(b) dangerous
(c) heavy
(d) unstable
Ans. b
(a) rude
(b) uncontrolled
(c) adventurous
(d) strong
Ans. b
(a) extreme
(b) indirect
(c) uneven
(d) incidental
Ans. b
Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word:
(a) harsh
(b) different
(c) harmonious
(d) separate
Ans. c
(a) dryness
(b) delicate
(c) dampness
(d) defect
Ans. a
(a) former
(b) careless
(c) observant
(d) moderate
Ans. b
(a) request
(b) criticise
(c) pray
(d) flatter
Ans. b
(a) superficial
(b) obscure
(c) intense
(d) hidden
Ans. a