Subject English
2676. What is the verb ‘Ability’?
(a) Ableness
(b) Enable
(c) ably
(d) able
Ans. b
2677. Full শব্দটিন synonym হচ্ছে-
(a) Filled
(b) Fulfilment
(c) Fill
(d) Full
Ans. a
2678. Mishap means -
(a) danger
(b) disease
(c) accident
(d) theft
Ans. c
2679. In spite of my request he did not -
(a) give in
(b) give out
(c) give from
(d) give off
Ans. a
For each question, there are four alternatives. Choose the one which can be best substituted for the given words.
2680. A thing kept in the memory of a person
(a) memento
(b) epitaph
(c) elegy
(d) gift
Ans. a
2681. A place where everything is perfect
(a) Heaven
(b) Platoon
(c) Cosmos
(d) Utopia
Ans. d
2682. A person who speaks for other
(a) Reporter
(b) Spokesman
(c) Alien
(d) Supporter
Ans. b
2683. A person who rarely speak the truth
(a) Liar
(b) Scoundrel
(c) Crook
(d) Hypocrite
Ans. d
Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c & d) of the following sentences has an error.
2684. A more a sense of ethics b and integrity c is expected of a physician d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. a
2685. The use of fossil a fuel is more b worse c for the environment d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2686. In an epidemic a , unprotected b children remain lesser c vulnerable d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2687. A person can a be called guilty b until proven c in a court of law d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. a
2688. The news of Musa Ibrahim’s ascent a to Mt b Everest brought proud c and joy for all Bangladeshis d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
Pick out the best one which can complete the incomplete statement meaningfully.
2689. How much a man earns is as important as _____.
(a) when does he do so
(b) how does he do it
(c) where does he earn
(d) how well he spends it
Ans. d
2690. The doctor warns him that unless he gives up smoking ____.
(a) will he be able to recover
(b) he will not suffer
(c) his health will soon be recovered
(d) he will not recover
Ans. d
2691. The more we looked at the place modern art, _____.
(a) it looked better
(b) the more we like it
(c) the less we liked it
(d) he will not recover
Ans. c
2692. To succeed in a difficult task _____.
(a) one needs to be persistent
(b) persistent is needed
(c) you need a person of persistent
(d) one need to be persistence
Ans. a
2693. This book is quite similar _____.
(a) than a story told by our teacher
(b) to the one I read last week
(c) of that film we saw at school
(d) with the ‘Treasure Island’
Ans. b
Each of the following idioms is followed by some alternative meaning. Choose the one which best expressed its meaning.
2694. To smell a rat
(a) To detect bad smell
(b) To misunderstand
(c) To suspect a trick or deceit
(d) To see hidden meaning
Ans. c
2695. To take a leap in the dark
(a) To take risk
(b) To hazard one self
(c) to do a task secretly
(d) To do a hazardous thing without any idea of the result
Ans. d
2696. By the rule of thumb
(a) By the use of force
(b) By practical experience which is rather than rough
(c) By cheating and deception
(d) By the use of trickery
Ans. b
2697. Bird’s eye View
(a) To view something closely
(b) To view suspiciously
(c) To view in general from above
(d) To look from a different angle
Ans. c
2698. A fool’s paradise
(a) Paradise of Idiot
(b) To have happy dreams
(c) to live in the past
(d) To live in illusions
Ans. a
2699. ‌‘Bag and baggage’ means-
(a) property
(b) leaving nothing behind
(c) Costly things
(d) Heavy things
Ans. b
2700. Who is called the poet of Beauty in English literature?
(a) P.B. Shelley
(b) Lord Byron
(c) John Keats
(d) W. Wordsworth
Ans. c