Subject English
1051. Something which is obnoxious means that it is –
(a) very dangerous
(b) very pleasant
(c) very ugly
(d) very unpleasant
Ans. d
1052. A pilgrim is a person who undertakes a journey to a –
(a) a holy place
(b) a mosque
(c) a bazar
(d) a new country
Ans. a
1053. Shakespeare is known mostly for his –
(a) poetry
(b) novels
(c) autobiography
(d) plays
Ans. d
1054. A person who writes about his own life writes –
(a) a chronicle
(b) an autobiography
(c) a diary
(d) a biography
Ans. b
1055. In which century was the Victorian period?
(a) 17 th century
(b) 18 th century
(c) 19 th century
(d) 20 th century
Ans. c
1056. The antonym of ‘indifference’ is –
(a) ardour
(b) compassion
(c) anxiety
(d) concern
Ans. a
1057. Three score is –
(a) thirty times
(b) three hundred times
(c) three times twenty
(d) more than three
Ans. c
1058. An ordinance is –
(a) a book
(b) an arms factory
(c) a news paper journal
(d) a law
Ans. d
1059. A fantasy is –
(a) an imaginary story
(b) s funny film
(c) a history record
(d) a real life event
Ans. a
1060. Something that is ‘fresh’ is something –
(a) recently printed or published
(b) in fairly good condition
(c) disrespectful
(d) pleasant
Ans. b
1061. The sentence with correct punctuations-
(a) Maria, my student, is on leave today
(b) Maria my student, is on leave today
(c) Maria, my student, is on leave today
(d) Maria my student is, on leave today
Ans. a
1062. The antonym for ‘inimical’-
(a) hostile
(b) friendly
(c) indifferent
(d) angry
Ans. b
1063. The synonym for ‘efface’-
(a) improve
(b) exhaust
(c) rub out
(d) cut out
Ans. c
1064. The best passive from of the sentence: ‘We don’t like idle people’ -
(a) We are not liked by idle people
(b) Idle people are not like us
(c) Idle people are not liked by us
(d) Idle people are not of our liking
Ans. c
1065. The correct sentence of the followings:
(a) The Nile is longest river in Africa
(b) The Nile is longest river in the Africa
(c) Nile is longest river in Africa
(d) The Nile is the longest river in Africa
Ans. d
1066. When a person says ‘he’s all in’, it means .
(a) He is very tired
(b) He is has arrived
(c) He has finished packing
(d) He has got everything
Ans. a
1067. `Bill of fare’ is -
(a) A chart of bus fare
(b) A price list
(c) A valuable document
(d) A list of dishes at restaurant
Ans. d
1068. A ‘bull market’ means that share prices are-
(a) falling
(b) rising
(c) moving
(d) static
Ans. b
1069. ‘Blue chips’ are-
(a) Securities issued by the government
(b) Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
(c) Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
(d) Flat plastic counters used as money tokens
Ans. b
1070. ‘Blockbuster’ means:
(a) A large solid piece of stone
(b) A device to cut off persons head as punishment
(c) Something that makes movement difficult
(d) A powerful explosive to demolish buildings
Ans. d
1071. Any one of the following pairs are literary collaborators-
(a) Eliot and pound
(b) Yeats and Eliot
(c) Pope and Dryden
(d) Shelly and keats
Ans. d
1072. The correct sentence of the followings -
(a) A new cabinet has been sworn in Dhaka
(b) A new cabinet has been sworn a Dhaka
(c) A new cabinet has been sworn by in Dhaka
(d) A new cabinet has sworn in Dhaka
Ans. a
1073. The last word of the proverb. ‘Handsome is that handsome ____.’
(a) does
(b) Works
(c) thinks
(d) says
Ans. a
1074. Browning was the composer of any of the following poems -
(a) Two voices
(b) The Scholar Gipsy
(c) Andrea del sarto
(d) Oneone
Ans. c
1075. The right word to fill in the gap of the following sentence :
Give her a telephone number to ring ____ she gets lost.
(a) perhaps
(b) Whether
(c) in case
(d) unless
Ans. b