Subject English
1651. The phrase “nouveau riche” means -
(a) Riche rich
(b) Well off
(c) New high class
(d) New rich
Ans. d
1652. What would be the best antonym of “hibernate”?
(a) dormancy
(b) liveliness
(c) sluggishness
(d) democracy
Ans. b
1653. I am in the process of collecting material for my story. The underline word is a/an
(a) Verb
(b) Adjective
(c) Adverb
(d) Noun
Ans. d
1654. Depression is often hereditary. The underlined word is a/an
(a) Adverb
(b) Adjective
(c) Noun
(d) Verb
Ans. b
1655. Find the odd-man-out-
(a) George Eliot
(b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Joseph Conrad
(d) James Joyce
Ans. a
1656. Neither Mr. Rahman nor his friend are invited to speak at the seminar.
(a) is invited to speak at the seminar
(b) are invited to speak at the seminar
(c) are to speak at the seminar
(d) are speaking at the seminar
(e) will be speak at the seminar
Ans. a
1657. Tomorrow the President is going open a new hospital.
(a) is going open a new hospital
(b) will going open a new hospital
(c) is going to open a new hospital
(d) will going to open a new hospital
(e) will go to open a new hospital
Ans. c
1658. When the police arrived, the criminal have already escaped.
(a) the has already
(b) the criminal were already ,
(c) the criminal had already
(d) the criminal already
(e) the criminal was already
Ans. c
1659. What are you doing? I work in a book shop.
(a) do you do
(b) are you do
(c) do you
(d) are you doing
(e) will you do
Ans. a
1660. I do not usually eat three meals a day, but I am used to it.
(a) I am using it
(b) I had use to it
(c) I am got it
(d) I used it
(e) I am getting used to it
Ans. e
1661. He is up to his ears in work and cannot possibly see you now.
(a) very interested in
(b) fully occupied with
(c) not involved with
(d) concerned with
(e) troubled with
Ans. d
1662. If you give me a hand, then I shall be able to finish more quickly.
(a) take my hand
(b) take my fingers
(c) pick me up
(d) pull me up
(e) help me
Ans. e
1663. All the students got high marks in the test but Rahim stood out.
(a) got a lot of marks
(b) got very good marks
(c) got higher marks than someone
(d) got the most marks of all
(e) none of the above
Ans. d
1664. He has sold his house and has no job and so now he has next to nothing.
(a) he is unemployed
(b) he has no property
(c) he has a few things
(d) he has nothing at all
(e) he has small things
Ans. d
1665. He kept saying he did not do it but in the end he said he had done it.
(a) finally
(b) at least
(c) by the end
(d) in any case
(e) none
Ans. a
1666. We asked him why he ................ telephoned earlier.
(a) did not
(b) has not
(c) had not
(d) was not
Ans. c
1667. By the time I had reached the bottom of the mountain, I ................ extremely tired.
(a) feel
(b) have felt
(c) was feeling
(d) am feeling
(e) felt
Ans. e
1668. One day Mr. Ahmed was walking ................ a wood ................ the rain.
(a) in ................ through
(b) through ................ in
(c) under ......... in
(d) in ................ under
(e) in ................ in
Ans. b
1669. We had ................ applicants this year than we had last year.
(a) less
(b) fewer
(c) little
(d) small
(e) lesser
Ans. b
1670. It ................ a great shock to everyone because he had not said a word for 10 years.
(a) was
(b) is
(c) will be
(d) are
(e) had
Ans. a
(a) speed
(b) Wind
(c) money
(d) Volume
(e) doctrine
Ans. a
(a) confound
(b) perplex
(c) explain
(d) obscure
(e) none
Ans. c
(a) compound
(b) few
(c) many
(d) great
(e) little
Ans. c
1674. BARTER
(a) exchange
(b) proxy
(c) relevant
(d) useful
(e) transient
Ans. a
(a) shrink
(b) large
(c) contract
(d) slip
(e) expand
Ans. e