Subject English
2251. Who, What, Which are -
(a) Demonstrative pronoun
(b) Relative pronoun
(c) Reflexive
(d) Indefinite pronoun
Ans. b
2252. What is the synonym of ‘delude’?
(a) Demand
(b) Permit
(c) Aggravate
(d) Deceive
Ans. d
2253. What is the noun of the word ‘Heart’?
(a) Heart
(b) Hearten
(c) Heartening
(d) Heartful
Ans. c
2254. ‘May Allah help you’- what kind of sentence is this?
(a) Optative
(b) Imperative
(c) Assertive
(d) Exclamatory
Ans. a
2255. A rolling strong gathers no moss. What is ‘rolling’?
(a) Gerund
(b) Participle
(c) Adjective
(d) Verb Noun
Ans. b
2256. He has been ill ____ Friday last. Fill in the blank:
(a) since
(b) in
(c) from
(d) on
Ans. a
2257. Which is the noun of the word ‘Beautiful’?
(a) Beautiful
(b) Beauty
(c) Beautifully
(d) Beauteous
Ans. b
2258. ‘Out and out’ means-
(a) Not at all
(b) Thoroughly
(c) To be last
(d) Man of outside
Ans. b
2259. ‘Justice delayed is denied’ was stated by -
(a) Disraeli
(b) Emerson
(c) Gladstone
(d) Shakespeare
Ans. c
What do the underlined words mean:
2260. Drink only tepid water.
(a) cold
(b) slightly warm
(c) slightly cold
(d) hot
Ans. b
2261. Some felt the law would impinge on the rights of others.
(a) change
(b) trespass
(c) enlarge
(d) facilitate
Ans. b
Fill in the blanks:
2262. She couldn’t stop _____.
(a) laughing
(b) to laugh
(c) laugh
(d) laughter
Ans. a
2263. A basket of apples ____ been sold.
(a) have
(b) has
(c) having
(d) haven’t
Ans. b
2264. You’ll remember to call me, ____?
(a) will you
(b) would you
(c) won’t you
(d) would not you
Ans. c
2265. The fire in the museum resulted in ____ damage.
(a) intensive
(b) expensive
(c) abrasive
(d) extensive
Ans. d
2266. He ____ that he’s millionaire, but don’t believe him.
(a) admits
(b) attempts
(c) screams
(d) claims
Ans. d
2267. I remember ____ the race.
(a) the horse’s wining the race
(b) the horse to win
(c) the horse wining
(d) the horse will win
Ans. c
2268. _____ physicist, Gabriel Fahrenheit, invents the mercury thermometer in 1714.
(a) There is
(b) it is
(c) the
(d) it is the
Ans. c
2269. Neither of the two men wants ____ son educated.
(a) their
(b) his
(c) them
(d) its
Ans. a
2270. ‘Prima facie’ means
(a) at first view
(b) main cause
(c) prime figure
(d) prime accused
Ans. a
2271. A person who writes plays is called a
(a) play-write
(b) play writer
(c) playwright
(d) player
Ans. c
2272. The word ‘subterfuge’ means
(a) Subtlety
(b) cunning
(c) simplicity
(d) trickery
Ans. d
Supply the appropriate preposition:
2273. Supply minister arrived _____ a decision last night.
(a) over
(b) in
(c) at
(d) on
Ans. c
2274. The bank will compensate the customer ____ his loss.
(a) at
(b) for
(c) to
(d) of
Ans. b
Provide the correct antonym:
2275. Permanent
(a) Evanescent
(b) Temporal
(c) Persistent
(d) Short
Ans. a