Subject General Knowledge |
| 651. আন্তর্জাতিক আণবিক শক্তি কমিশনের সদর দফতর কোথায় অবস্থিত? | |
| (a) জেনেভায় | |
| (b) ওয়াশিংটন | |
| (c) ভিয়েনায় | |
| (d) ব্রাসেলসে | |
| Ans. c | |
| 652. ধরিত্রী সম্মেলন কোন শহরে অনুষ্ঠিত হয়? | |
| (a) জেনেভা | |
| (b) মেক্সিকো সিটি | |
| (c) নিউইয়র্ক | |
| (d) রিও ডি জনারিও | |
| Ans. d | |
| 653. ‘গিল্ডার’ কোন দেশের মুদ্রার নাম? | |
| (a) প্যারাগুয়ে | |
| (b) নরওয়ে | |
| (c) নেদারল্যান্ড | |
| (d) পোল্যান্ড | |
| Ans. c | |
| 654. ‘নাসা’ কোন দেশের সংস্থা? | |
| (a) জার্মানি | |
| (b) রাশিয়া | |
| (c) ফ্রান্স | |
| (d) যুক্তরাষ্ট্র | |
| Ans. d | |
| 655. জনসংখ্যার ভিত্তিতে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড় মুসলিম দেশ কোনটি ? | |
| (a) বাংলাদেশ | |
| (b) পাকিস্তন | |
| (c) সৌদি আরব | |
| (d) ইন্দোনেশিয়া | |
| Ans. d | |
| 656. এশীয় উন্নয়ন ব্যাংকের প্রধান কার্যালয় কোথায়? | |
| (a) ব্যাংকক | |
| (b) সিঙ্গাপুর | |
| (c) টোকিও | |
| (d) ম্যানিলা | |
| Ans. d | |
| 657. The largest river in the world is: | |
| (a) Niles | |
| (b) Brahmaputra | |
| (c) Amazon | |
| (d) Mississippi | |
| (e) Volga | |
| Ans. c | |
| 658. Which ocean divides America and Europe? | |
| (a) Pacific | |
| (b) Arctic | |
| (c) Atlantic | |
| (d) Southern | |
| (e) Caspian | |
| Ans. c | |
| 659. Which of the following is not an agency of the United Nations? | |
| (a) ILO | |
| (b) WHO | |
| (c) ASEAN | |
| (d) UNICEF | |
| (e) UNESCO | |
| Ans. c | |
| 660. Which of the categories of Nobel Prize was not originally included in the will of Alfred Nobel? | |
| (a) Physics | |
| (b) Chemistry | |
| (c) Peace | |
| (d) Medical Science | |
| (e) Economic Science | |
| Ans. e | |
| 661. What is the elaboration of "PRSP"? | |
| (a) Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers | |
| (b) population reduction strategy papers | |
| (c) Poverty Reduction Synthesis Papers | |
| (d) population reduction synthesis papers | |
| (e) power reproduction strategy papers | |
| Ans. a | |
| 662. Backward integration is. | |
| (a) vertical integration in which a consumer of raw materials acquires its supplies. | |
| (b) A horizontal integration in which a consumer of raw materials acquires its supplies. | |
| (c) Ensuring that factory is located near a river at its backyard. | |
| (d) Ensuring that factory is pollution free. | |
| (e) Engaging in selling of finished goods through new means. | |
| Ans. A | |
| 663. The first Bangladeshi woman to climb the world's highest peak, the Mount Everest is: | |
| (a) Nishat Majumder | |
| (b) Wasfia Nazreen | |
| (c) Nishat Nazreen | |
| (d) Wasfia Maiumder | |
| (e) Runa Yasmin | |
| Ans. a | |
| 664. The soft loan window of the World Bank is: | |
| (a) MIGA | |
| (b) IBRD | |
| (c) IDA | |
| (d) IFC | |
| (e) ICSID | |
| Ans. c | |
| 665. Who is the father of Geometry? | |
| (a) Aristotle | |
| (b) Euclid | |
| (c) Pythagoras | |
| (d) Kepler | |
| (e) Newton | |
| Ans. b | |
| 666. A Farewell to Arms was written by: | |
| (a) Charles Dickens | |
| (b) Ernest Hemingway | |
| (c) Thomas hardy | |
| (d) Leo Tolstoy | |
| (e) William Shakespeare | |
| Ans. b | |
| 667. Where is the permanent secretariat of SAARC? | |
| (a) Kathmandu | |
| (b) New Delhi | |
| (c) Islamabad | |
| (d) Colombo | |
| (e) Dhaka | |
| Ans. a | |
| 668. OTC stands for: | |
| (a) Over The counter | |
| (b) Over The Court | |
| (c) over that court | |
| (d) over that counter | |
| (e) old town city | |
| Ans. a | |
| 669. Addis Abeba is the capita of: | |
| (a) Jordan | |
| (b) Nigeria | |
| (c) Ghana | |
| (d) Ethiopia | |
| (e) Zimbabwe | |
| Ans. d | |
| 670. The Olympic Games in 2012 took place in: | |
| (a) Los Angeles | |
| (b) Sydney | |
| (c) Seoul | |
| (d) London | |
| (e) Beijing | |
| Ans. e | |
| 671. Shirin Ebadi, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, is from: | |
| (a) Iraq | |
| (b) Nigeria | |
| (c) Iran | |
| (d) Libya | |
| (e) Egypt | |
| Ans. c | |
| 672. How many amendments are there in the constitution of the People's Republic’s of Bangladesh? | |
| (a) 10 | |
| (b) 12 | |
| (c) 15 | |
| (d) 18 | |
| (e) 19 | |
| Ans. c | |
| 673. The GDP growth rate of Bangladesh in 2010-11 was: | |
| (a) 5% | |
| (b) 5.3% | |
| (c) 6% | |
| (d) 6.3% | |
| (e) 7% | |
| Ans. d | |
| 674. The length of the proposed Padma Bridge is: | |
| (a) 4.1 Km | |
| (b) 5.2 Km | |
| (c) 6.15 Km | |
| (d) 6.75 Km | |
| (e) 7.25 Km | |
| Ans. c | |
| 675. Who did not receive Nobel Prize in literature: | |
| (a) Leo Tolstoy | |
| (b) Bernard Shaw | |
| (c) T. S. Elliot | |
| (d) Bertrand Russell | |
| (e) Pablo Neruda | |
| Ans. a | |