Subject General Knowledge
876. Devaluation of Taka is likely to increase
(a) tariff
(b) tax
(c) import
(d) export
(e) trade
Ans. c
877. The difference between a bank’s rate of interest on lending to its prime customers and the rate of interest that it pays to others on borrowings (demand, time or savings deposits) is called
(a) profit rate
(b) margin rate
(c) income rate
(d) interest spread
(e) balance
Ans. a
878. Who is the current Director General of WTO? (year 2013)
(a) Pascal Lamy
(b) Micheline Rey
(c) Jim Young Kim
(d) Robert Zoellic
(e) Paul Wolfositz
Ans. a
879. In opening an L/C, a bank requires that a certain percent of the value of goods to be imported under the L/C is paid to the bank in advance. This part/proportion of payment is known as
(a) L/C Commission
(b) L/C signing money
(c) L/C guarantee
(d) L/C protection money
(e) L/C margin
Ans. e
880. Who is the founder of WikiLeaks?
(a) Julian Wikileaks
(b) Bill Gates
(c) Michael Assange
(d) Julian Assange
(e) Steve Jobs
Ans. d
881. Which of the following is not the function of the central bank?
(a) management of foreign exchange rate
(b) implementation of government monetary policy
(c) implementation of national budget
(d) management of public debt
(e) issue of currencies
Ans. c
882. A common form of inter-bank short-term borrowing is
(a) LTR
(b) Hypo
(c) L/C
(d) CC
(e) Call Money
Ans. e
883. CAMEL rate is a system that
(a) rank camels according to their quality
(b) ranks camels according to their price
(c) allows banks to operate in a country
(d) ensures compliance to Basel II
(e) assigns a numerical rating to bank
Ans. e
884. Who is the father of Geomety?
(a) Aristotle
(b) Newton
(c) Pythagoras
(d) Kepler
(e) Euclid
Ans. e
885. Which of the following describes correctly the Group of Seven (G-7) countries?
(a) They are developing countries
(b) They are industrialized countries
(c) They are holding Atomic Bomb technology
(d) They are countries that can lunch their won satellites
(e) None of these
Ans. b
886. Who said the words, ‘I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say it’?
(a) G. B. Shaw
(b) Vladmir Lenin
(c) Voltare
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
(e) Russo
Ans. c
887. The publisher of ‘Banglapedia’ is -
(a) Bangla academy
(b) Asiatic Society of Bangladesh
(c) Dhaka University
(d) University Press Limited
(e) UGC
Ans. b
888. One nautical mile = ?
(a) 2.254 km
(b) 1.852 km
(c) 1.5 km
(d) 1.472 km
(e) 0.621 km
Ans. b
889. Which district was fast set free from enemy during the liberation war of Bangladesh?
(a) B. Baria
(b) Jessore
(c) Sylhet
(d) Dhaka
(e) None of these
Ans. b
890. The book ‘Chander Amabashy’ is written by -
(a) Alauddin Al-Azad
(b) Abul Kalam Shamsuddin
(c) Rashid Karim
(d) Akhtaruzzaman Eliyas
(e) Syed Waliullah
Ans. e
891. Which of the following country of the European Union has not adopted ‘Euro’ as yet -
(a) England
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) France
(e) Netherland
Ans. a
892. The poetry titled ‘September on Jessore Road’ was written based on liberation war by -
(a) Alien Ginsberg
(b) Clinton B. Seely
(c) A. C. Coxe
(d) R. T. Conrad
(e) J. Keble
Ans. a
893. Where do most of the Manipuri ethnic group people live Bangladesh?
(a) Mymensingh
(b) Sylhet
(c) Rangamati
(d) Rangpur
(e) Cox’s Bazar
Ans. b
894. ……… does not belong to the World Bank Group.
(a) IFC
(b) WTO
(c) IBRD
(d) IDA
Ans. b
895. Bank rate is the rate of interest
(a) at which public borrows money from commercial-bank
(b) at which government borrows money from public
(c) at which commercial Banks borrow money from the central bank
(d) at which commercial Banks borrow money from public
(e) None of these
Ans. c
896. In a decision to retain or replace equipment, the book value of the value of the old equipment is a (n) –
(a) opportunity cost
(b) sunk cost
(c) incremental cost
(d) marginal cost
(e) None of these
Ans. e
897. What does the credit term 2/10, n/30 mean?
(a) 2% discount on amount paid within 30 days
(b) Due amount is to be paid within 30 day
(c) 2% discount on amount paid within 10 days
(d) Both B & C
(e) None of these
Ans. b
898. Which of the following should not be called ‘Sales’?
(a) Goods sold for cash
(b) Office fixtures sold
(c) Sales of item previously included in ‘Purchases’
(d) Goods sold on credit
(e) None of these
Ans. b
899. Working capital calculated as:
(a) Current assets minus current liabilities
(b) Total assets minus total liabilities
(c) Long-term liabilities minus current liabilities
(d) Both B & C
(e) None of these
Ans. a
900. Capital Expenditure is:
(a) The extra capital paid in by the proprietor
(b) The cost of running the business on a day-to-day basis
(c) Money spent on buying fixed assets or adding value to them
(d) Money spent on selling fixed assets
(e) None of these
Ans. c