Review Bangladesh Bank Assistant Director 2015 Exam | ||||||
1. Sum of 10 integer is 462. The average of first is 52 and the average of last 5 number is 39. What is the fifth number? | ||||||
64 | ||||||
60 | ||||||
50 | ||||||
62 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
2. ‘পাবক’ নিচের কোন শব্দের প্রতিশব্দ? | ||||||
কিরণ | ||||||
দিবস | ||||||
অগ্নি | ||||||
বাতাস | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
3. If 10 person shake their hands with each other, then total number of handshaker are- | ||||||
100 | ||||||
20 | ||||||
50 | ||||||
45 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
4. The following figure consists of twenty-seven cubs. How many cubes will get closed on all sides by other cubes? | ||||||
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
5. How many brigades were formed in the liberation war of Bangladesh? | ||||||
3 | ||||||
7 | ||||||
9 | ||||||
11 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
6. ‘আত্মঘাতী বাঙালী’ কার রচিত গ্রন্থ? | ||||||
অশোক মিত্র | ||||||
দেবীপ্রসাদ চট্টোপাধ্যায় | ||||||
অতুল সুর | ||||||
নীরদচন্দ্র চৌধুরি | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
7. Which of the following the 250% of 1? | ||||||
0.25 | ||||||
2.5 | ||||||
25 | ||||||
0.025 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
8. Which of the following is the currency of Argentina? | ||||||
Dollar | ||||||
Lira | ||||||
Peso | ||||||
Rand | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
9. ‘মৃন্ময়ী’ রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের কোন ছোট গল্পের নায়িকা? | ||||||
সমাপ্তি | ||||||
দেনা-পাওনা | ||||||
পোস্টমাস্টার | ||||||
মধ্যবর্তিনী | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
10. What is the meaning of ‘SAPTA’? | ||||||
SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement | ||||||
SAARC Preferential Tariff Agreement | ||||||
South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement | ||||||
South Asian Preferential Tariff Agreement | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
11. Twenty-seven persons attended a party. Which one of the following statements can never be true? | ||||||
There is a person in the party who is acquainted with all the twenty-six others. | ||||||
There is a person in the party who has an odd number of acquaintances. | ||||||
Each person in the party has a different number of acquaintances. | ||||||
In the party, there is no set of three mutual acquaintances. | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
12. (0.003) ² = ? | ||||||
0.009 | ||||||
0.0009 | ||||||
0.0009 | ||||||
0.000009 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
13. Which authority in Bangladesh issues license of Credit Rating Agencies? | ||||||
BSEC | ||||||
MRA | ||||||
BB | ||||||
IDRA | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
14. ‘আভরণ’ শব্দের অর্থ কি? | ||||||
অলংকার | ||||||
আচ্ছাদন | ||||||
রমনীয় | ||||||
অনবরত | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
15. ফোর্ট উইলিয়াম কলেজের বাংলা বিভাগের প্রধান ছিলেন - | ||||||
মি. উইলিয়াম | ||||||
উইলিয়াম কেরি | ||||||
রামরাম বসু | ||||||
জেসি মার্শম্যান | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
16. Which one of the following symptom does not indicate that your computer system is affected Virus? | ||||||
Takes much time to load a program | ||||||
Disk access time is faster | ||||||
Gives abnormal error message | ||||||
inadequacy in System memory | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
17. The process of loading the Operating System in the memory is known as - | ||||||
Debugging | ||||||
Booting | ||||||
Loading | ||||||
Trouble shooting | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
18. If you dived 30 by half and add 10 with the resulting figure, then what is the final result? | ||||||
25 | ||||||
70 | ||||||
45 | ||||||
55 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
19. ভাষার সর্বনামের ব্যবহারের উদ্দেশ্য কি? | ||||||
বিশেষণের পরিবর্তে ব্যবহার করা | ||||||
বিশেষ্যের পুনরাবৃত্তি দূর করা | ||||||
বিশেষ্যের অভাব দূর করা | ||||||
ভাষার শব্দ সম্পদ বৃদ্ধি করা | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
20. সন্ধির প্রধান সুবিধা কি? | ||||||
উচ্চারণের সুবিধা | ||||||
লেখার সুবিধা | ||||||
শোনার সুবিধা | ||||||
পড়ার সুবিধা | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
21. The Headquarter of UNESCO is at _____. | ||||||
Rome | ||||||
Geneva | ||||||
Paris | ||||||
New York | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
22. If a PLAY is coded as 8123 and RHYME is coded as 49367, how is MALE coded? | ||||||
6395 | ||||||
6198 | ||||||
6217 | ||||||
6285 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
23. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ? | ||||||
মূর্ধন্য | ||||||
মূর্ধণ | ||||||
মুর্ধন্য | ||||||
মুর্ধণ্য | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
24. The city ‘Frankfurt’ is renowned for - | ||||||
Agricultural Product | ||||||
Book Fair | ||||||
Medicine Industry | ||||||
Ice Hockey | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
25. ‘ঢাকের কাঠি’ – বাগধারাটির অর্থ - | ||||||
সাহায্যকারী | ||||||
স্বাস্থ্যহীন | ||||||
বাদক | ||||||
তোষামুদে | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
26. “মন্ত্রের সাধন কিংবা শরীর পাতন” – এখানে ‘কিংবা’ অব্যয়টি কোন অব্যয়? | ||||||
অনুকার অব্যয় | ||||||
বিয়োজক অব্যয় | ||||||
সমুচ্চয়ী | ||||||
সংযোজক অব্যয় | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
27. ‘চতুরঙ্গ’ পত্রিকার সম্পাদক কে ছিলেন? | ||||||
হুমায়ুন কবির | ||||||
ফজল শাহাবুদ্দীন | ||||||
আবুল হোসেন | ||||||
মোজাম্মেল হক | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
28. তুমি না বলেছিলে আগামীকাল আসবে? এখানে ‘না’ – এর ব্যবহার কি অর্থে? | ||||||
না-বাচক | ||||||
হ্যাঁ-বাচক | ||||||
প্রশ্নবোধক | ||||||
বিস্ময়সূচক | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
29. কোনটি অনুজ্ঞা? | ||||||
তুমি গিয়েছিলে | ||||||
তুমি যাও | ||||||
তুমি যাচ্ছিলে | ||||||
তুমি যাচ্ছ | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
30. Who has directed the film ‘Polashi Theke Dhanmondi’? | ||||||
Tarek Masud | ||||||
Chashi Nazrul Islam | ||||||
Abdul Gaffar Choudhury | ||||||
Mostofa Sarwar Farooki | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
31. The time limit for achieving Millennium Development Goal (MDG) is - | ||||||
2010 | ||||||
2015 | ||||||
2020 | ||||||
2021 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
32. You are the student of Dhaka University. Your have computer and internet connection. From PC, your browse the e-commerce web and submit and order through online using your international credit card to purchase 50 books. This type Transaction is Known as | ||||||
B2B | ||||||
C2B | ||||||
B2G | ||||||
B2C | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
33. Radcliffe line is a boundary line between _____. | ||||||
India and Bangladesh | ||||||
India and China | ||||||
India and Pakistan | ||||||
India and Nepal | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
34. To find the average value of A1, A2, A3. Which of the following is not a correct formula? | ||||||
=sum(A1:A2)/2 | ||||||
=(A1:A2)/3 | ||||||
=(A1+A2+A3)/3 | ||||||
=Average (A1:A3) | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
35. Who was the finance minister at the time of Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971? | ||||||
A. H. M. Kamaruzzaman | ||||||
Captain M. Mansur Ali | ||||||
Syed Nazrul Islam | ||||||
Dr. Kamal Hossain | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
36. Which one of the following figure is from the rest three? | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
37. A student loses 1 mark for every wrong answer and scores 2 marks for every correct answer. If the answers all the 60 questions in an exam and scores 39 marks. How many of them were correct? | ||||||
33 | ||||||
31 | ||||||
27 | ||||||
37 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
38. It is impossible for the earth to - | ||||||
move round the sun | ||||||
be the nearest planet of the sun | ||||||
have lights on it | ||||||
be the most important planet of the solar system | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
39. The planet having no moon is _____. | ||||||
Mercury | ||||||
Pluto | ||||||
Venus | ||||||
Neptune | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
40. Difference in the way men and women process language are of special interest to brain researchers. It is known that ‘aphasia’ a kind of speech disorder, is more common in men than in women when the left side of the brain is damaged in an accident or after a stroke. However, women are more likely than men to suffer ‘aphasia’ when the from part of the brain is damaged. The idea implied in the above passage is - | ||||||
Brain damaged can be caused by an accident | ||||||
Brain of men and women are organized differently in the way they process speech. | ||||||
Both sides of the brain are responsible for speech organization | ||||||
Brain researchers are locked in argument over the process of language development | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
41. If f(x) = x² + - 1, then which of the following is correct? | ||||||
f(0) = ∞ | ||||||
f(1) = -1 | ||||||
f(1) = 0 | ||||||
f(-1) = -1 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
42. Select an appropriate term that completes the series L p F, N q G, P r H, R s I, _____ | ||||||
m p m | ||||||
T t J | ||||||
t T j | ||||||
T T J | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
43. In a certain code, A WAKE is written as ZVZJD. How is FRIEND written in that code? | ||||||
EQHDMF | ||||||
UOHDMF | ||||||
UHODMF | ||||||
FMDHOU | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
44. Find the missing number? | ||||||
10 | ||||||
25 | ||||||
50 | ||||||
100 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
45. When the diameter of a circle is trebled, the are is multiplied by how many times? | ||||||
3 | ||||||
6 | ||||||
9 | ||||||
12 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
46. ‘কর্মভোগ এড়ানো যায় না’ – এখানে ‘কর্ম’ কোন অর্থ প্রকাশ করেছে? | ||||||
পেশা | ||||||
অনুষ্ঠান | ||||||
কৃতকর্ম | ||||||
কর্তব্য | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
47. Which county won the CopaAmerica-2015 football tournament trophy? | ||||||
Brazil | ||||||
Argentina | ||||||
Chile | ||||||
Mexico | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
48. বাংলা ভাষা কোন শব্দ দুটি গ্রহন করেছে চীনা ভাষা হতে? | ||||||
চাকু, চাকর | ||||||
খদ্দর, হরতাল | ||||||
চা, চিনি | ||||||
রিক্সা, রেস্তোরা | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
49. কোনটি সঠিক? | ||||||
একাত্তরের দিনগুলো (উপন্যাস) | ||||||
বিদ্রোহী (কাব্যগ্রন্থ) | ||||||
পথের দাবী (উপন্যাস) | ||||||
গোরা (নাট্যগ্রন্থ) | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
50. What is the difference of largest and smallest prime number between 60 and 80? | ||||||
8 | ||||||
12 | ||||||
18 | ||||||
140 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
51. Which of the following sweeteners does not provide any energy to the body? | ||||||
Fructose | ||||||
Glucose | ||||||
Maltose | ||||||
Saccharin | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
52. When did India recognize the independence of Bangladesh? | ||||||
6 December, 1971 | ||||||
26 March, 1971 | ||||||
16 December, 1971 | ||||||
14 December, 1971 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
53. The ‘Roof of the world’ is _____. | ||||||
The Alps | ||||||
The Andes | ||||||
The Apennines | ||||||
The Pamir Plateau | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
54. Unless new reserves are found, the world’s supply of coal is being depleted in such a way that with demand continuing to grow at present rate, reserves will be exhausted by the year 2015. What is the best conclusion that can be drawn from the above paragraph? | ||||||
It is time to search for alternative | ||||||
Demand for coal is growing fast | ||||||
World’s coal reserve is declining | ||||||
New reserves of coal would be found before 2050 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
55. ‘বাবুর্চি’ কোন ভাষার শব্দ? | ||||||
তুর্কি | ||||||
আরবি | ||||||
ফারসি | ||||||
উদু | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
56. If 20 percent of a number 12.8, then what is the number? | ||||||
80 | ||||||
50 | ||||||
40 | ||||||
9 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
57. The first tribal cultural academy Bangladesh is established in - | ||||||
Rangamati | ||||||
Cox’s Bazar | ||||||
Netrokona | ||||||
Rangpur | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
58. Suppose cells A5 AND B5 contain the values 35000 and 100 respectively. In cell C5, If you apply the formula = If (A5 < ≥ 20000, B5 × 10%, B5 × 20%). What will be the result in C5? | ||||||
20 | ||||||
7000 | ||||||
35000 | ||||||
10 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
59. ‘আবোল-তাবোল’ কার লেখা? | ||||||
উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায় চৌধুরী | ||||||
দক্ষিণারঞ্জন মিত্র মজুমদার | ||||||
সুকুমার রায় | ||||||
সত্যজিৎ রায় | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
60. 1 MHz = ? | ||||||
Hz | ||||||
Hz | ||||||
Hz | ||||||
Hz | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
61. Which one word cannot be formed from the letters of the word ‘CHOREOGRAPHY”. | ||||||
GEOGRAPHY | ||||||
GRAHP | ||||||
OGRE | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
62. Which of the following technology is used by Bluetooth operations? | ||||||
Magnetic | ||||||
Optical | ||||||
Radio Frequency | ||||||
Laser | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
63. Who is the founder of the social networking site “Facebook”? | ||||||
Bill Gates | ||||||
Tim Barnes Lee | ||||||
Andy Grove | ||||||
Mark Zuckerberg | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
64. কোনটি রবীন্দ্রনাথের রচনা? | ||||||
চতুষ্পদী | ||||||
চতুষ্কোণ | ||||||
চতুরঙ্গ | ||||||
চতুদর্শী | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
65. ভাষার মূল উপাদান হচ্ছে - | ||||||
বর্ণ | ||||||
শব্দ | ||||||
ধ্বনি | ||||||
বাক্য | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
66. To find a document file that Starts with ‘N’, which one of the following is the correct search option? | ||||||
*.* | ||||||
*.doc | ||||||
N.doc | ||||||
N*.doc | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
67. Which of the following countries is suffering from server debt crisis? | ||||||
Ireland | ||||||
Greece | ||||||
Spain | ||||||
USA | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
68. Nobody believes a man who lacks confidence in his ability. None should sit idle and shirk his duty on the plea that it is beyond his power to do without the help of others. Such a man always falls behind. He meets failures and suffers in the long run. So dependence on others on others is a greater curse. The above passage suggests that everyone should possess the virtue of - | ||||||
punctuality | ||||||
dignity | ||||||
boldness | ||||||
self-reliance | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
69. To display one line in multiple cell you will have to select | ||||||
Merge cells check box | ||||||
Warp text check box | ||||||
Shrink to fit check box | ||||||
None of the above | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
70. Who scored the highest runs in the recently held Bangladesh-South Africa one day series? (year 2015) | ||||||
Mustafizur Rhaman | ||||||
Soumya Sarkar | ||||||
Shakib Al Hasan | ||||||
Tamim Iqbal | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
71. Which international organization recently declared Bangladesh as lower middle income country? | ||||||
IMF | ||||||
OECD | ||||||
WB | ||||||
ADB | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
72. Spot the odd man out. | ||||||
Electricity | ||||||
Coal | ||||||
Wood | ||||||
Gas | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
73. What will be the formula = Max (Average (B1,B2), Product (B1: B4) where the value of B1 = 26, B2 = 30, B3 = 12 and B4 = 2. | ||||||
28 | ||||||
24 | ||||||
26 | ||||||
672 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
74. A number for each figures are given from 1 to 9. Find out the best method of classification and identify this amongst the four alternatives. | ||||||
(1, 3, 5) (2, 6, 9) (4, 7, 8) | ||||||
(2, 3, 4)(5, 6, 8)(9, 1, 7) | ||||||
(1, 3, 5)(2, 6, 8)(4, 7, 9) | ||||||
(3, 2, 4)(6, 5, 8)(7, 9, 1) | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
| ||||||
75. Jafar paid Tk. 100 tax. If X was his income then which of the following statements is true? | ||||||
6000 < X < 8,000 | ||||||
4,000< X < 6,000 | ||||||
0 < X < 4,000 | ||||||
All of the above | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
76. A person who has an income of Tk. 10,000 pays what percent of his or her income in taxes? | ||||||
2% | ||||||
2.2% | ||||||
2.5% | ||||||
3% | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
77. Your income for a year is Tk. 26,000. You receive a raise so that next year’s income will be Tk. 29,000. How much more will you pay in taxes year if the tax rate remains the same? | ||||||
Tk. 75 | ||||||
Tk. 80 | ||||||
Tk. 125 | ||||||
Tk. 150 | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below: City high school must put together a debating team consisting of four debaters. There are candidates of equal ability: X, Y and Z who are all seniors; and A, B and C and D who are all juniors. The school requires that there should be two seniors and two juniors in the team. It is also necessary that all of the debaters be able to work with one another. i)Debaters Y and A cannot work together. ii)Debaters Z and C cannot work together. iii) Debaters A and B cannot work together. | ||||||
78. If debater A is in the term, which other debaters must be in the team as well? | ||||||
X, Z and D | ||||||
X, Y and B | ||||||
X, Y and B | ||||||
X, Z and C | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
79. If debater B is selected and debater Y is rejected, the team will consist of which four? | ||||||
X, Z, A and B | ||||||
X, Z, D and B | ||||||
X, Z, C and B | ||||||
None of these | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
80. If both Y and Z are selected, which of the other debaters must be in the team with them? | ||||||
Both C and D | ||||||
Only D | ||||||
Both B and A | ||||||
Both B and D | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. | ||||||
81. Euphonious | ||||||
strident | ||||||
significant | ||||||
stated | ||||||
distasteful | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
82. Ulterior | ||||||
tipped | ||||||
sparkling | ||||||
stated | ||||||
rampaging | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
83. Laconic | ||||||
wicked | ||||||
verbose | ||||||
milky | ||||||
fragrance | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
84. Craven | ||||||
greedy | ||||||
generous | ||||||
coward | ||||||
brave | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word to make the sentence meaningful. | ||||||
85. He had to repent _____ what he had done. | ||||||
at | ||||||
of | ||||||
over | ||||||
for | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
86. The bureaucrat was ____ for his role in the scam. | ||||||
reinstated | ||||||
criticized | ||||||
indicted | ||||||
identified | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
87. He is usually calm, but today he appears rather ______ . | ||||||
disturbed | ||||||
restless | ||||||
unwell | ||||||
ill | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
88. Not ____ of milk, even water was not there. | ||||||
talk | ||||||
speak | ||||||
mention | ||||||
discuss | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error. | ||||||
89. opinions have been on the likely of the | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
90. Many children cannot full from toys for nondisabled children. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
91. Passive smoking is as the of to tobacco smoke. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
. | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
For each question, there are four alternatives. Choose the one which can be best substituted for the given words. | ||||||
92. A sneering person who always finds faults - | ||||||
Cynic | ||||||
Cupid | ||||||
Kleptomaniac | ||||||
Crone | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
93. A speech made without preparation - | ||||||
Prepared | ||||||
Debate | ||||||
Extempore | ||||||
Elocution | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
94. A short journey for pleasure - | ||||||
Jaunt | ||||||
Voyage | ||||||
Travelling | ||||||
Walking | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
95. An instrument for measuring the force of the wind - | ||||||
Manometer | ||||||
Micrometer | ||||||
Hydrometer | ||||||
Anemometer | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
In each of the following questions, there are four different spellings of a common word. Choose the correct one. | ||||||
96. . | ||||||
Borucracy | ||||||
Bureaucracy | ||||||
Bruocracy | ||||||
Bureaucrasy | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
97. . | ||||||
Diaroea | ||||||
Diarhorea | ||||||
Diarroea | ||||||
Diarrhoea | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
98. . | ||||||
Amautre | ||||||
Amature | ||||||
Ametuer | ||||||
Amateur | ||||||
Ans. | ||||||
99. . | ||||||
Lisense | ||||||
Licence | ||||||
License | ||||||
Licence | ||||||
Ans. |
Total Question : | 99 |
Total Hit : | 0 |
Correct : | 0 |
Wrong/Cheat : | 0 |