Read Agrani Bank Limited Senior Officer 2013 (1) Exam
1. “সংশয়” শব্দটির বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি?
(a) প্রত্যয়
(b) বিস্ময়
(c) নিঃসয়
(d) নির্ভয়
(e) দ্বিধা
Ans. a
2. Select a word that may be considered antonym of ‘coherent’.
(a) external
(b) trapped
(c) permanent
(d) temporary
(e) illogical
Ans. e
3. In opening an L/C, a bank requires that a certain percent of the value of goods to be imported under the L/C is paid to the bank in advance. This part/proportion of payment is known as
(a) L/C Commission
(b) L/C signing money
(c) L/C guarantee
(d) L/C protection money
(e) L/C margin
Ans. e
4. Unsolicited commercial e-mail is commonly known as
(a) junk
(b) hoaxes
(c) spam
(d) hypertext
(e) virus
Ans. c
5. The goal of a pure market economy is to best meet the desires of
(a) citizens
(b) government
(c) business
(d) customers
(e) workers
Ans. d
6. Which of the following is not the function of the central bank?
(a) management of foreign exchange rate
(b) implementation of government monetary policy
(c) implementation of national budget
(d) management of public debt
(e) issue of currencies
Ans. c
7. কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
(a) সকল সভ্যগণ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(b) সকল সভ্য এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(c) সকল সভরা এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(d) সকল সভ্যগন এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
(e) সভ্যগণ এখানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন
Ans. e
8. A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km and returns at 30 km per hour. What is his average speed for the whole journey in km per hour?
(a) 35
(b) 37
(c) 37.5
(d) 40
(e) 42.5
Ans. c
9. The rent of a guest house was Tk. 50 per day for first three days Tk. 100 per day for next 5 days and Tk. 300 per day for other days. The registration fee in the beginning is Tk. 50. If one has to pay Tk. 1300, for how many days he availed of this facility?
(a) 10
(b) 12
(c) 15
(d) 8
(e) 9
Ans. a
10. The average of Selim’s marks in 7 subjects is 7.5. His average in subjects excluding Science is 72. How many marks did he get in Science?
(a) 72
(b) 90
(c) 93
(d) 98
(e) 86
Ans. c
11. Which of the following is an open source operating system?
(a) Vista
(c) DOS
(d) Windows XP
(e) JAVA
Ans. b
12. The act adopted for prevention of use and transfer of money illegally is called
(a) Illegal Money Transfer Act
(b) Money Laundering Prevention Act
(c) Improper Money Use and Transfer Act
(d) Money Use and Transfer Act
(e) Money Laundering Act
Ans. b
13. A third of Karim’s marks in Mathematics exceeds a half of his marks in Social Studies by 30, if Karim got 240 marks in the two subjects together, how many marks did in Social Studies?
(a) 88
(b) 98
(c) 132
(d) 122
(e) 116
14. Which of the following is the largest trading block in the world?
(c) EU
(d) WTO
Ans. c
15. Which of the following extensions is used for picture files stored in computer?
(a) exe
(b) jpg
(c) doc
(d) xls
(e) ppt
Ans. b
16. What does LED stand for?
(a) large and extended display
(b) light emitting diode
(c) light enable dot
(d) large electronic display
(e) large electric display
Ans. b
17. Which of the following represents examples of an IT input device, output and storage device respectively?
(a) bar code reader, CD drive, projector
(b) keyboard, monitor, hard disc
(c) printer, DVD drive, joystick
(d) printer, mouse, monitor
(e) RAM, webcam, speakers
Ans. b
18. The difference between a bank’s rate of interest on lending to its prime customers and the rate of interest that it pays to others on borrowings (demand, time or savings deposits) is called
(a) profit rate
(b) margin rate
(c) income rate
(d) interest spread
(e) balance
Ans. a
19. কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
(a) মনমুগ্ধকর
(b) মনোমুগ্ধকর
(c) মনঃমুগ্ধকর
(d) মনোঃমুগ্ধকর
(e) মনোমুগ্ধঃকর
Ans. b
20. If “x” men can do a work in 8 days and “x + 4” men can do it in 6 days, what is the value of “x”?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 12
(e) 16
Ans. d
21. “দিন ও রাতের সন্ধিক্ষণ” এর এককথায় প্রকাশ -
(a) পূর্বাহ্ন
(b) গোধূলি
(c) সন্ধ্যা
(d) সায়াহ্ন
(e) অপরাহ্ন
Ans. b
22. “শিরে সংক্রান্তি” -র সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি?
(a) মহাবিপদ
(b) আসন্ন বিপদ
(c) মাথা যন্ত্রনা
(d) মাথায় বোঝা
(e) শুভ সংবাদ
Ans. b
23. “সত্য কথা বলিনি তাই বিপদে পড়েছি”- কোন শ্রেণীর বাক্য?
(a) সরল
(b) জটিল
(c) মিশ্র
(d) যৌগিক
(e) সাধু
Ans. d
24. Select a word that may be considered synonym of ‘inadvertent’.
(a) unintentional
(b) inadequate
(c) inertia
(d) inundate
(e) ingest
Ans. a
25. In dividing a sum of money, the eldest of three brothers got 2 5 th it and the youngest got Tk. 120. What was the total sum in Tk. If the amount received by the other brother was 1 3 rd of the total?
(a) 98
(b) 100
(c) 108
(d) 110
(e) 200
26. What is the meaning of CC used in mail
(a) close copy
(b) copy circulated
(c) confidential copy
(d) carbon copy
(e) copy carried
Ans. d
27. A toy was bought for Tk. 75 and sold at a gain of 8%. What was its selling price in Tk.?
(a) 78
(b) 81
(c) 80
(d) 84
(e) 85
Ans. b
28. What is the unit of measurement for drive access time?
(a) nanoseconds
(b) seconds
(c) microseconds
(d) picoseconds
(e) milliseconds
Ans. e
29. “তামার বিশ” বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
(a) গভীর আঘাত
(b) ধাতব পদার্থের আঘাত
(c) পুরানো ক্ষত
(d) অর্থের কুপ্রভাব
(e) কারও সুনামে জ্বলা
Ans. d
30. Which of the following is the apex body of the private sector business community in Bangladesh?
(a) DCCI
(c) DSE
(e) Appex International
Ans. b
31. In a garden, there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango tree. The distance between two trees is 2 meters and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden. What is the length of the garden?
(a) 20 m
(b) 22 m
(c) 24 m
(d) 26 m
(e) 18 m
Ans. a
32. What function does F1 stand for in most computers?
(a) help
(b) save
(c) save as
(d) cut-past
(e) copy-paste
Ans. a
33. Who is the current Director General of WTO? (year 2013)
(a) Pascal Lamy
(b) Micheline Rey
(c) Jim Young Kim
(d) Robert Zoellic
(e) Paul Wolfositz
Ans. a
34. A water reservoir is 1 5 th full and requires 20 liters more to make it 3 5 th full. What is the capacity of the reservoir (in liters)?
(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 60
(d) 50
(e) 45
Ans. d
35. A common form of inter-bank short-term borrowing is
(a) LTR
(b) Hypo
(c) L/C
(d) CC
(e) Call Money
Ans. e
36. Devaluation of Taka is likely to increase
(a) tariff
(b) tax
(c) import
(d) export
(e) trade
Ans. c
37. CAMEL rate is a system that
(a) rank camels according to their quality
(b) ranks camels according to their price
(c) allows banks to operate in a country
(d) ensures compliance to Basel II
(e) assigns a numerical rating to bank
Ans. e
38. If a man’s salary is 20% more than that of his son, how many per cent is the son’s salary if compared to the salary of his father?
(a) 75
(b) 80
(c) 83
(d) 85
(e) 87
Ans. c
39. A woman is 30 times older than her son. 18 years later she will be thrice as sold as her son. What is the woman’s present age in years?
(a) 30
(b) 35
(c) 36
(d) 40
(e) 48
Ans. d
40. “অনিল” শব্দের অর্থ কি?
(a) রাত্রি
(b) বাতাস
(c) শুদ্ধ
(d) আঁধার
(e) অরণ্য
Ans. b
41. Which one of the following is the fastest data transmission on media?
(a) twisted pair cable
(b) coaxial cable
(c) cat-5
(d) fiber optic able
(e) cat-6
Ans. d
42. Who is the founder of WikiLeaks?
(a) Julian Wikileaks
(b) Bill Gates
(c) Michael Assange
(d) Julian Assange
(e) Steve Jobs
Ans. d
43. What does BIA stand for?
(a) Bangladesh insurance Association
(b) Bank for international Assistance
(c) Bangladesh insurance Authority
(d) Board of investment Act
(e) Bangladesh insurance Academy
Ans. ae
44. The three colors of the pixel of color monitors are
(a) red, green and yellow
(b) red, green and blue
(c) red, green and black
(d) yellow, green and blue
(e) black, blue and brown
Ans. b
45. The number of marbles in Amin’s collection is 80% of the number in Rahim’s collecting. If Rahim has 80 more marbles than Amin, how many marbles do they have altogether?
(a) 720
(b) 120
(c) 135
(d) 400
(e) 320
Ans. a
46. Which of the following are government issued currencies?
(a) One and Two Taka notes and coins
(b) One, Two and Five notes and coins
(c) Ten, Twenty and Fifty Taka notes and coins
(d) 100 and 500 Taka notes
(e) 1000 Taka notes
Ans. a
47. Chips are made of millions of tiny parts/switches known as
(a) etches
(b) transistors
(c) charges
(d) electrons
(e) protons
Ans. b
48. Find the word that does not match in meaning of ‘grateful’.
(a) appreciate
(b) thankless
(c) gratitude
(d) indebted
(e) owe
Ans. b
49. The Chittagong Stock Exchange was established in
(a) 1990
(b) 1993
(c) 1995
(d) 1998
(e) 1999
Ans. c
50. “দশে মিলে করি কাজ” বাক্যটিতে “দশে” কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
(a) কর্তৃকারকে দ্বিতীয়া
(b) সম্প্রদান কারকে সপ্তমী
(c) কর্তৃকারকে চতুর্থী
(d) কর্তৃকারকে সপ্তমী
(e) কর্মকারকে সপ্তমী
Ans. d
51. What is the value of x if 4 x + 3 5 = 10 x ?
(a) 50
(b) 12
(c) 40
(d) 10
(e) 60
Ans. d
52. If 3a + 5b = 10 and 5a + 3b = 30, what is the average (arithmetic mean) of a and b?
(a) 4
(b) 2.5
(c) 3.5
(d) 4.5
(e) 3
Ans. b
53. If product of two sequential positive odd numbers is 255, what are those numbers?
(a) 11, 13
(b) 13, 15
(c) 13, 17
(d) 15, 17
(e) 15, 19
Ans. d
54. Which of the following locations has been proposed for establishment of IT Village of Bangladesh?
(a) Rajshi
(b) Jessore
(c) Comilla
(d) Chittagong
(e) Barisal
Ans. b
55. বাক্যের ক্ষুদ্রতম অংশ কোনটি?
(a) বর্ণ
(b) ধ্বনি
(c) শব্দ
(d) চিহ্ন
(e) অনুসর্গ
Ans. c
56. The Geneva Convention deals with
(a) women’s rights
(b) peace and conflict
(c) international trade
(d) arms trafficking
(e) conduct of war
Ans. b
57. The average of Selim’s marks in 7 subjects is 75. His average in six subjects excluding Science is 72. How many marks did he get in Science?
(a) 72
(b) 90
(c) 93
(d) 98
(e) 86
Ans. c
58. If x : y = 5 : 3, then (8x – 5y):(8x + 5y) = ?
(a) 3 : 12
(b) 8 : 13
(c) 3 : 11
(d) 5 : 11
(e) 5 : 13
Ans. d
Identify the incorrect word in the given sentences.
59. Mithila intends to starting her won software business in a few years.
(a) intends
(b) starting
(c) software
(d) a
(e) few
Ans. b
60. Do you know the student who books were stolen?
(a) Do
(b) know
(c) who
(d) were
(e) stolen
Ans. c
Read the few paragraphs below and answer that follow:
Airbus says it has turned the corner after a crisis connected to production problems and turmoil in the boardroom at its A380 super-jumbo project that has gone on for the past year. Speaking at the Paris air show, Louis Gallols, CEO of the European planemaker, said, “Airbus is back” Airbus, which announced a raft of orders on the first day of the show, is competing with Boeing, its American rival, for the title of the largest planemaker in the world.
Boeing is expected to reveal the numbers of orders for its 787 Dreamliner soon. Airbus orders unveiled on Monday included Qatar Airways confirming a $16bn order for 80 A350 Airbus planes and ordering three A380 super-jumbos for about $750m. Boeing and Airbus are also competing for orders form aircraft leasing firms. Orders from these companies – who rank highly among the biggest global buyers of aircraft – are often regarded as an indication of how successful a model will be in the long term. Airbus also secured order from US Airways that are worth $10bn for 22 of its A350 jets, 60 A320s and ten of its A330-200 wide body planes.
A few months ago, Airbus unveiled a major cost-cutting program aiming to reduce the workforce in Europe by 10,000, as well as announcing a group restricting. “I can tell you with full confidence that Airbus is back and fully back, as you have started nothing yesterday as demonstrated by our first day announcements,” said Mr. Gallois on the second day of the air show. However, Boeing also announced a deal with General Electric (GE) on the show’s first day. GE’s commercial aviation service placed an order for six 777 Boeing freighters valued at around $1.4bn, to be delivered in the last quarter of 2008.
A Wall Street Journal website report, quoting the Delta operating chief yesterday said that Delta Air Lines were on the verge of ordering as many as 125 Boeing 787 jetliners by the end of this year. However, a spokesman for Delta later said that it had been having conversation “with several aircraft makers” and that “no final decision” had been made on future fleet purchases.
Choose the correct set of words to complete the sentence.
61. The problems at Airbus
(a) turned into crisis
(b) are well on their way to being sorted out
(c) are back again
(d) are far from resolved
(e) have been resolved completely
Ans. e
62. Boeing
(a) announced sales of the Dreamliner
(b) will sell some Dreamliners to General Electric
(c) will sell some Dreamliners to Delta Air Lines
(d) will sell Dreamliners to Wall Street
(e) Does not have any final decision on sale of Dreamliners
Ans. b
63. US Airways
(a) placed an order for the new Super-Jumbo
(b) did not place an order for the new super-jumbo
(c) may have placed an order for the new Super-Jumbo
(d) ordered 60 wide body planes
(e) ordered placed order worth more than $10bn
Ans. b
64. On Monday, Qatar Airways ordered
(a) 350 Airbus planes
(b) 380 Super-Jumbos
(c) 350 Airbus and 380 Super-Jumbos
(d) 80 planes
(e) planes about $750
Ans. a
65. On the first day of the show, Airbus announced
(a) a significant fall in orders
(b) a significant increase in orders
(c) a worrying disruption in orders
(d) order for $750m
(e) order for $16bn
Ans. d
Select the best word/set of word to fill in the blank.
66. The concert will begin ___ fifteen minutes.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) with
(d) about
(e) by
Ans. e
67. The movie was _____ the book.
(a) as
(b) as good
(c) good as
(d) as good as
(e) good in
Ans. d
68. We were ____ friend in that strange but magical country.
(a) among
(b) upon
(c) toward
(d) have
(e) looking
Ans. e
69. It is so noisy that I con not concentrate ____ my homework.
(a) in
(b) to
(c) for
(d) into
(e) on
Ans. b
70. My friend ____ to pick you up if you do no phone her.
(a) forgot
(b) will forget
(c) may forget
(d) can forget
(e) shall forget
Ans. b
71. His friend mourned ___ the death ___ his mother.
(a) on, over
(b) for, of
(c) over, of
(d) of, of
(e) on, of
Ans. e
72. Can you put me ____ for the weekend?
(a) in
(b) up
(c) away
(d) down
(e) only
Ans. c
73. Ms. Selina ____ rather not invest that money in the stock market.
(a) has to
(b) could
(c) would
(d) must
(e) ought
Ans. c
74. Everyone should respect the teachers, shouldn’t ____?
(a) I
(b) me
(c) you
(d) he
(e) they
Ans. e
75. The critics had to admit that the ballet ____ was superb.
(a) performance
(b) pathology
(c) trading
(d) procrastinate
(e) service
Ans. a