Read Rupali Bank Limited Officer 2010 Exam
1. শূন্যস্থান পূরণ: 'কাঁটা হেরি ক্ষান্ত কেন___ তুলিতে।'
(a) কুসুম
(b) পুষ্প
(c) গোলাপ
(d) ফসল
(e) কমল
Ans. e
2. The first government of Bangladesh was formed in
(a) February 1971
(b) March 1971
(c) April 1972
(d) April 1971
(e) December 1971
Ans. d
3. The next SAARC Summit will held in
(a) Maldives
(b) India
(c) Pakistan
(d) Bangladesh
(e) Sri Lanka
Ans. a
4. Rahim takes 20 minutes to inspect a car. Karim need only 18 minutes to do the same. If they both start inspecting cars at 8 a.m. what would be the first time when they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
(a) 10 pm
(b) 11 pm
(c) 12 pm
(d) 1 pm
(e) 2 pm
Ans. b
5. The synonym of the word 'honorary' is
(a) part-time
(b) optional
(c) elective
(d) voluntary
(e) irregurlar
Ans. d
6. The headquarters of the Asian Development Bank is in
(a) Manila
(b) Bangkok
(c) Jakarta
(d) Kualalampur
(e) Hong Kong
Ans. a
7. Which country raked the top in 2009 corruption concept index?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Somalia
(c) Afghanistan
(d) Myanmar
(e) Sudan
Ans. b
8. 'তামার-বিষ' বাগধারার অর্থ:
(a) অর্থের কুপ্রভাব
(b) কারো সুনামে জ্বলা
(c) গভীর আঘাত
(d) পুরানো ক্ষত
(e) ধাতব পদার্থের আঘাত
Ans. a
9. ব্যর্থ শব্দটির সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ:
(a) ব্য + অর্থ
(b) বি + আর্থ
(c) বি + অর্থ
(d) ব্যা + অর্থ
(e) বিঃ + অর্থ
Ans. c
10. If 40% of all women are voters and 52%of population are women, what percentage of population are women voters?
(a) 19.2
(b) 20.8
(c) 26.4
(d) 40
(e) 42
Ans. b
11. If 10% deposit paid towards the purchase of a certain product is Tk. 1000, how much more in taka remains to be paid?
(a) 880
(b) 990
(c) 1100
(d) 900
(e) 870
12. 'যার কোনো মূল্য নেই' একে বাগধারা দিয়ে প্রকাশ করলে কী হবে?
(a) ঢাকের বাঁয়া
(b) তুলসী বনের বাঘ
(c) ডাকাবুকা
(d) তামার বিষ
(e) রাঘব বোয়াল
Ans. a
13. কোন বানানটি সঠিক?
(a) ধাঁধাঁ
(b) ঔষধ ধরা
(c) লাইন ধরা
(d) ধাঁধা
(e) ধাদা
Ans. b
14. Tk. 206 is divided among x, y and z in such a way that y gets Tk. 6 more than x and z gets twice the amount got by x. What amount (in Tk.) is received by y?
(a) 48
(b) 52
(c) 56
(d) 36
(e) 62
Ans. c
15. দ্যুলোক শব্দের সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ:
(a) দু+লোক
(b) দ্বি + লোক
(c) দিব + লোক
(d) দুই + লোক
(e) দৈব + লোক
Ans. c
16. What is the name of the biggest festival in the CHT to welcome the Bangla News Years?
(a) Boishakhi
(b) Boishabi
(c) Punnya
(d) Falguni
(e) Barshabaran
Ans. b
17. Niagara Falls in located in
(a) Asia
(b) Africa
(c) North America
(d) South America
(e) Australia
Ans. c
18. A person needs 5 boards, each 3 feet 8 inches long but wood is not sold in fraction of a feet. What is the minimum length of wood, in feet, he must buy?
(a) 20
(b) 18
(c) 19
(d) 17
(e) 15
19. 'শুক্তি" শব্দটির অর্থ -
(a) মাছ
(b) স্বচ্ছ
(c) সুতোর কাজ
(d) ঝিনুক
(e) বিশুদ্ধ
Ans. d
20. 'সারেং বৌ' বইটির লেখক কে?
(a) বেগম রোকেয়া
(b) জীবনান্দ দাস
(c) শহীদুল্লাহ কায়সার
(d) আবু ইসহাক
(e) জসীমউদ্দিন
Ans. c
21. The idiom 'hit upon' means:
(a) find
(b) fall down
(c) suddenly meet
(d) get excited
(e) get injured
Ans. c
22. Son’s age is one-third of father’s age. In 12 years from now son’s age will be one-half of the father age. What is the age of the son at present?
(a) 6
(b) 10
(c) 24
(d) 12
(e) 28
Ans. c
23. The first semi-final match of the World Cup Football 2010 will be held in
(a) Cape Town
(b) Durban
(c) Johannesburg
(d) Port Elizabeth
(e) Pretoria
Ans. a
24. I expect that Selim will come round in a week. Here 'come round' means.
(a) come back
(b) complete recover
(c) get married
(d) meet all
(e) recover
Ans. e
25. 'সম্পূর্ণরূপে বিবেচনা করা হয় নাই এমন' -এটিকে এক শব্দে প্রকাশ করা যায় কোন শব্দে?
(a) অসমীক্ষিত
(b) অসমাপ্ত
(c) অসমর্থিত
(d) অসম্পৃক্ত
(e) অসম্পূর্ণ
Ans. b
26. কোনটি শুদ্ধ?
(a) সৌজন্ন
(b) সৌজন্নতা
(c) সৌজন্যতা
(d) সৌযন্য
(e) সৌজন্য
Ans. e
27. The term 'cereal' is used to mean
(a) fish
(b) grain
(c) series
(d) order
(e) queue
Ans. b
28. What type of organization is NATO?
(a) Economic
(b) Environmental
(c) Political
(d) Historic
(e) Military
Ans. e
29. An amount is first discounted by 20% and then discounted again by 12.5%. What is the single discount in percentage?
(a) 20
(b) 28
(c) 30
(d) 25
(e) 26
Ans. c
30. 'চাবি' শব্দটি কোন ভাষা থেকে এসেছে?
(a) পর্তুগিজ
(b) আরবি
(c) ফারসি
(d) ইংরেজি
(e) ওলন্দাজ
Ans. a
31. What is the number of cabinet ministers in the present cabinet of the Government of Bangladesh?
(a) 38
(b) 24
(c) 30
(d) 26
(e) 23
N.B. According to January 2013-the number of cabinet ministers are 32.
32. The opposite of the word 'terminate' is
(a) depart
(b) prevent
(c) change
(d) begin
(e) conclude
Ans. d
33. Pipe A can fill up a tank in 40 minutes and pipe B can fill up the same tank in 30 minutes, how many minutes will it take for the two pipes together to fill up the tank?
(a) 10
(b) 15
(c) 17 1 7
(d) 18 4 7
(e) 24
Ans. c
34. কোন কবিকে স্বভাব কবি নামে অভিহিত করা হয়?
(a) সুকান্ত
(b) মুকুন্দ দাস
(c) গোবিন্দ চন্দ্র দাস
(d) আলাওল
(e) আবদুল করিম
Ans. c
35. 'অনিল" শব্দের অর্থ:
(a) বাতাস
(b) গাছ
(c) কোকিল
(d) আকাশ
(e) হাল্কা নীল
Ans. a
36. Figure was reached by first multiplying a number by 4 and then dividing the product by 100. The figure can be obtained by dividing the original number by
(a) 0.04
(b) 0.25
(c) 0.40
(d) 2.5
(e) 25
Ans. e
37. A person can travel form Dhaka to Faridpur in 5 different ways and then come back in any of these ways. How many different routes are possible for him to go to Faridpur and come back?
(a) 10
(b) 9
(c) 25
(d) 20
(e) 16
Ans. c
38. Which sector has the largest share in the GDP of Bangladesh?
(a) industry
(b) garments
(c) manpower export
(d) agriculture
(e) trade
Ans. a
39. The average of x and y is 40 and that of y and z is 35. What is the value x-z?
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 30
(d) 20
(e) 25
Ans. b
40. The main purpose of merchant banking is to contribute to the development of
(a) industry and commerce
(b) trade and investment
(c) capital market
(d) competitive market
(e) merchants and businesses
Ans. c
41. Which country scored the highest number of goals in the last Word Cup Football Tournament?
(a) Spain
(b) Brazil
(c) Germany
(d) Italy
(e) Brazil
Ans. c
42. কোন শব্দটি 'সক্রিয় হওয়া' অর্থ জ্ঞাপক?
(a) ঔষধ ধরা
(b) লাইন ধরা
(c) ঠোঁট কাটা
(d) ধাঁধা
(e) গাদা
Ans. a
43. ISBN is related to
(a) Book and publication
(b) TV channel
(c) Greenhouse
(d) UN force
(e) Patents
Ans. a
44. One-half a pole is deep into the soil under water, one-third of it is above the soil under water and 2 meters of is it above the water level. What is the total length of the pole (in meter)?
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(e) 16
Ans. c
45. চক্ষু দান করা অর্থ:
(a) সাহায্য করা
(b) চোখের চিকিৎসা
(c) মৃত্যুর পর চক্ষু দান
(d) চুরি করা
(e) লজ্জার মাথা খাওয়া
Ans. d
46. Which bank is authorized to operate as representative of Bangladesh Bank for many purpose?
(a) Sonali
(b) Janata
(c) Agrani
(d) Rupali
(e) BDBL
Ans. a
47. Product is sold at discount by 8%. By how much percentage (approximately) the original price was higher than the discounted price?
(a) 8
(b) 8.3
(c) 8.5
(d) 8.7
(e) 8.9
Ans. d
48. The rainfall in January and February was 2.5 inches and 4.0 inches respectively. What was the percentage in rainfall in February?
(a) 60
(b) 35
(c) 45
(d) 50
(e) 40
Ans. a
49. What would be the next number in the series: 5+11+19+29+…?
(a) 41
(b) 35
(c) 61
(d) 37
(e) 51
Ans. a
50. What is the national symbol of Japan?
(a) Rose
(b) Dragon
(c) Chrysanthemum
(d) Lilly flower
(e) Water Lilly
Ans. c
Fill in the blanks
51. I met a person ___ I never saw earlier.
(a) who
(b) that
(c) which
(d) whom
(e) whose
Ans. d
52. He is envious____ my prosperity.
(a) in
(b) for
(c) of
(d) by
(e) about
Ans. c
53. Yesterday I went there with a view to ___ a pen.
(a) buy
(b) buying
(c) have bought
(d) bought
(e) had bought
Ans. b
54. Credit the amount ___ my account
(a) in
(b) of
(c) with
(d) to
(e) against
Ans. d
55. He is taller than___
(a) me
(b) mine
(c) I
(d) I am
(e) my
Ans. c
56. We are sure ___ his success.
(a) for
(b) of
(c) about
(d) in
(e) on
Ans. b
Find the correct sentence
57. .
(a) Open at the page five
(b) Open page five
(c) Open at page five
(d) Open page at five
(e) Open the page five
Ans. c
58. .
(a) Forty miles is a long way
(b) Forty miles is long way
(c) Forty miles is a long way
(d) Forty miles are a long way
(e) Forty miles are long way
Ans. c
59. .
(a) Rich is not always happy
(b) The rich is not always happy
(c) The rich are not always happy
(d) The rich is always not happy
(e) Riches are not always happy
Ans. c