Read Sonali Bank Limited Senior Officer 2013 Exam
1. Which one is not a member country of G-7?
(a) Japan
(b) Sweden
(c) Italy
(d) Canada
Ans. b
2. সন্ধি ব্যাকরণের কোন অংশের আলোচ্য বিষয়?
(a) পদক্রম
(b) রূপতত্ত্ব
(c) ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব
(d) বাক্য প্রকরণ
Ans. c
3. The term dot per inch (dpi) refers to
(a) Speed
(b) Resolution
(c) Output
(d) Colors
Ans. b
4. In most applications “F1” stands for?
(a) Save
(b) Save as
(c) Help
(d) Cut-Paste
Ans. c
5. Which one is both input and output device?
(a) Plotter
(b) Touch Screen
(c) Printer
(d) OMR
Ans. b
6. “আমার সন্তান যেন থাকে দুধে ভাতে” – এই প্রার্থনা কার?
(a) ভার দত্ত
(b) চাঁদ সওদাগর
(c) নলকুবের
(d) ঈশ্বরী পাটুনী
Ans. d
7. In an email address “aaa@bbb.ccc”, portion “bbb” indicates?
(a) Domain name
(b) TPC/IP
(c) Domain type
(d) Protocol name
Ans. a
8. কোন কবিতা রচনার কারণে কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের কারাদন্ড হয়েছিল?
(a) বিদ্রোহী
(b) অগ্র পথিক
(c) কান্ডারী হুশিয়ার
(d) আনন্দময়ীর আগমনে
Ans. d
9. Which of the following sentence is correct?
(a) Another big question is what exactly Alibaba’s Big Data strategy?
(b) Another big question is what exactly is Alibaba’s Big Data strategy?
(c) Another big question what exactly' is Alibaba’s Big Data strategy?
(d) Another big question is what is exactly Alibaba's Big Data strategy?
Ans. D
10. The type of internet connection might be compared to a regular telephone call, in term of its duration:
(a) Baseband
(b) Broadband
(c) Dial up
(d) Satellite
Ans. c
11. বিজ্ঞান শব্দের “বি” উপসর্গ কি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত?
(a) বিশেষ
(b) গতি
(c) সাধারণ
(d) বিবিধ
Ans. a
12. Which of the following word is not correctly spelled?
(a) Obssession
(b) Enthusiasm
(c) Insomnia
(d) Extroversion
Ans. a
13. Which country does include ‘the Cape of Good Hope’?
(a) Morocco
(b) Ethiopia
(c) South Africa
(d) Namibia
Ans. c
14. The meaning of PRSP is
(a) Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
(b) Poverty Reduction Strategy Program
(c) People Reduction Strategy Program
(d) Population Reduction Strategy Program
Ans. a
15. Health experts say people still need moderate to vigorous exercise, which has been Shown to reduce risks of cardiovascular disease and other disorders. Which of the following is, closer in meaning to vigorous?
(a) Lethargic
(b) Sluggish
(c) Lengthy
(d) Energetic
Ans. d
16. বাংলা উপন্যাস সাহিত্যধারার প্রতিষ্ঠাতা পুরুষ হলেন -
(a) বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়
(b) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
(c) কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম
(d) প্যারীচাঁদ মিত্র
Ans. a
17. Which of the following is not ab Arab country?
(a) Iraq
(b) Egypt
(c) Iran
(d) Syria
Ans. c
18. Which type of ROM is used in pen drive?
(a) Mask ROM
(b) EP ROM
(c) CD ROM
Ans. d
19. Which of the following sentence is correct?
(a) Results suggest that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks, associated with too much sitting.
(b) Results which suggest that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.
(c) Results suggest that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much sitting.
(d) Results suggesting that exercise alone may not be enough to eliminate risks associated with too much-sitting.
Ans. c
20. Which must do to return compressed files to their original state
(a) Extract
(b) Archive
(c) Zip
(d) Delete
Ans. a
21. ln which district is the Dohagram enclave located?
(a) Kustia
(b) Rangpur
(c) Lalmonirhat
(d) Kurigram
Ans. c
22. In data communication which device converts digital data to analog signal?
(a) Router
(b) Modem
(c) Switch
(d) HUB
Ans. b
23. Which one is a layer 3 (Network Layer) protocol?
(a) UDP
(b) DNS
(c) TCP
(d) IP
Ans. d
24. “শিখা” পত্রিকা কোন সংগঠনের সঙ্গে যুক্ত?
(a) মুসলিম বাংলা
(b) বঙ্গীয় মুসলীম সাহিত্য পরিষদ
(c) এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি
(d) মুসলিম সাহিত্য সমাজ
Ans. d
25. Identify the correct sentence:
(a) Studying the development of quokkas and crows is one way to go beyond just-so stories in, trying understand how we got human.
(b) Studying the development of quokkas and crows are one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying to understand how got to be human.
(c) Studying the development of quokkas and crows is one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying to understand how we got to be human.
(d) Studying the development of quokkas and crows are one way to go beyond just-so stories in trying to understand how we got human.
Ans. C
26. “রাবণের চিতা” বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
(a) চির অশান্তি
(b) অনিষ্টে ইষ্ট লাভ
(c) অরাজক দেশ
(d) সামান্য কিছু ঝগড়া করা
Ans. a
27. Which one is not a branch institution of World Bank?
(a) IBRD
(b) lMF
(c) IDA
(d) IFC
Ans. b
28. What does the term SCSI stands for
(a) Small Computer Software Interface
(b) Small Computer System Interface
(c) Small Computer Storage Interface
(d) Small Computer Standard Interface
Ans. b
29. In a flowchart, a diamond generally stands for
(a) Start/End
(b) Decision
(c) Processing
(d) Input/Output
Ans. d
30. North and South Korea are divided by the -
(a) 17th parallel
(b) 30th parallel
(c) 38th parallel
(d) 18th parallel
Ans. c
31. (1111110)2 = (?)10
(a) 256
(b) 511
(c) 510
(d) 512
Ans. c
32. Which of the following device doesn’t use scanning as a first step in its working principle?
(a) plotter
(b) ORC
(c) MICR
(d) Bar Code Reader
Ans. c
33. When was the water treaty signed between Bangladesh and India?
(a) 26 March 1944
(b) 12 December 1996
(c) 17 March 1995
(d) 16 December 1997
Ans. b
34. Which types of interface allow connect, control musical instruments to computer?
(a) MIDI
(b) DIMI
(c) DIIM
(d) MDII
Ans. a
35. Which of the following crosses Bangladesh?
(a) The equator.
(b) The tropic of Capricorn
(c) The tropic of Cancer
(d) The 38th parallel
Ans. c
36. The file extension, EXE generally refers to what kind of file?
(a) Excel file
(b) Audio file
(c) Executable file
(d) MS Excess file
Ans. c
37. Every web page has a unique address called:
(a) http
(b) Uniform Resource Locator
(c) Hypertext
(d) Hyperlink
Ans. b
38. “দশে মিলে করি কাজ” বাক্যে “দশে” কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
(a) কর্তৃকারকে ৭মী
(b) সম্প্রদান কারকে ৭মী
(c) কর্তৃকারকে ২য়া
(d) কর্তৃকারকে ৪র্থী
Ans. a
39. Which of the following is a synonym of acceleration?
(a) Hastening
(b) Slackening
(c) Braking
(d) Slowing down
Ans. a
40. মতিচুর, পদ্মরাগ, অবরোধবাসিনী প্রভৃতি রচয়িতা কে?
(a) বেগম সুফিয়া কামাল
(b) বেগম রোকেয়া সাখাওয়াত হোসেন
(c) বেগম শামসুন নাহার
(d) বেগম সেলিনা হোসেন
Ans. b
41. In which year did the French Revolution begin
(a) 1799
(b) 1789
(c) 1773
(d) 1997
Ans. b
42. Common keyboard arrangement is called?
Ans. d
43. “কমলাকান্তের দপ্তর” কোন শ্রেণীর রচনা?
(a) উপন্যাস
(b) রম্য রচনা
(c) প্রবন্ধ
(d) ভ্রমন কাহিনী
Ans. b
44. Which of the following sentence correctly uses punctuations?
(a) China already has three profound interests in Central Asia, in securing supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe, and in ensuring stability in its own.
(b) China already, has three profound interests in Central Asia: in securing supplies of energy, in the land route to Europe and, in ensuring stability in its own.
(c) China already has three profound interests in Central Asia-in securing supplies of energy; in the land route to Europe and, in ensuring, stability in, its own.
(d) China already has three profound interests in, Central Asia: in securing supplies of energy; the land route of Europe; and in ensuring stability in its own.
Ans. d
45. Which of the following sentence correctly uses punctuations?
(a) Singapore's "Gini coefficient", the best-known economic measure of income disparity - is the second highest in the developed "world.
(b) Singapore's "Gini coefficient" - the best-known economic measure of income disparity; is the second highest in the developed world.
(c) Singapore's "Gini coefficient": the best known economic measure of income disparity; is the second highest in the developed world.
(d) Singapore's "Gini coefficient" : the best known economic measure of income disparity : is the second highest in the developed world.
Ans. a
46. A RAM chip is labeled as “2M×16”. What is the world-size of the RAM?
(a) 2 Bytes
(b) 16 Bytes
(c) 2 × 16 MB
(d) 8 bits
Ans. c
47. Elaboration of VIRUS is
(a) Versatlle Information Research Under Seize
(b) Vital information Resource Under Seize
(c) Volume of information Resource under Seize
(d) Video information Resource Under-Seize
Ans. b
48. Which one is an application package?
(a) DOS
Ans. a
Question : Each of the following sentence is incorrect.
49. Identify the word that has been incorrectly used.
Planned a Parenthood may describe b itself as a heart organization, Real c but in it is an Ideological d outfit.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
50. Which word is not correctly spelled in the flowing sentence?
Neither fiscal cliff a , nor any other sequester b Washington chicanery c can derail an American recovery that looks like may be hitting its strid d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. d