Subject Mathematics
1151. The next number in the sequence 3, 6, 11, 18, 27, ……. is
(a) 34
(b) 36
(c) 38
(d) 40
(e) None of them
Ans. c
1152. The man loses Tk. 55.50 yearly when the annual rate of interest falls from 11.5% to 10%. His capital is:
(a) tk. 3700
(b) tk. 7400
(c) tk. 8325
(d) tk. 11,100
(e) None of them
Ans. a
1153. The number of different signals which can be given from 6 flags of different colours taken one or more at a time is:
(a) 1958
(b) 1956
(c) 16
(d) 64
(e) None of them
Ans. e
1154. If xy = 2 and x y 2 = 8, what is the value of x?
(a) 1 2
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 8
(e) 16
Ans. a
1155. If a and b are integers greater than 100 such that a + b = 300. Which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?
(a) 9 to 1
(b) 5 to 2
(c) 5 to 3
(d) 4 to 1
(e) 3 to 2
Ans. e
1156. What is the H.C.F of the numbers 36, 54, and 90?
(a) 6
(b) 9
(c) 12
(d) 18
(e) None of them
Ans. d
1157. Quantity A = ( 9 13 ) 2 (%)2 and Quantity B=(%)2 _ 1 is a
(a) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(b) Relationship indeterminate
(c) Quantity B is greater
(d) Quantity A is greater
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1158. Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is 36. The average cost 7 apples and 8 mangoes is 48 taka. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.
(a) 1044
(b) 2088
(c) 720
(d) 324
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1159. The present ages of A and B are in the ratio 6 : 4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio 5 : 3. Find their present ages.
(a) 42, 28
(b) 36, 24
(c) 30, 20
(d) 25, 15
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1160. 3.003 2.002 = ?
(a) 1.05
(b) 1.50015
(c) 1.501
(d) 1.5015
(e) 1.5
Ans. e
1161. A predator is chasing its prey. The predator takes 4 leaps for every 6 leaps of the prey and the predator covers as much distance in 2 leaps as 3 leaps of the prey. Will the predator succeed in getting its food?
(a) Yes
(b) In the 6th leap
(c) Never
(d) Can't be determined
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1162. Quantity A= 4 100 W and Quantity B = 0.012 3
(a) Quantity B is greater
(b) Quantity A equals Quantity B
(c) Quantity A is greater
(d) Relationship indeterminate
(e) None of these
Ans. c
1163. If u > t, r > q, s > t, t > r, which of the followings must be true?
I. u > s II. s > q III. u > r
(a) I on1y
(b) II on1y
(c) III on1y
(d) I and II on1y
(e) II and III on1y
Ans. e
1164. Three math classes, X, Y, and Z, take an algebra test. The average, score in class X is 83. The average score in class Y is 76. The average score in class Z is 85. The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79. The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81. What is the average for all the three classes?
(a) 81
(b) 81.5
(c) 82
(d) 84.5
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1165. Hasan sold an article for 56 taka which cost him x taka. If he had gained x% on his outlay, what was his cost?
(a) 4o taka
(b) 45 taka
(c) 28 taka
(d) 28 taka
(e) None of these
Ans. a
1166. (6)(20) + 245 5   = ?
(a) 4 20
(b) 24
(c) 25
(d) 13
Ans. d
1167. If log 1 a = 1, what is the base?
(a) a 2
(b) a -1
(c) a
(d) 10
Ans. c
1168. Given , x 3 +3 x 3 + 4, find the value of x.
(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 4
Ans. b
1169. The area of a rectangle is 200 sq. meter. If the length is twice the breadth, what is the perimeter of the rectangle?
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 60
(d) None of these
Ans. c
1170. Perimeter of a rectangle is 200 meter. it width is 3 7 of its length. What is the length in meter?
(a) 60
(b) 50
(c) 90
(d) 70
Ans. d
1171. A company makes a profit of 5% on its first Tk. 1000 of sales each day, and 4% on all sales in excess of Tk. 1000 for the day. What would be the profit of the company in a day when sales are Tk. 6000?
(a) 200
(b) 225
(c) 250
(d) 255
Ans. c
1172. How much interest will Tk. 2000 earn at an annual rate of 10% in one year if the interest in compound every 6 months?
(a) 200
(b) 210
(c) 220
(d) None of these
Ans. d
1173. The monthly salary of a person is increased by 10% in one month, but is decreased by 10% in the next month. What is the percentage increase in his original salary?
(a) 0% increase
(b) 2% decrease
(c) 5% increase
(d) None of these
Ans. d
1174. Average age of three brothers is 16 years. Average age of these brothers along with their father is 25 years. What is the age of their father?
(a) 42
(b) 52
(c) 41
(d) 45
Ans. b
1175. If a number of divisible by 102, then it is also divisible by?
(a) 23
(b) 11
(c) 5
(d) 2
Ans. d