Subject Mathematics
1451. Rahim will be x years old y years from now. How old was he z years ago?
(a) x + y + z
(b) x + y - z
(c) x – y - z
(d) y – x - z
Ans. c
1452. If Sakib drove at 60 miles per hour for 2 hours, how far did he go in the last 20 minutes?
(a) 120 miles
(b) 40 miles
(c) 36 miles
(d) 20 miles
Ans. d
1453. At Uttara High School each student studies exactly one foreign language. Three-fifth of the students take Spanish, and one-fourth of the remaining students take German. If all of the others take French, what percent of the students take French?
(a) 10
(b) 30
(c) 20
(d) 25
Ans. b
1454. The average of 10 numbers is -10. If the sum of 6 of them is 100, what is the average of the other 4?
(a) -100
(b) -50
(c) 0
(d) 50
Ans. b
1455. On a certain French-American committee, 2 3 of the members are men, and 3 8 of the men are Americans. If 3 5 of the committee members are French, what fraction of the members are American women?
(a) 2 5
(b) 3 4
(c) 3 20
(d) 2 15
Ans. c
1456. At 3 AM the temperature was 13° below zero. By noon, it had risen to 32°. What was the average hourly increase in temperature?
(a) ( 19 9
(b) ( 19 6
(c) 5°
(d) 7.5°
Ans. a
1457. If -7 ≤ x ≥ 7 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 12, what is greater possible of y – x?
(a) -19
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 19
Ans. d
1458. If ( 7 a )( 7 b ) = 7 c 7 d , what is d in terms of a, b and c?
(a) c ab
(b) c – a - b
(c) a + b - c
(d) c - ab
Ans. b
1459. In January, the value of a stock increased by 25%, and February, it decreases by 20%. How did the value of the stock at the end of February compare with its value at the beginning of January?
(a) It was less
(b) It was the same
(c) It was 5% greater
(d) It can into determined from the information given
Ans. b
1460. On a test consisting of 80 questions, Nasir answered 75% of the first 60 questions correctly. What percent of the other 20 questions does he need to answer correctly for his grade of the entire examination to be 80%?
(a) 85%
(b) 90%
(c) 95%
(d) 100%
Ans. c
1461. The population of a country doubled every 10 years from 1960 to 1990. What was the percent increase in population during this time?
(a) 200%
(b) 300%
(c) 700%
(d) 800%
Ans. c
1462. A hospital has enough pills on hand to treat 10 Patients for 14 days. How ling will the pills last if there are 35 paitents?
(a) 7 days
(b) 6 days
(c) 5 days
(d) 4 days
Ans. b
1463. If x is positive and y = 5x² = 3, which of the following is an expression for x in terms of y?
(a) y 5 - 3
(b) y - 3 5
(c) y - 3 5
(d) y - 3 5
Ans. b
1464. Avi drove from his home to college at 60 miles per hour. Returning over the same rout, there was a lot of traffic, and he was only able to drive at 40 miles per hour. If the return trip took 1 hour longer, how many miles did he drive each way?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 120
(d) 240
Ans. c
1465. Let A be the set of primes less than 6, and B be the set of positive odd numbers less than 6. How many different sums of the form a + b are possible, if a is in A and b is in B?
(a) 6
(b) 7
(c) 8
(d) 9
Ans. b
1466. A research computed the mean, the median and the standard deviation for a set of performance scores. If 6, are to be added to each score, which of these three statistics would change?
(a) The man only
(b) The median only
(c) The standard deviation only
(d) The mean and the median
Ans. d
1467. Which of the following is the value of √ (0.000064) 1 3
(a) 0.004
(b) 0.008
(c) 0.02
(d) 0.2
Ans. d
1468. What is the area of an equilateral triangle whose sides are 10?
(a) 30
(b) 25√3
(c) 50
(d) 50√3
Ans. b
1469. If the angles of a five-sided polygon are in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 5 : 5, what is the measure of the smallest angle?
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 60
(d) 80
Ans. a
1470. If A is the area and C the circumference of a circle, which of the following is an expression for A in terms of C?
(b) 4Π²
(c) 2c
(d) 2c²√Π
Ans. a
1471. একটি সংখ্যা ৩০১ হতে যত বড় ৩৮১ হতে তত ছোট। সংখ্যাটি কত?
(a) ৩৪০
(b) ৩৪১
(c) ৩৪২
(d) ৩৪৪
Ans. b
1472. f(x) = x 3 + k x 2 - 6x – 9; k – এর মান কত হলে f(3) = 0 হবে?
(a) 1
(b) -1
(c) 2
(d) 0
Ans. d
1473. বৃত্তের কেন্দ্র ছেদকারী জ্যা – কে কী বলা হয়?
(a) ব্যাস
(b) ব্যাসার্ধ
(c) বৃত্তাচাপ
(d) পরিধি
Ans. a
1474. একটি জারে দুধ ও পানির অনুপাত ৫ : ১। দুধের পরিমাণ যদি পানি অপেক্ষা ৮ লিটার বেশি হয় তবে পানির পরিমাণ কত?
(a) ২ লিটার
(b) ৪ লিটার
(c) ৬ লিটার
(d) ১০ লিটার
Ans. a
1475. A special lottery is to be held to select the student who will live in the only deluxe room in a dormitory. There are 100 seniors, 150 juniors, and 200 sophomores who applied. Each senior’s name is placed in the lottery 3 times; each junior’s name 2 times; and each sophomore’s, 1 times. What is the probability that a senior’s name will be chosen?
(a) 1 8
(b) 2 9
(c) 2 7
(d) 3 8
(e) None of these
Ans. d