Subject Science & Technology |
| 301. ‘Green house effect’ means - | |
| (a) Prevention from ultraviolet radiation by the ozone layer | |
| (b) Pollution in house in tropical region | |
| (c) Trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide | |
| (d) None of these | |
| Ans. c | |
| 302. BIOS is a - | |
| (a) Hardware | |
| (b) Software | |
| (c) Firmware | |
| (d) Humanware | |
| Ans. c | |
| 303. Which one is utility Software? | |
| (a) MS Word | |
| (b) MS Excel | |
| (c) McAfee | |
| (d) Windows 98 | |
| Ans. c | |
| 304. Bolometer is used to measure - | |
| (a) Frequency | |
| (b) Temperature | |
| (c) Velocity | |
| (d) Wavelength | |
| Ans. d | |
| 305. সবচেয়ে কঠিন পদার্থ - | |
| (a) সোনা | |
| (b) রুপা | |
| (c) হীরা | |
| (d) প্লাটিনাম | |
| Ans. c | |
| 306. ইলেকট্রন কে আবিস্কার করেন? | |
| (a) রাদারফোর্ড | |
| (b) নীলস বোর | |
| (c) থমসন | |
| (d) নিউটন | |
| Ans. c | |
| 307. মানবদেহে অক্সিজেন পরিবহন হয় কোন অঙ্গের মাধ্যমে? | |
| (a) মস্তিষ্ক | |
| (b) রক্ত | |
| (c) হৃৎপিন্ড | |
| (d) ফুসফুস | |
| Ans. c | |
| 308. ফল কৃত্রিমভাবে পাকানোর জন্য ব্যবহৃত গ্যাস - | |
| (a) এ্যাসিটিলিন | |
| (b) ইথার | |
| (c) ইথাইলিন | |
| (d) এ্যাসোনিয়া | |
| Ans. c | |
| 309. Who developed the small pox vaccination? | |
| (a) Eduard Jenner | |
| (b) Alexander Fleming | |
| (c) Albert Einstein | |
| (d) Isaac Newton | |
| (e) None of these | |
| Ans. a | |
| 310. Greenhouse generally remains – from it external environment. | |
| (a) cool | |
| (b) bright | |
| (c) green | |
| (d) warm | |
| Ans. d | |
| 311. The process of fragmentations of DNA its Genetic Engineering is known as - | |
| (a) Electro-synthesis | |
| (b) Electrophoresis | |
| (c) Electro-analysis | |
| (d) Electrolysis Palestine | |
| Ans. b | |
| 312. Lunar eclipse occurs on - | |
| (a) A new moon day | |
| (b) A full moon day | |
| (c) A half moon day | |
| (d) both a & b | |
| Ans. b | |
| 313. Which of the following crops helps in nitrogen fixation? | |
| (a) Rice | |
| (b) Wheat | |
| (c) Beans | |
| (d) Maize | |
| Ans. c | |
| 314. Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerization of - | |
| (a) Methane | |
| (b) Styrene | |
| (c) Acetylene | |
| (d) Ethylene | |
| Ans. d | |
| 315. Which one of the following is a water soluble vitamin – | |
| (a) Vitamin A | |
| (b) Vitamin C | |
| (c) Vitamin D | |
| (d) Vitamin K | |
| Ans. b | |
| 316. The disease ‘Diphtheria’ affects – | |
| (a) Lungs | |
| (b) Intestine | |
| (c) Throat | |
| (d) Body Joints | |
| Ans. c | |
| 317. Which of the following is not an example of operating system? | |
| (a) Windows 98 | |
| (b) BSD Unix | |
| (c) Linux | |
| (d) Microsoft Office XP | |
| Ans. d | |
| 318. A black hole is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its. | |
| (a) very small size | |
| (b) very large size | |
| (c) very high density | |
| (d) very low density | |
| Ans. c | |
| 319. Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of - | |
| (a) total internal reflection | |
| (b) interference | |
| (c) diffraction | |
| (d) polarization | |
| Ans. a | |
| 320. Under whose leadership was the Genome of Jute invented? | |
| (a) Maksudul Alam | |
| (b) Mahbubul Alam | |
| (c) Abed Chowdhruy | |
| (d) Geegor Mendel | |
| Ans. a | |
| 321. Milk is Pasteurized in order to – | |
| (a) destroy micro-organism | |
| (b) enhance taste and flavour | |
| (c) increase its food value | |
| (d) detect adulteration | |
| Ans. a | |
| 322. The process of fragmentation of DNA in Genetic Engineering is known as – | |
| (a) Electrosynthesis | |
| (b) Electrophoresis | |
| (c) Electroanalysis | |
| (d) Electrolysis | |
| Ans. b | |
| 323. মানবদেহে মোট অস্থির সংখ্যা কতটি? | |
| (a) ২১২ টি | |
| (b) ২১০ টি | |
| (c) ২০৮ টি | |
| (d) ২০৬ টি | |
| Ans. d | |
| 324. নিচের কোন্ রোগটি ভিটামিন বি-১ এর অভাবে হতে পারে? | |
| (a) স্কার্ভি | |
| (b) বেরিবেরি | |
| (c) বিকেটস | |
| (d) কোনটিই নয় | |
| Ans. b | |
| 325. ‘Bluetooth’ নিচের কোন প্রযু্ক্তি ব্যবহার করে? | |
| (a) Magnetic | |
| (b) Optical | |
| (c) Laser | |
| (d) Radio frequency | |
| Ans. d | |