Subject Analytical Ability
In the following items each passage consists of six sentences. The first and the sixth sentence are given in the beginning (S1 & S6). The middle four sentences of each passage have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find out the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark accordingly on the Answer Sheet.
401. S1: The hall darkened.
S6: And then father taught the girl arithmetic.
S6: And then father taught the girl arithmetic.
P:After all that, his father came on the screen.
Q: And then a little girl came up and the spoke to her used to speak to Sambu.
R: He was wearing just the dhoti and shirt he used to wear at home.
S: Sambu sat through the trailers and slide advertisements without enthusiasm.
The proper sequence should be-
(a) Q R P S
(b) S P R Q
(c) Q P R S
(d) S R PQ
(e) None of these
Ans. b
402. Which of the following is not leap year?
(a) 700
(b) 800
(c) 1200
(d) 2000
403. At 3.40, the hour hand and the minute hand of a form an angle of:
(a) 120°
(b) 125°
(c) 130°
(d) 135°
Ans. a
404. What comes next in the series given?
Layer 1 ?
(a) Layer 1
(b) Layer 1
(c) Layer 1
(d) Layer 1
Ans. c
405. Six years ago, Rahim was P times as old as Kalam was. If Rahim is now 17 years old, how old is Kalam now in terms of P?
(a) 11 P + 6
(b) P 11 + 6
(c) 17 - P 6
(d) 17 P
Ans. a
406. Point A is 10 miles West of Point B. Point B is 30 miles North of Point C. Point C is 20 miles East of Point D. What is the distance (in miles) between Point A and Point D.
(a) 10√10
(b) 10√20
(c) 20√10
(d) 30√10
(e) 30√2
Ans. a
407. P starts jogging from point X to point Y. 30 minutes later his friend R who jogs 1 km/hour slower than twice P’s rate starts from the same point and follows the same path. If R overtakes P in 2 hours, how many kilometers will R have covered?
(a) 2.2 km
(b) 3.33 km
(c) 4 km
(d) 6 km
(e) 6.67 km
Ans. b
408. M is a girl and has the same number of brothers as sisters. N is a boy and has twice as many sister as brothers. M and N are the children of Q. How many children does Q have?
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 5
(d) 7
(e) 8
Ans. d
409. Forty tiles of dimensions 1 foot × 2 foot each required to completely cover a floor. How many tiles of dimensions 2 foot × 4 foot each would be required to completely cover the same floor?
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 80
(d) 160
(e) 320
Ans. a
410. Fiaz’a father has five sons namely Ten, Twenty, Thirty and Forty. What is the name of the fifth son?
(a) Fifty
(b) Forty Five
(c) Hundred
(d) Fiaz
(e) None of these
Ans. d
411. The language Q has the following properties:
* ABC is the base word.
* If C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the code word to generate another word.
Which one of the following is a code word in language Q?
(a) CAB
(b) BCA
(c) AA
(d) ABA
(e) None of these
Ans. a
412. Q is as much younger than R as he is older than T. If the sum of the ages of R and T is 50 years, what is definitely the difference between R and Q’s age?
(a) 1 year
(b) 25 year
(c) 2 year
(d) Data inadequate
Ans. d
Read the following information and answer the questions.
413. All employees who will be promoted by the company will receive higher salaries. Some of the employees who will be promoted by the company are higher skilled, others are mainly are merely competent, and still others are bunglers.
If the statements above are true, which of the following statements must also be true?
(a) Some of those who are promoted by the company do not receive higher salaries.
(b) Some of those who are not promoted by the company receive higher salaries.
(c) Both highly skilled employees and bunglers will receive higher salaries.
(d) All employees who receive higher salaries will be given promotions
Ans. c
414. Any truthful auto mechanic will tell you that standard 5,000 miles checkup can detect only other one-fifth of the problems which are likely to go wrong with your car. Therefore, such a checkup is virtually worthless and a waste of time and money.
Which of the following statements, if true, would weaken the above conclusion?
I.       Those problems which the 5,000 miles checkup turn are the ten leading cause of major engine failure.
II    For a new car, a 5,000 miles checkup is required to protect with owner’s warranty.
III  During a 5,000 miles checkup the mechanic also performs routine maintenance which is necessary to the proper functioning of the car.
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I, II and III
(d) II and III only
Ans. c
415. What comes in the place of question mark in the following?
Layer 1 ?
(a) Layer 1
(b) Layer 1
(c) Layer 1
(d) Layer 1
Ans. a
Choose the correct answer on the basis of the given information.
The dean of a college must appoint a committee consisting of a least three students but no more than five students to prepare a report on the college’s fresh-man orientation program. The list of candidates includes three women who are juniors, two women who are seniors, one man who is junior, and one man who is a senior.
The committee must include at least one man.
The committee must include at least one senior.
The committee cannot include all three seniors.
The committee cannot include all four juniors.
If the committee includes the man who is a junior, then it must also include at least one of the women who are juniors.
416. Which of the following is an acceptable committee?
(a) Three women who are juniors
(b) Two women who are juniors and the two women who are seniors
(c) The two women who are juniors and the man who is a junior
(d) Two women who are juniors, the man who is a junior, and one women who is a senior.
Ans. d
417. If exactly five students are selected for the committee, the committee must include exactly
(a) one woman who is senior
(b) two seniors
(c) two men
(d) three juniors who are women
Ans. b
418. If the only man selected for the committee is the senior, which of the following must be true?
(a) The committee consists of exactly four students.
(b) The remaining members of the committee are juniors
(c) The committee includes one women who is a senior plus the three women who are juniors.
(d) Either the committee includes one woman who is a senior and at least one woman who is a junior, or the committee includes at least two women who are juniors.
Ans. c
419. If the three women who are juniors are selected for the committee of the following must also be included?
(a) The man who is a junior
(b) The man who is a senior
(c) One woman is a senior
(d) One woman is a senior and the man who is a senior
Ans. b
420. If SUMMER is coded as RUNNERS, the code for WINTER will be -
Ans. b
421. Which number should replace the question mark “?”.
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) 7
Ans. a
422. Find the number of triangles in the given figure.
Layer 1
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
Ans. b
In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then consider the two conclusions together and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in statement.
Given answer:
a) If only conclusion I follows
b) If only conclusion II follows
c) If either I or II follows
d) If neither I nor II follows.
423. Statements: The T.V. programmes, telecast specially for women are packed with variety of recipes and household hints. A major portion of magazines for women also contains the items mentioned above.
i.     Women are not interested in other things.
ii.   An average woman’s primary interest lies in home and specially in the kitchen.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
424. Statements: Modern man influences his destiny by the choice he makes unlike in the past.
i.     Earlier there were fewer options available to man.
ii.   There was no desire in the post to influence the destiny.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
Answer the questions based on the following information.
From among six boys A, B, C, D, E and F and five girls P, Q, R, S and T, a team of six be selected under the following conditions:
*. A and D have to be together.
*. C cannot go with S.
*. S and T have to be together.
*. S and T have to be together.
*. B cannot be teamed with E.
*. D cannot go with P.
*. B and R have to be together.
*. C and Q have to be together.
425. If there be five boys in the team, the lone girl member is
(a) P
(b) Q
(c) R
(d) S
Ans. b