Subject English
101. The people who carray a coffin at a funeral are called _____.
(a) Undertakers
(b) Supporters
(c) Pallbearers
(d) Mourners
Ans. c
102. The bad news struck him like a bolt from the _____.
(a) sky
(b) havens
(c) firmament
(d) blue
Ans. d
103. What is the synonym of 'Delude'?
(a) Demand
(b) Permit
(c) Aggravate
(d) Deceive
Ans. d
104. What is the antonym of 'Queer'?
(a) Integrated
(b) Orderly
(c) Abnormal
(d) Odd
Ans. b
105. It is too difficult to tolerate bad temper for long. which of the following phrases does best replace 'tolerate' in the above sentence?
(a) cope up with
(b) put up with
(c) stand up for
(d) pull on with
Ans. b
106. Fill in the blanks :
What is the time _____ your watch?
(a) by
(b) in
(c) at
(d) with
Ans. a
107. Fill in the blanks:
“Give my _____ to him”.
(a) Warm compliment
(b) Compliments
(c) Best compliment
(d) Heartiest compliment
Ans. b
108. Choose the correct sentence:
(a) Let he and you be witnesses
(b) Let you and him be witnesses
(c) Let you and he be witnesses
(d) Let you and he be witness
Ans. b
109. Choose the correct one
(a) Mispel
(b) Misspell
(c) Mispell
(d) Misspel
Ans. b
110. 'Sky' is to 'bird' as 'water' is to -
(a) feather
(b) fish
(c) boat
(d) lotus
Ans. b
111. New programs will be _____ next week in Bangladesh Television?
(a) telecast
(b) published
(c) telecasted
(d) broadcasted
Ans. a
Choose the right word to fill the blank:
112. It will be your task to sure the _____ of traffic is maintained without interruption.
(a) circulation
(b) current
(c) procession
(d) flow
Ans. d
113. The Democratic party's candidate _____ defeat in the small hour of the morning.
(a) consented
(b) agreed
(c) accepted
(d) granted
Ans. c
114. Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have _____ ones.
(a) different
(b) separate
(c) complete
(d) lonely
Ans. b
115. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase:
He ___ arrested if he had tried to leave the country.
(a) would
(b) could be
(c) would have been
(d) must be
Ans. c
116. Fill in the blank with the correct phrase:
___ your shoes before entering the mosque.
(a) put out
(b) put off
(c) put away
(d) put on
Ans. b
117. Identify the correct synonym for the word 'Magnanimous'
(a) generous
(b) unkind
(c) revengeful
(d) friendly
Ans. a
118. Identify the correct passive from of -
'He is going to open a shop.'
(a) He is being gone to open a shop
(b) A shop is being gone opened by him
(c) A shop will be opened by him
(d) A shop is going to be opended by him
Ans. d
Identify the correct preposition -
119. The tree has been blown _____ by the storm.
(a) away
(b) up
(c) off
(d) out
Ans. c
Complete the sentence with correct verb from:
120. Neela _____ her hand when she was cooking dinner.
(a) is burring
(b) burnt
(c) will burn
(d) was burning
Ans. b
Identify the correct preposition -
121. The police is looking _____ the case.
(a) after
(b) on
(c) up
(d) into
Ans. d
122. The Arabain Nights _____ still a great favourite.
(a) has
(b) are
(c) is
(d) were
Ans. c
Select the right word:
123. He ran fast lest he _____ miss the train.
(a) can
(b) should
(c) could
(d) has
Ans. b
Identify the correct preposition -
124. He is devoid _____ common sense.
(a) of
(b) from
(c) introduction
(d) at
Ans. a
Identify the correct passive from of -
125. "Who will do the work?"
(a) Who will be done the work?
(b) Who will done the work
(c) By whom will the work be done?
(d) Whom will the work be done?
Ans. c