Subject Mathematics
576. Quantity A = Time to travel 95 miles per hour; and Quantity B = Time to travel 125 miles at 60 miles per hour.
(a) Quantity A is greater
(b) Quantity a equals Quantity B
(c) Quantity B is greater
(d) Relationship indeterminate
(e) None of these
Ans. c
577. In a class composed of x girls and y boy what part of the class is composed of girls?
(a) y x + y
(b) x xy
(c) x x + y
(d) y xy
(e) None of these
Ans. c
578. r > s > 0; Quantity A = rs r and Quantity B = rs s
(a) Quantity in A is greater
(b) Quantity in B is greater
(c) The two quantities are equal
(d) The relationship indeterminate
(e) None of these
Ans. b
579. What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can cream?
(a) 16
(b) 24
(c) 30
(d) 64
(e) None of these
Ans. d
580. There are 200 questions on a 3-hour examination. Among these questions 50 are mathematics problems. It is suggested that twice as much as spent on each math problem as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problem?
(a) 36
(b) 72
(c) 60
(d) 100
(e) None of these
Ans. b
581. If x = 2y +3 and y =-2; Quantity A = x and Quantity B = -1
(a) Quantity A is greater
(b) Quantity B is greater
(c) The two quantities are equal
(d) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
(e) None of these
Ans. c
582. In a group of 15, 7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin Greek?
(a) 0
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) None of these
Ans. b
583. If 13 = 13w 1 - w , then (2w) 2 = ?
(a) 1 4
(b) 1 2
(c) 1
(d) 2
(e) None of them
Ans. d
584. Your doctor gives you 3 pills to take one for every half hour. How long does it require to take all the pills?
(a) Half Hour
(b) One Hour
(c) One and Half Hour
(d) Two Hour
(e) None of these
Ans. b
585. A is the window of B. B & C were the only children of E. C is unmarried and is a doctor. D is the grand-daughter of E and studies science. How is A related to D?
(a) aunt
(b) daughter
(c) sister
(d) sister-in-law
(e) None of these
Ans. b
586. If a and b are positive integers and a - b 3.5 = 4 7 , then
(a) b < a
(b) b > a
(c) b = a
(d) b ≥ a
(e) None of these
Ans. a
587. If the operation ^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y, what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3?
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) -1
(d) 4
(e) None of these
Ans. b
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions
588. A man buys a television set that lists for Tk. 36000 at 10% discount. He gets an additional 2% discount for paying cash. How much does he actually pay in TK?
(a) 32400
(b) 30680
(c) 31880
(d) 312128
(e) 31752
Ans. e
589. Which of the following fractions has the smallest value?
(a) 8 7
(b) 10 9
(c) 21 20
(d) 41 40
(e) 1013 1012
Ans. e
590. M men agree to purchase a gift for Taka D. If three man drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift?
(a) M - 3
(b) 3
(c) D - 3
(d) 3D M 2 - 3M
(e) None of these
Ans. d
591. If the sum of the 3 consecutive integers is 240, then the two larger integers is:
(a) 79
(b) 159
(c) 169
(d) 161
(e) None of these
Ans. d
592. Quantity A = (-6) 4 and Quantity B = (-6) 5
(a) Quantity A is greater
(b) Quantity B is greater
(c) Two quantities are equal
(d) The relationship indeterminate
(e) None of these
Ans. a
593. Tom, Dick and Harry went for lunch to a restaurant. Tom had $100 with him, Dcik had $60 and Harry had $409. They got a bill for $104 and decided to give a tip of $16. They further decided to share the total expense in the ratio of the amounts of money each carried. The amount of money which Tom paid more than what Harry paid is -
(a) 120
(b) 200
(c) 60
(d) 24
(e) 36
Ans. e
594. After 3 semesters in college, Jim has a 3.0 GPA. What GPA must Jim attain in his fourth semester if he wishes to raise his GPA to a 3.1?
(a) 2.7
(b) 3.1
(c) 3.3
(d) 3.4
(e) 3.5
Ans. d
595. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent, what be the percent increase in the area of the plot?
(a) 44%
(b) 24%
(c) 36%
(d) 40%
(e) None of them
Ans. a
596. If b < 2 and 2x - 3b = 0, which of the following must be true?
(a) x > -3
(b) x < 2
(c) x = 3
(d) x < 3
(e) x > 3
Ans. d
597. If 3 p = 6 and 3 q = 15 then p - q = ?
(a) 1 3
(b) 2 5
(c) 3 10
(d) 5 6
(e) None of these
Ans. c
598. 2 a - b - 5 b - a =
(a) -10 2ab - a 2 - b 2
(b) -3 a - b
(c) -7 a - b
(d) -7 b - a
(e) -3 b -a
Ans. d
599. 1 2 × 3 4 × 8 4 ÷ 8 2 × 1 2
(a) 3 32
(b) 3 8
(c) 2 3
(d) 1
(e) 3 2
Ans. a
600. The average of 5 quantities is 6. The average of 3 of them is 8. What is the average of the remaining two numbers?
(a) 6.5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 3.5
(e) None of these
Ans. c