Subject English
Appropriate English Usage
Instruction: For each of the questions below, choose the best answer from the given options.
751. Choose the correct statement.
Many people have computer phobia that generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, which generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, what generates more unemployment.
Many people have computer phobia, and generates more unemployment.
None of these
Sentence Correction
Instruction: The following sentence many contain problem in grammar, sentence construction, word and punctuation. Part or whole of each sentence is underlined. Select is lettered answer that constrains the best version of the underlined section. Answer (a) always repeats the underlined section exactly. If the sentence is correct as it stands, select (a).
752. Many of the hundreds of students currently enrolled in the evening MBA Programs hope to exchange of their uninteresting jobs for new careers that are challenging.
to exchanging of their uninteresting jobs for new careers that are challenging.
to exchanges of their uninteresting jobs for new careers that are challenging.
For the exchanging of their uninteresting jobs for new careers that are challenging.
to exchange of their of their uninteresting jobs for new and challenging careers.
None of these.
753. There is, of course, many reasons to believe that the Cox’s Bazar will be the greatest natural wonder on earth.
There is, of course, many reasons to believe that the Cox’s Bazar will be the
There is, of course, many reasons to believe that Cox’s Bazer is the
There are, of course, many reasons to believe that the Cox’s Bazer will be the
There are, of course, many reasons to believe that Cox’s Bazer is
None of these
754. A Majority of candidates want to have placement in Dhaka Bank.
A majority of candidates want to have placement
A majority of candidates want to have job
A majority of candidates wants to have placement
A majority of candidates wants to placement
None of these
755. Michael Jackson, who died at the age of 50, was remembered as to be a great personality of all times.
Who died at the age of 50, was remember as to be a great personality
died at the age of 50, have been remembered as a great personality.
Who died at the age of 50, will be remembered being a great personality
died at the age of 50, will be remembered as a great personality
None of these
Fill in the Gaps
Instruction: Select the pair of words/phrases, from the options provided that appropriately fill in the gaps in each sentence.
756. Countries, such as Bangladesh, with ____ borders requiring ____ must maintain a large army.
mountainous, arms
historic, rivers
vague, elimination
Vulnerable, defense
None of these
757. Although it ____ often busy, sell and operate subsidiaries outside of their home locations, it is important to try to understand how industries ____ particular localities.
is also true that firms, function within
is true that firms, function at
is true that firms, functions within
is true that firms, function within
None of these
758. Although the crime scene _____ thoroughly, nothing substantial _____
is searching /will be found
has been searched / has been finding
was searched / was found
had been searched /were found
None of these
759. The company _____ whether the scholarships _____ in time or not.
debated/ were paying
is debating /will be paid
will debate /could have paid
has been debating /was paid
None of these
Correct form of Expression
Instruction: Choose from the given options the correct form of expressions in English that we use in our everyday interaction.
760. Which phrase is used to make an invitation?
I was wondering if you could do the job.
Would you mind giving me a hand?
Would you like to attend the conference?
You must attend the conference?
None of these
761. Which phrase is correct?
Would you like to leave a message?
Would you like taking a massage?
Please, you could take a message?
Leave a message, will you?
None of these
762. Which phrase does not mean ‘I will give him the message?
I’ll pass this on
I’ll bring this up when I see him.
I will make sure he gets your message.
I’ll look into this.
None of these
763. A rectangular rug covers of the rectangular floor 9 feet wide and 12 feet long. If the dimensions of the rug are in the same ratio as those of the floor, how many feet long is the rug?
21 2
2 7
6 2
764. It takes Russel 20 minutes to inspect a car and Sohel needs 18 minutes to inspect a car. They both start inspecting cars separately at 8.00 A.M. At certain points of time, both of them will finish inspecting a car at the same time. When will this occur for the first time?
9.30 A.M
9.42 A.M
10.00 A.M
11.00 AM
765. Alam weight twice as much as Marina. Marina’s weights is 60% of Robin’s weight. Drabir weight 50% of Lina’s weight. Line weights 190% of Alam’s weight which of these 5 persons weights the least?
766. If x is an odd integer and y is an even integer, which of the following statements is (are) always true?
I. X + Y is odd II. XY is odd III. 2X +Y is even
I only
II and III only
I and III only
III only
767. A dealer owns a group of cars motorcycles. It the number of tires (excluding spare tires) on the vehicles is 30 more than twice the number of vehicles and the number of cars is 10 more than the number of motorcycle, them the number of cars the dealer owns.
768. A dictionary weighs 6 pounds each and a set of encyclopaedias weights 75 pounds. 20 dictionaries are shipped in each box. 2 set of encyclopedias are shipped in each box. A tuck is loaded with 98 boxes of encyclopedias and 38 boxes of dictionaries. How much does the truck’s load weight?
19,260 pounds
7,500 pounds
11,750 pounds
22,840 pounds
769. One dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples have the same price. If the price of a dozen eggs rises by 10% and the price of apples goes up by 2% , how much more will it cost by buy a dozen eggs and ten pounds of apples?
770. A farmer has two rectangular fields. The larger fields has twice the length and four times the width of the smaller field. If the smaller field has area. K. then the area of the larger fields is greater than the area of the smaller fields by what amount?
2 k
7 k
8 k
12 k
771. There individuals contributed Tk. 8000.00 each toward the purchase of a computer. If they bought the computer on sale for Tk. 19,500.00 plus 10 percent sales tax, how much money should be refunded to each individual?
Tk. 650
Tk. 850
Tk. 1500
Tk. 1950
772. If Tk. 45,000 was invested in share market when the price per share was Tk. 90 and Tk. 30,000 was invested when the price per share was Tk. 100,what as the average price per share purchased?
Tk. 96.25
Tk. 95.00
Tk. 94.00
Tk. 93.75
773. If x =2w, z= 3x and wz ≠ 0. Then what is the value of x 2 wz
2 3
4 3
774. If one number exceeds another number by 13 and the larger number is 3 2 time the smaller number. Then the smaller number is
775. In a class of 120 students, 60 percent can speak French and the rest can speak only English. If 25 percent of those in the class who can speak French can also speak English, how many of the students in the class can speak English.
Total Question : 25
Total Hit : 0
Correct : 0
Wrong/Cheat : 0