is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Mathematics
976. In a class of 50 students, 10 did not opt for math, 15 did not opt for science and 2 did not opt for either. How many students of the class opted for both math and science?
980. A room contains 200 people, 25% of whom are graduates. A group of people, 30% of whom are graduates, leave the room. Of the remaining people, 10% are graduates. How many people did leave the room?
982. There are three roads from Shah Bag to Farm Gate and 4 different roads From Gate of Banani. How many different routes are three from Shah Bag to Banni via Farm Gate?
983. You are to arrange 36 identical chairs in rows such that there is same number of chairs in each row. Each row must contain at least 4 chairs and there must be at least 3 rows. How many different arrangements are possible?
984. Mr. Rahman is insured completely for Tk. 50,000 of damages to his machinery. For any damage above Tk. 50,000 the insurance co. will pay Tk. 50,000 plus 20% of the rest of the damage amount. For a recent accident, Mr. Rahman was paid Tk. 56,000 by the insurance co. What was the total estimated damage?
985. The probability that a student will graduate with honors and get a good job is 0.09 whereas the probability that a student will graduate with honors is 0.1.What is the probability that a student will get a good job if she graduates with honors?
986. A south American visitor was confused to read that the next day’s temperature would be 77. degree Fahrenheit. Translate that into Celsius for him with this formula C
994. At a special sale, 5 tickets can be purchased for the price of 3 tickets. If 5 tickets are purchased at his sale, the amount saved will be what percent of the original price of the 5 tickets?
995. Taxi service change an initial fee of Tk. 21.50 at the beginning of a trip and a additional change of Tk. 4.50 for each 2 5 of a mile traveled. What is the total change for a trip of 3.6 miles?
997. Mr. X invests Tk. 2400 in the Modern Bank at 5%. How much additional money must he invest at 8% so that the total annual income will be equal to 6% of his entire investment?