is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Mathematics
1101. একটি মিনারের পাদদেশ হতে 20 মিটার দূরের একটি স্থান হতে মিনারটির শীর্ষ বিন্দুর উন্নতি কোণ 30 হলে মিনারটির উচ্চতা কত?
1106. A truck driver must complete a 180-mile trip in 4 hours. If his averages speed is 50 miles per hour for the first 3 hours, than how fast must he travel for the final hour?
1107. Son's age is now one-third of father's age. In twelve years from now son's age will be one half of the father's age. What is the son's age in years now?
1110. The ratio of boys and girls in a class is 1: 2 and the class has 24 students. How many boys would have to be admitted to the class in order to make the ration of boys to girls 1:1?
1111. A book sells for Tk. 65. This price gives the seller a profit of 30% on his cost. What will be the new selling price if he cuts his profit to 10% of its cost?
1114. Father is aged three times more than his son Ronit. After 8 years, he would be two and a half times of Ronit’s age. After further 8 years, how many times would he be of Ronit’s age?
1115. The average age of husband, wife and their child 3 year age was 27 and that of wife and the child 5 years was 20 years. The present age of the husband is -
1118. How many seconds will 500 meter long train to cross a man waling with a speed of 3 km/hr in the correction of the moving train of the speed of the train is 63 km/hr?