is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Mathematics
1401. A ferry, when empty, travels twice as fast as when it is full. It travels 20 miles south with a cargo, spends 30 minutes for unloading, and returns to its original port empty in a total of 8 hours, what is the speed of the ferry when it isempty?
1402. A bicycle has two wheels (one large and one small) of 120 cm and 40 cm in diameters. When the large wheel makes 10 revolutions, how many revolutions does the small wheel make in that time?
1403. In a college, 45% of the students are boys. If 40% of the boys and 20% of the girls went on a picnic, what percentage on the total students went to the picnic?
1405. Baki lives 2 miles west of Raju’s house. Rafiq lives 3 miles north of Raju’s house and 2 miles west of Diba’s house. What is the straight-line distance from Baki’s house to Diba’s house?
1406. On Tuesday, 30 of the students in a class took a test and their average score was 83.5. On Thursday, the other 5 students took the test, and their average score was 94. What was the average for the entire class?
1408. A circular logo is enlarged to fit the lid of a jar. The new diameter is 50 percent larger than the original. By what percentage has the area of the logo increased?
1410. At present, father’s age is 4 times more than of his son. 6 years ago father’s age was 10 times more than that of his son. What is their present age?
1412. A train 120 meter long is traveling at a speed of 60 km/h. The time in which it will pass a passersby, walking at 6 km/h in the same direction is -