is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Mathematics
1426. একটি চৌবাচ্চার দুটি নল আছে। একটি নল চৌবাচ্চাটিকে ৪০ মিনিটে ভর্তি করতে পারে এবং অপরটি এক ঘন্টায় খালি করতে পারে। উভয় নলটি এক সাথে খুলে দিলে কতক্ষণে চৌবাচ্চাটি ভর্তি হবে?
1431. The interest charged on a loan is Tk. P per Tk. 1000 per the first month Tk. Q per Tk. 1000 for each month after the first month. How much interest will be charged during the first three months a loan of Tk. 10000?
1432. 8% of the people eligible to vote are between 18 and 21. In an election 85% of those (between 18 and 21) actual voted. What is the percentage of voters (between 18 and 21) in terms of total eligible voters?
1434. A worker is paid Tk. d an hour for the first 8 hours she works in a day. For every hour after the first 8 hours, she is paid Tk. c an hour. If she works 12 hours in one day, what is her average hourly wage for that day?
1436. The cost of a share in Acc Enterprise was Tk. D on Jan. 1, 2009. One year later, a share increased to Tk. Q. The fraction by which the cost of a share has increased in the year is -
1437. A bus uses one gallon of gasoline to travel 15 miles. After a tune-up, the bus travels 15% farther on one gallon. How many gallons of gasoline (to the nearest tenth) will it take for the bus to travel 150 miles after a tune-up?
1438. Mr. Jamal bought a house at Tk. C in 2008. Three years later he sold the house for 25% more than he paid for it. He has to pay a tax of 50% of the gain. How many tax must Mr. Jamal pay?