is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
185. The organizers of a fair projected 25% increase of visitors this year over that of the last year but the actual turnover was 20% less than of the last year. What percent of projected visitors attended the fair?
186. 75% of students of a class answered Question No. 1 correct and 55% answered Question No. 2 correct and 20% answered neither question correctly. What percent of student answered both question correctly?
187. The taxicab charges Tk. 4.60 for the first 0.2 miles of a trip and Tk. 1.20 for each 0.2 of a mile or a part there of. If the trip 2.5 miles one way and the waiting charge is Tk. 7.50 for 30 minutes or part thereof. What will be the fare for a round trip if the passenger waited for 70 minutes?
189. Two planes leave the airport at the same time. Minutes later, plane A is 33 miles due north of the airport and plane B is 56 miles due east of the airport. How far apart are the two planes?
191. A circular pool is filling with water. Assuming the water level will be 4ft deep and the diameter is 20 ft, what is the approximate volume of the water needed to fill the pool?
200. A researcher computed the mean, median and standard deviation for a set of performance score. If 5 were to be added to each score, which of these three statistics would change?