is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Analytical Ability
351. একটি গোলাকার মুদ্রা টেবিলে রাখা হল। এই মুদ্রার চারপাশে একই মুদ্রা কতটি রাখা যেতে পারে যেন মুদ্রাগুলো মাঝের মুদ্রাটিকে এবং তাদের দু’পাশে রাখা দুটি মুদ্রাকে স্পর্শ করে।
352. একটি বাক্সে লাল ও সবুজ রঙের কিছু বল আছে। এত ৪০% বল লাল এবং বাকি বলগুলো সবুজ। আকৃতির দিক দিয়ে বাক্সের অর্ধেক সংখ্যক বল ছোট এবং অর্ধেক সংখ্যক বল বড়। ১০% বল লাল ও ছোট এবং ৩০ টি বল সবুজ ও বড়। বাক্সে মোট কতগুলো বল আছে?
356. Towns A and C are connected by a straight highway which is 60 miles long. The straight-line distance between town A and town B is 50 miles, and the straight-line distance from town B to town C is 50 miles. How many miles is it from towns B to the point on the highway connecting towns A and C which is closest to town B?
357. In a group of people solicited by a charity, 30% contributed TK 40, 45% contributed Tk. 20 and the rest contributed. Tk. 2. If the charity received a total of Tk. 300 from the people who contributed Tk. 2, how much was contributed by the entire group?
358. A car traveled 75% of the way from town A to town B at an average speed of 50 mph. The car travels at an average speed of S mph for the remaining part of the trip. The average speed for the entire trip was 40 mph. What is the value of S, in mph?
359. It takes Eric 20 minutes to inspect a car. Jhon only needs 18 minutes to inspect a car. If they both start inspecting care at 8:00 am, what is the first time they will finish inspecting a car at the same time?
361. Abu sold his cricket bat for Tk. 160 and his ball for Tk. 96. He made a profit of 20% on his ball and took a 10% loss on his cricket bat. He ended up with a -
363. A total of Tk. 1200 is deposited in two saving accounts for one year, part at 5% and the remainder at 7% interest rate. If Tk. 72 was earned in interest, how much was deposited at 5%?
365. In Dhaka city 90% of the population own a car, 15% own a motorcycle, and everybody owns one or the other or both. What is the percentage of motorcycle owners who own cars?
366. DHL chares Tk. 2 for each pound for the first 20 pounds of package weight and Tk. 1.5 for each pound or fraction of pound over 20 pounds. How much will it charge to carry a package which weights > pound?