Subject English
2051. Children should obey their parents. What parts of speech is the under lined word?
(a) A transitive
(b) Modal verb
(c) Adverb
(d) A principal
Ans. b
2052. Which book do you want? What parts of speech is the under linen word?
(a) an adjective
(b) a verb
(c) a pronoun
(d) an adverb
Ans. a
2053. ___ father in him arose to see ___ child. Choose the appropriate articles.
(a) A, the
(b) The, the
(c) The, a
(d) A, a
Ans. b
2054. ___ needle is ___ useful thing. Choose the appropriate articles.
(a) The, the
(b) A, the
(c) The, an
(d) A, a
Ans. d
2055. The synonym of ‘Impertinent’ is -
(a) Pertinent
(b) polite
(c) Irrelevant
(d) Impenetrable
Ans. c
2056. The antonym of ‘Dormant’ is-
(a) Horrible
(b) Inactive
(c) Tragic
(d) Active
Ans. d
2057. Choose the correct one -
(a) Yon are a pride of Bangladesh
(b) Yon are pride of Bangladesh
(c) Yon are the pride of Bangladesh
(d) Yon are a pride of Bangladesh
Ans. c
2058. Which is correct -
(a) A Akbr is not born in every age
(b) An Akbr is not born in every age
(c) The Akbr is not born in every age
(d) An Akbr is not born in every age
Ans. b
2059. The correct sentence is-
(a) We write in ink
(b) We write by ink
(c) We write with ink
(d) We write on ink
Ans. a
2060. Point out the correct one -
(a) He got the work done
(b) He got the work to be done
(c) He got the work being done
(d) He got the work by done
Ans. a
2061. ‘Nip in the bud’ means -
(a) Destroy at the very beginning
(b) Bed of the rose
(c) The beginning
(d) Rise at the beginning
Ans. a
2062. ‘Dark horse’ means -
(a) Dark coloured horse
(b) Large horse
(c) A person of unknown past
(d) A horse of bad nature
Ans. c
2063. ‘Apple of one’s eye’ means -
(a) Apple like eye
(b) Big eye
(c) Apple coloured eye
(d) Extremely favourite
Ans. d
2064. Instead of ‘abandon’ we can say -
(a) Give over
(b) Give away
(c) Give in
(d) Give forth
Ans. a
2065. Instead of ‘distribute’ we can say-
(a) Give out
(b) Give up
(c) Give away
(d) Give over
Ans. c
2066. I will teach you a lesson. Appropriate translation is -
(a) আমি তোমাকে একটি শিক্ষা দেব।
(b) আমি তোমাকে এমন শিক্ষা দেব।
(c) আমি তোমাকে শিক্ষা দিয়ে ছাড়ব
(d) আমি তোমাকে শিখিয়ে দেব।
Ans. c
2067. I can not spare a moment. Appropriate translation is -
(a) আমি এক মুহুর্তে ব্যয় করতে পারি না।
(b) আমার মুহুর্তের ছাড় নেই।
(c) আমার তিলমাত্র সময় নেই।
(d) আমার এক তিল সময় ছিল না।
Ans. c
2068. Too much courtesy too much craft – Bengali is -
(a) অতি লৌকিকতা দৃষ্টিকটু।
(b) অধিক সন্যসীতে গাজন নষ্ট
(c) অতি ভক্তি চোরের লক্ষণ
(d) অতি সৌজন্যবোধ
Ans. c
2069. They (to dig) the canal for a week-(correct form of verb)?
(a) The are digging the canal for a week
(b) They had dug the canal for a week.
(c) They have been digging the canal since a week.
(d) They have been digging the canal for a week.
Ans. d
2070. She found the boy (to-cry) - (form of verb)?
(a) She found the boy cry
(b) She found the boy crying
(c) She found the boy cried.
(d) She found the boy crys.
Ans. B
2071. ইংরেজী ভাষার Letter এর সংখ্যা কয়টি?
(a) ২৯টি
(b) ২১টি
(c) ২৬টি
(d) ৩৯টি
Ans. c
2072. ‘ঢাকা বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী’ - নিচের কোন অনুবাদ সঠিক?
(a) Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
(b) Dhaka is capital of Bangladesh.
(c) The Dhaka is capital of Bangladesh.
(d) Dhaka is capital of the Bangladesh.
Ans. a
2073. ‘তারা দুর্বল ছিল’ এর অনুবাদটি-
(a) They were weak
(b) They was weak
(c) They are weak
(d) There is weak
Ans. a
2074. নিচের কোনটি সঠিক?
(a) The playing football.
(b) They are play football.
(c) They play football.
(d) They play footballs.
Ans. c
2075. Fill in the blank: There is ___ cow in the field.
(a) the
(b) a
(c) an
(d) no article
Ans. b