Subject English
2126. Choose the substitute of ‘Incapable of being elected’.
(a) worthlers
(b) defaulter
(c) rejected
(d) punishment
Ans. c
2127. Japanese horse are made of woods, so they easily ___.
(a) catch of fire
(b) catch with fire
(c) catch on fire
(d) catch to fire
Ans. c
Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
2128. Craven
(a) greedy
(b) generous
(c) coward
(d) brave
Ans. d
2129. Ulterior
(a) tipped
(b) sparkling
(c) stated
(d) rampaging
Ans. b
2130. Euphonious
(a) strident
(b) significant
(c) stated
(d) distasteful
Ans. a
2131. Laconic
(a) wicked
(b) verbose
(c) milky
(d) fragrance
Ans. b
Fill in the blanks with appropriate word to make the sentence meaningful.
2132. The bureaucrat was ____ for his role in the scam.
(a) reinstated
(b) criticized
(c) indicted
(d) identified
Ans. b
2133. He had to repent _____ what he had done.
(a) at
(b) of
(c) over
(d) for
Ans. d
2134. Not ____ of milk, even water was not there.
(a) talk
(b) speak
(c) mention
(d) discuss
Ans. c
2135. He is usually calm, but today he appears rather ______ .
(a) disturbed
(b) restless
(c) unwell
(d) ill
Ans. b
Find out which underlined parts (a, b, c and d) of the following sentences has an error.
2136. Many a opinions have been voiced b on the likely effective c of the computer d
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2137. Passive smoking is defined a as the exposure b of nonsmoker c to environmental d tobacco smoke.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2138. Many disable a children cannot derive b full enjoyment c from toys make d for nondisabled children.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. d
For each question, there are four alternatives. Choose the one which can be best substituted for the given words.
2139. A speech made without preparation -
(a) Prepared
(b) Debate
(c) Extempore
(d) Elocution
Ans. c
2140. A sneering person who always finds faults -
(a) Cynic
(b) Cupid
(c) Kleptomaniac
(d) Crone
Ans. a
2141. An instrument for measuring the force of the wind -
(a) Manometer
(b) Micrometer
(c) Hydrometer
(d) Anemometer
Ans. d
2142. A short journey for pleasure -
(a) Jaunt
(b) Voyage
(c) Travelling
(d) Walking
Ans. a
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question based on it.
Compact discs (CDs) have revolutionized the music industry with their surprisingly realistic sound. The six-inch discs look like thin plastic sandwiches with aluminum at the center. They have digitally recorded material that is read by laser beams, so the sound has none of the crackling vinyl records. CDs are also the virtually indestructible and they are lighter and smaller than conventional records. Since their introduction, CDs have become more affordable and widely available. If fact, they are now sold in electronics and video stores that didn’t formerly carry records or cassettes. There has been a phenomenal growth in the sale of CDs since introduction. CDs have all but replaced records in stores and in spite of their being less affordable than cassettes, they continue to gain popularity.
2143. The author refers to CDs as ‘sandwiches’ because they _____.
(a) are layered
(b) don’t crackle
(c) are light
(d) are small
Ans. d
2144. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(a) New kinds of store are selling CDs
(b) CDs are available as cassettes
(c) Stores are selling more CDs than cassettes
(d) Stores are losing money on their cassettes
Ans. a
2145. The word revolutionized as used in the passage could best be replaced by ____.
(a) marked
(b) changed
(c) fought
(d) surprised
Ans. b
2146. The author’s main purpose is to ____.
(a) discuss the growth of CDs
(b) tell how CDs are made
(c) describe the store that sell CDs
(d) compare CDs with sandwiches
Ans. a
2147. The main appeal of CDs is their _____.
(a) sound
(b) price
(c) size
(d) availability
Ans. a
Each sentence has four underlined word(s). The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked a, b, c and d. Identify the one underlined word(s) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
2148. A flashing a yellow traffic single means one must show down and proceed forard b with caution, watching c for pedestrians, vehicles or other d hazards.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2149. In addition to oil refining a and international banking, Padma is also b known for growing c bananas, pineapples d , and suger.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2150. If a the air is sufficiently unstable enough b the upward currents will draw in warm, moist c air and cause water vapor to condense d into raindrops.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b