Subject English
Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/phrase.
2201. A general pardon granted by government to political offenders.
(a) pardon
(b) excuse
(c) honesty
(d) amnesty
Ans. d
2202. I remembered him after he – .
(a) left
(b) had left
(c) has been leaving
(d) has left
Ans. b
2203. World you like to have ____ tea?
(a) a little
(b) any
(c) some
(d) a cup of
Ans. d
2204. My aunt (to be) ill for nearly a week. (Rewrite)
(a) is
(b) was being
(c) has been
(d) was
Ans. c
2205. It looks _____ she will start crying.
(a) as if
(b) because
(c) until
(d) when
Ans. a
2206. What type of sentence is it?
I wish you success in life.
(a) Assertive
(b) Negative
(c) Optative
(d) Exclamatory
Ans. c
2207. If I ____ the answer, I would tell you.
(a) Know
(b) knew
(c) has known
(d) have known
Ans. b
2208. Had been in your position, ____ the offer.
(a) I would not accept
(b) I would accept
(c) I had accepted
(d) I would have accepted
Ans. d
2209. Where there is a will there is way. Here ‘will’ is -
(a) a noun
(b) a verb
(c) an adjective
(d) an adverb
Ans. a
2210. মানবজাতি এখন সংকটাপন্ন। Choose the correct translation.
(a) Mankind are dangers now
(b) Man are at stake now
(c) Mankind are at a stake now
(d) Mankind at a stake now
Ans. d
2211. I am looking forward to ____ soon.
(a) see you
(b) seeing you
(c) be seeing you
(d) have seen you
Ans. b
2212. She is ____ to reach the shelf
(a) so tall
(b) tall as
(c) tall enough
(d) too tall
Ans. c
2213. Divine comedy is written by -
(a) Anton Chekhov
(b) Alberto Moravia
(c) Dante
(d) Milton
Ans. c
2214. What is the time ____ your watch?
(a) at
(b) in
(c) by
(d) with
Ans. c
2215. Learn English and get a good job. It is a/an -
(a) Complex sentence
(b) Simple sentence
(c) Compound sentence
(d) Exclamatory sentence
Ans. c
2216. The word hardly means-
(a) very often
(b) scarcely
(c) positively
(d) frequently
Ans. b
2217. What does tertiary mean?
(a) A bout territory
(b) Primary level
(c) University level
(d) Preliminary level
Ans. c
2218. Wuthering Heights is-
(a) a novel by charlotte Bronte
(b) a novel by Emily Bronte
(c) a novel by Anne Bronte
(d) a novel by Jane Austen
Ans. b
2219. I have no pen to write ____.
(a) on
(b) in
(c) with
(d) upon
Ans. c
2220. Milk is preferable ____ tea.
(a) than
(b) to
(c) from
(d) against
Ans. b
2221. The old man parted ____ his son in tears.
(a) with
(b) from
(c) against
(d) up
Ans. b
2222. ‘I ____ stave than beg’ said the boy.
(a) would rather
(b) better
(c) rather
(d) would better
Ans. a
2223. Huckleberry Finn is a novel written by-
(a) Alberto Moravia
(b) Tolstoy
(c) Hemingway
(d) Mark Twain
Ans. d
2224. ‘Twelfth Night’ is-
(a) a Comedy
(b) an Elegy
(c) a Novel
(d) a Tragedy
Ans. a
2225. What is the right preposition of the sentence “He spent all the day ____ his room”?
(a) into
(b) in
(c) to
(d) with
Ans. b