Subject English
801. Which is the least Corrupt Country in the world, according to the most recent Transparency International (TI) report? (year 2004)
(a) Bangladesh
(b) USA
(c) Finland
(d) Singapore
Ans. c
802. Which is the capital of United Arab Emirates?
(a) Dubai
(b) Abu Dhabi
(c) Sharjah
(d) Al Ain
Ans. b
803. SAARC secretariat is situated in which city?
(a) Katmandu
(b) New Dhabi
(c) Dhaka
(d) Colombo
Ans. a
804. The Jamuna bridge is the ___ largest bridge in the world.
(a) 5 th
(b) 9 th
(c) 10 th
(d) 13 th
805. Letter of Credit (LC) is a banking instrument used for -
(a) Export –Import
(b) Foreign remittance
(c) Local money transfer
(d) Local trading
Ans. a
806. The headquarter of Asian Development Bank is situated in which city?
(a) Manila
(b) Singapore
(c) Bangkok
(d) Tokyo
Ans. a
807. Where is Wall Street located?
(a) London
(b) New York
(c) Sydney
(d) Washington
Ans. b
808. What is the name of British Parliament?
(a) House of commons
(b) British Congress
(c) Diet of England
(d) Parliament of Britain
Ans. d
809. What is the main objective of the devaluation of currency?
(a) To increase import
(b) To increase export
(c) To increase purchasing capacity
(d) To increase money supply
Ans. b
810. Of the following countries which is not a Scandinavian country?
(a) Sweden
(b) Holland
(c) Finland
(d) Norway
Ans. b
811. What is the Bangladesh Standard Time (BST)?
(a) Six hours ahead of the GMT
(b) Six hours behind the GMT
(c) Five hours ahead of the GMT
(d) Five hours behind the GMT
Ans. a
812. Which type of Bank account does not pay interest to the deposit?
(a) Current account
(b) Savings account
(c) Fixed deposit account
(d) Short-term deposit account
Ans. a
813. The headquarters of Islamic Development Bank is situated in which city?
(a) Riyadh
(b) Dubai
(c) Doha
(d) Jeddah
Ans. d
814. What does BEPZA stand for?
(a) Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
(b) Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Area
(c) Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Area
(d) Bangladesh Export Procuring Zone Authority.
Ans. a
815. How Much is the current per capita income (in US dollar) of Bangladesh?
(a) $ 383
(b) $ 280
(c) $ 310
(d) $ 440
816. How many international airports are in Bangladesh?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Five
Ans. c
817. Who is the architect of the Jatiya Smriti Showdha?
(a) Hamidur Rahman
(b) Mainul Hossion
(c) F.R Khan
(d) Hashem Khan
Ans. b
818. The Amazon river is situated in which continent?
(a) North America
(b) Africa
(c) Europe
(d) South America
Ans. d
819. What does ATM stand for?
(a) Auto teller Machine
(b) Automated Teller Machine
(c) Auto Toll Machine
(d) Automatic Toll Machine
Ans. b
820. Which country won the Asia Cup Cricket Tournament 2004?
(a) India
(b) Srilanka
(c) Pakistan
(d) Bangladesh
Ans. b
821. What is the name of currency of Thailand?
(a) Baht
(b) Dollar
(c) Ringits
(d) Kyat
Ans. a
Instruction: For each written in Uppercase select a word having the opposite meaning.
(a) Forward
(b) Retreat
(c) Away
(d) For
Ans. a
(a) Foe
(b) pal
(c) Companion
(d) Partner
Ans. a
(a) Respect
(b) Shame
(c) Hope
(d) Duty
Ans. b
(a) Profound
(b) Curious
(c) Meager
(d) Large
Ans. c