Subject English
Fill in the Gaps
Instruction : For each question, select the word(S)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill(s) in the gap(s).
976. The division of this property was a sequel ___ the agreement.
(a) at
(b) to
(c) for
(d) in
(e) None of these
Ans. b
977. Your classmate insulted you to ___.
(a) pay off old scores
(b) host in himself
(c) worth yours
(d) hang in balance
(e) None of these
Ans. a
978. People all over the world are starving ___.
(a) greater in numbers
(b) in more numbers
(c) more numerously
(d) in greater numbers
(e) None of these
Ans. d
Meaning of If Phrase.
Instruction: A sentence is given in each question and some portion of it is underlined. You have to find out the meaning of the underlined portion of the sentence from the options given.
979. The man did the work in the nick of time.
(a) right on time
(b) after deadline
(c) long before deadline
(d) very last minute
(e) None of these
Ans. d
980. The watch costs a pretty penny.
(a) expensive
(b) cheap
(c) very expensive
(d) very cheap
(e) None of these
Ans. c
981. They were on their toes before entering the campus.
(a) in good mood
(b) alert
(c) well dressed
(d) very worried
(e) None of these
Ans. b
982. Why do you toot your own horn?
(a) self destruction
(b) boast
(c) possessive
(d) talks a lot
(e) None of these
Ans. e None of these
983. Raj and Riaz have never seen eye to eye on politics.
(a) sharing the same view
(b) disagreement partly
(c) intimacy
(d) enmity
(e) None of these
Ans. a
One Word Substitution:
Instruction: For each question, select the word that best matches the definition provided.
984. Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire =
(a) Alluring
(b) Elusiveness
(c) Tenacity
(d) Knotty
(e) None of these
Ans. a
985. Money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage =
(a) Ornament
(b) Honorary
(c) Adornment
(d) Dowry
(e) None of these
Ans. d
986. A person with the same name as another =
(a) Nickname
(b) Namesake
(c) Anonymous
(d) Pseudonym
(e) None of these
Ans. b
987. An act of mass destruction and loss of life =
(a) Oregon
(b) Cannibal
(c) Holocaust
(d) Homicide
(e) None of these
Ans. c
988. The right and power to interpret and apply the law =
(a) Nugatory
(b) Jurisdiction
(c) Lawrence
(d) Judiciary
(e) None of these
Ans. b
989. Who wrote "Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise".
(a) Robert Frost
(b) George Orwell
(c) Thomas Gray
(d) John Milton
(e) None of these
Ans. c
990. 'Hungry' is to 'Famished' as 'Extensive' is to
(a) Congenial
(b) Keen
(c) Endless
(d) Amenable
(e) Imperfect
Ans. c
991. 'Pact' is to 'Covenant' as 'Tract' is to
(a) Letter
(b) Summons
(c) Treatise
(d) Subpoena
(e) Warrant
Ans. c
992. 'Acute' is to 'Chronic' as 'Sudden' is to
(a) Ditty
(b) Facile
(c) Impute
(d) Subpoena
(e) Constant
Ans. e
993. Who is the author of the novel "The Sun Also Rises"?
(a) H. G. Wells
(b) George Orwell
(c) Ernest Hemingway
(d) Thomas Hardy
(e) None of these
Ans. c
994. You should show good manners in the company of young ladies-
Which is the appropriate phrase for the underlined expression above?
(a) Behave gently
(b) Practice manners
(c) Behave yourself
(d) Do not talk rudely
Ans. a
995. Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong oppositions. Which of the following says nearly the same as 'against' above?
(a) In the wake of
(b) In the guise of
(c) In the plea of
(d) In the teeth of
Ans. d
996. Not many people can commit such a heinous crime in cold blood. What does the quoted idiom mean?
(a) In cool brain and calculated thought
(b) So patiently and thoughtfully
(c) So impatiently and thoughtlessly
(d) Stirred by sudden emotion
Ans. a
997. A speech full of too many words is-
(a) A big speech
(b) Maiden speech
(c) An unimportant speech
(d) A verbose speech
Ans. d
998. To meet trouble half way means-
(a) To be puzzled
(b) To get nervous
(c) To be disappointed
(d) To bear up
Ans. a
999. What is the meaning of the idiom ‘a round dozen’?
(a) A full dozen
(b) A little less than a dozen
(c) A little more than a dozen
(d) Round about a dozen
Ans. a
1000. People who assume that no evil can befall them are foolishly-
(a) Ardent
(b) Complacent
(c) confident
(d) apprehensive
Ans. b