Subject Mathematics
2001. একটি দ্রব্য ২৪০ টাকায় বিক্রয় করাতে ৪% ক্ষতি হলো। বিক্রয়মূল্য কত হলে ৪% লাভ হত?
(a) ২৫০%
(b) ২৪৫%
(c) ২৩০%
(d) ২৬০%
Ans. d
2002. The word ‘compulsive’ is-
(a) adverb
(b) verb
(c) adjective
(d) noun
Ans. c
2003. Complete the sentence with a suitable clause-
He always does what _____.
(a) he cannot see
(b) he likes
(c) is quite certain
(d) see the point
Ans. b
2004. Which word is a ‘noun’?
(a) Assure
(b) Assurance
(c) Assured
(d) Assuredly
Ans. b
2005. What is the antonym of the word ‘belittle’?
(a) worthless
(b) dull
(c) glorify
(d) useless
Ans. c
2006. Use the correct word/phrase-
Don’t raise a ____ in a tea cup over the issue.
(a) alarm
(b) hue and cry
(c) storm
(d) noise
Ans. c
2007. Which one is an imperative sentence?
(a) Where do you live?
(b) What a march!
(c) Nothing will make him repent
(d) Open the door
Ans. d
2008. ‘Allegorical’ means -
(a) poetry
(b) written in verse
(c) having symbolic meaning
(d) with timely significance
Ans. c
2009. Use the correct word/phrase –
Birds of the same _____ flock together.
(a) feather
(b) class
(c) group
(d) color
Ans. a
2010. What is the synonym of ‘sycophant’?
(a) dignified person
(b) flatterer
(c) phoney
(d) dishonour
Ans. b
2011. Fill in the blank with appropriate word-
Abstain ____ smoking.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) about
(d) from
Ans. d
2012. Della’s hair fell _____ her rippling and shining.
(a) about
(b) around
(c) from
(d) in
Ans. a
2013. Choose the correct spelling
(a) anticedent
(b) antecedent
(c) anticident
(d) antecident
Ans. b
2014. ‘Manifesto’ means:
(a) various forms
(b) manifold
(c) policy statement
(d) well behaved
Ans. c
2015. Complete the sentence with the correct phrase/ idioms:
I shall be with you ____.
(a) up and doing
(b) to turn the tide
(c) ups and down
(d) through thick and thin
Ans. d
2016. What is the synonym of ‘ruthless’?
(a) merciless
(b) tender
(c) disprove
(d) leave
Ans. a
2017. The drama `Hamlet` is written by-
(a) Milton
(b) Keats
(c) Donne
(d) Shakespeare
Ans. d
2018. What is the meaning of the word `Dye`?
(a) die
(b) color
(c) dig
(d) divide
Ans. b
2019. Which is a correct sentence?
(a) I was bounded and foot
(b) No one can do this work
(c) He is ill of fever
(d) She is addicting to drinking.
Ans. b
2020. Fill in blank with appropriate preposition:
She sent me that ____ Christmas.
(a) by
(b) to
(c) in
(d) for
Ans. d
2021. The word `flame` means:
(a) passion
(b) burst
(c) fire
(d) light
Ans. c
2022. A `physician` is a-
(a) physicist
(b) physique
(c) a medical practitioner
(d) a physical trainer
Ans. c
2023. Fill in the blank:
The constable _____ the thief
(a) cease
(b) arrested
(c) seige
(d) celler
Ans. b
2024. The word `liberty` means -
(a) freedom
(b) independence
(c) liberal
(d) lawlessness
Ans. a
2025. Which one is correct spelt?
(a) Incumbent
(b) Incumvent
(c) Incummbent
(d) Incummmvent
Ans. a