Subject General Knowledge
676. What is the length of proposed Padma Bridge?
(a) 5.03km
(b) 4.8km
(c) 6.03km
(d) 6.8km
Ans. d
677. In which of the following is the food for trees?
(a) N, P,K, S and Zn
(b) Na, P, K, S and Zn
(c) N, B. K, S and Al
(d) N, P, K, S and Al
Ans. abcd
678. The headquarter of Transparency International is located at ___.
(a) Sweden
(b) Berlin
(c) Bonn
(d) Washington
Ans. b
679. Which of the following is the soft loan window of the World Bank (WB).
(a) IFC
(b) IBRD
(c) MIGA.
(d) IDA
Ans. d
680. What type of organization is BIMSTEC?
(a) Financial
(b) Social
(c) Economical
(d) Technological
Ans. c
681. Bangladesh Development Bank Ltd, a new bank in Bangladesh has been created through merging of which of the following banks?
(a) BKS and BSRS
(b) BSB and BSRS
(c) BKB and BSB
(d) BSB and SB
Ans. b
682. An indigenous innovative variety of rice is known as -
(a) Surma Rice
(b) Haridhan
(c) Golden Rice
(d) BRRI 18
Ans. b
683. The other name of eggplant is
(a) Okra
(b) colocasia
(c) brinjal
(d) bitter gourd
(e) pumpkin
Ans. c
684. Given how (i) ____ the shortcomings of the standard economic model are in its portrayal of human behavior, the failure of many economic to respond to them is astounding. They continue to fill the journals with yet more proofs of yet more (ii) ____ theorems. Others, by contrast, accept the criticisms as a challenges a challenge, seeking to expand the basic model to embrace a wider range of things people do.
Blank (i), (ii)
(a) overlooked
(b) occasional
(c) patent
(d) comprehensive
(e) improbable
Ans. ad
685. A financial institution is ____.
(a) A commercial Bank
(b) A merchant Bank
(c) An Insurance Company
(d) A Leasing Company
(e) All of these
Ans. e
686. In the legal arena ADR stands for
(a) Additional Deputy Registrar
(b) Alternate Dispute Resolution
(c) Adverse Drug Reaction
(d) Additional Degree Requirements
(e) Adversarial Disagreeable Rezlations
Ans. b
687. A decrease in the rate of money supply to the economy is most likely to be followed by
(a) stagnation
(b) increase in economic activity
(c) recession
(d) inflation
(e) all of these
Ans. d
688. Which of the following is an example is an example of RECOGNITION testing?
(a) Can you list all of the bones in the human body?
(b) What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
(c) is this word one of the words I showed you earlier?
(d) What is the capital of Ghana?
(e) On the list I showed you earlier, which words began with the letter ‘p’?
Ans. c
689. When you purchase of a company, then
(a) you own part of the company
(b) you have loaned money to the company
(c) you have made new funds available to the company
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above?
Ans. a
690. What do leasing companies do?
(a) lend money
(b) sell assets
(c) buy assets
(d) trade in stock market
(e) rent assets
Ans. e
691. The term ‘Secondary Market’ is commonly used in
(a) agricultural market
(b) stock market
(c) labor market
(d) factor market
(e) none of these
Ans. b
692. The share price of a bank reduced by 5% on January 16th, but increased by 10% the next day. What was the overall rate of loss or gain?
(a) 2% loss
(b) 4.5% loss
(c) no loss, no gain
(d) 4.5% gain
(e) none of these
Ans. d
693. 194 means AID, BEFF means what?
(a) 2254
(b) 2256
(c) 2846
(d) 2988
N.B. The correct answer is 2566
694. What do you understand by the term “call money”?
(a) inter-bank short term borrowing and lending
(b) borrowing from central bank
(c) lending by commercial banks to insurance companies
(d) lending by leasing companies to industrial sector
(e) None of them
Ans. a
695. Which is the largest country in the world?
(a) Russia
(b) USA
(c) China
(d) Canada
(e) None of these
Ans. a
696. Where is the headquarters of Intel located?
(a) Tucson, Arizona
(b) Richmond, Virginia
(c) Santa Clara, California
(d) Redmond, Washington
(e) None of these
Ans. c
697. This year's Nobel Laureate in Literature was born in (year 2009)
(a) Germany
(b) Bulgaria
(c) Romania
(d) Poland
(e) None of these
Ans. a
698. ESCAP means-
(a) Economic and Social Conference for Asia and the Pacific
(b) Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(c) Environment and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
(d) Economic and Social Centre for Asia and the Pacific
(e) None of these
Ans. b
699. Which is the largest trading block in the World?
(c) EU
(e) None of these
Ans. c
700. Which country will host the next year's football world cup? (year 2009)
(a) Brazil
(b) South Africa
(c) USA
(d) England
(e) None of these
Ans. a