Subject General Knowledge
726. The largest ocean of the world is the -.
(a) Antarctic
(b) Atlantic
(c) Indian
(d) Pacific
(e) None of these
Ans. d
727. The world’s largest diamond producing country is :
(a) South Africa
(b) Saudi Arabia
(c) USA d. Switzerland
(d) Pacific
(e) None of these
728. Money appears to have a major influence on:
(a) Inflation
(b) the business cycle
(c) interest rates
(d) all of these
(e) None of these
Ans. d
729. An increase in the growth rate of the money supply is most likely to be followed by :
(a) Recession
(b) a decline in economic activity
(c) inflation
(d) all of these
(e) None of these
Ans. c
730. When you purchase shares of corporate stock, then---
(a) You have loaned money to the corporation
(b) You own part the corporation
(c) you have made new funds available of the corporation
(d) All of these e. none of these
Ans. b
731. Which city is known as the city?
(a) Tokyo
(b) Joypur
(c) Delhi
(d) Beijing
(e) None of these
Ans. b
732. NBFIs constitute of which of the following?
(a) Banks and leasing firms
(b) leasing firms and insurance companies
(c) Banks and insurance firms
(d) Banks, leasing firms and insurance companies
(e) None of these
Ans. b
733. Which of the following organization is concerned with environmental issues?
(a) OIC
(b) MIGA
(c) IPCC
(d) WMO
(e) None of these
Ans. c
734. Which one is the largest desert in the world?
(a) Patagonia desert
(b) Gobi desert
(c) Takla desert
(d) Thar desert
(e) None of these
Ans. e
735. Which country is the defending champion of the World Cup Football?
(a) Brazil
(b) Argentina
(c) France
(d) Italy
(e) None of these
Ans. e
736. What does ‘ISP’ stand for?
(a) Internet service provider
(b) Information service provider
(c) International service program
(d) Industrial service program
(e) None of these
Ans. a
737. For which literacy work was Rabindranath Tagore awarded with the ‘Nobel’ prize?
(a) Khanika
(b) Sonartori
(c) Song Offerings
(d) Sanchita
(e) None of these
Ans. c
738. SWIFT stands for
(a) South West Industrial and Financial Trade
(b) Society for Worldwide International Financial Trade
(c) Society Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telegram
(d) Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial telecommunication.
Ans. d
739. Philology is the -
(a) study of bones
(b) study of muscles
(c) study of languages
(d) Study of architecture
Ans. c
740. Which country is known is having ‘Zero Population Growth’?
(a) Japan
(b) Sweden
(c) Canada
(d) Norway
Ans. b
741. Which country wins the Women’s World Cup Football this year?
(a) Germany
(b) Brazil
(c) USA
(d) Italy
Ans. a
742. Which one of the following statements is true for ‘Polico’ disease?
(a) The parasite enters the blood and attacks the blood cells
(b) Caused by files that carry germs from infected rates
(c) Increasing while blood corpuscles in blood.
(d) The movements of nerves are affected. Caused by virus.
Ans. d
743. The autobiography ‘From Third World to First’ is Written by ---
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Sir Fazle Hassan Abed
(c) Mahathir Muhammed
(d) Nelson Mandela
744. How many members were in the committee for drafting the constitution of Bangladesh?
(a) 31
(b) 32
(c) 33
(d) 34
Ans. e
745. Which of the two countries is involved with Sunshine Policy?
(a) China – Russia
(b) North Korea – South Korea
(c) Japan – Thailand
(d) Taiwan – Hong Kong
Ans. b
746. Which of the following is known as “Twin of Bretton Wood”?
(a) IMF, IDA
(c) ILO, IDA
Ans. b
747. Headquarter of European Union Located at ----
(a) Luxemburg
(b) Paris
(c) Brussels
(d) London
Ans. c
748. The author of the book Arms and the Man is
(a) William Shakespeare
(b) Lews is Carol
(c) Lews Maria Remarque
(d) George Benard Shaw
Ans. d
749. Who is known as the ‘media moghul’?
(a) Bill Gates
(b) Tata
(c) Rupert Murdoch
(d) Rockefeller
Ans. c
750. Which of the following is not a name of a Greek God?
(a) Pluto
(b) Earth
(c) Jupiter
(d) Neptune
Ans. b