Subject English
276. Julia has been ill _____ three months.
(a) since
(b) about
(c) in
(d) for
Ans. d
277. Many prefer donating money _____ distributing clothes
(a) than
(b) but
(c) to
(d) without
Ans. c
278. 'Light' is to 'dark' as 'cold' is to _
(a) hot
(b) heat
(c) winter
(d) cool
Ans. a
279. The verb of the word 'short' is _
(a) enshort
(b) shorten
(c) shorted
(d) shorting
Ans. b
280. 'To get along with' means
(a) to adjust
(b) to accompany
(c) to interest
(d) to walk
Ans. a
281. The price of rice are _____.
(a) raising
(b) risen
(c) rising
(d) raised
Ans. c
282. The word 'precedence' means
(a) example
(b) priority
(c) elderly
(d) case
Ans. b
283. Rizvi requested Rini _____ telephone to attend the meeting.
(a) over
(b) by
(c) through
(d) with
Ans. a
284. He had written the book before he _____.
(a) retired
(b) had retired
(c) has retired
(d) will be retired
Ans. a
285. Dhaka is becoming one of the _____ cities in Asia.
(a) more busy
(b) busy
(c) busiest
(d) most busiest
Ans. c
286. 'Animal Farm' was written by _
(a) George Orwell
(b) Stevenson
(c) Swift
(d) Mark Twain
Ans. a
287. "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" These lines were written by _
(a) Keats
(b) Frost
(c) Eliot
(d) Shelly
Ans. d
288. Photosynthesis takes place in -
(a) Roots of the plants
(b) Stems of the plants
(c) Green parts of the plant
(d) All parts of the plants
Ans. c
289. Fill in the blank of the following sentence with right form of verb.
If I _____ a king!
(a) am
(b) was
(c) were
(d) shall be
Ans. c
290. Tiger : Zoology : Mars : -
(a) Astrology
(b) Cryptology
(c) Astronomy
(d) Telescopy
Ans. c
291. Maiden Speech means -
(a) Final speech
(b) First speech
(c) Middle speech
(d) Maid servant's speech
Ans. b
292. N. B. stands for -
(a) Note before
(b) No bar
(c) Non bearing
(d) Nota bene
Ans. d
293. What is the masculine gender of "mare"?
(a) Mermaid
(b) Bear
(c) Stallion
(d) Dog
Ans. c
294. Julius Caesar was the ruler of room about _
(a) 1000 years ago
(b) 1500 years ago
(c) 2000 years ago
(d) 3000 years ago
Ans. c
295. The meaning of maiden in ‘maiden speech’ is:
(a) first
(b) late
(c) delivered by a lady
(d) meaningful meaningless
(e) meaningful
Ans. a
296. The meaning of the word ‘complacent’ is:
(a) satisfied
(b) austere
(c) simple
(d) unhappy
(e) encourage
Ans. a
Fill in the blanks:
297. Walk fast ___ you should miss the train.
(a) if
(b) lest
(c) because
(d) nor
(e) since
Ans. b
298. I wish I ___ a poet.
(a) am
(b) is
(c) was
(d) were
(e) be
Ans. d
299. He is ___ head and ears in debt.
(a) in
(b) over
(c) by
(d) along
(e) across
Ans. b
300. Fools rush in where angles fear ___ tread.
(a) of
(b) for
(c) by
(d) to
(e) against
Ans. d