Subject English
Fill in the blanks:
301. Is spite of my request he did not ____.
(a) give off
(b) give from
(c) give in
(d) give out
(e) give on
Ans. c
302. Accused of dishonesty, his ____ lies caused his colleagues to distrust him.
(a) many
(b) regular
(c) further
(d) repeated
(e) continuous
Ans. d
303. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ____ the other car.
(a) on
(b) of
(c) for
(d) to
(e) at
Ans. d
304. Rahim broke off in the middle of the story. Here ‘broke off’ means:
(a) fell down
(b) got angry
(c) suddenly stopped
(d) left the place
(e) became very emotional
Ans. c
305. The idiom ‘bear out’ means:
(a) confirm
(b) carry through
(c) tolerate
(d) reject
(e) reply
Ans. a
Find the antonym of the world written in bold:
306. Ancillary:
(a) auxiliary
(b) subsidiary
(c) compulsory
(d) ordinary
(e) artillery
Ans. c
307. Docile:
(a) harsh
(b) ugly
(c) fragile
(d) unruly
(e) biased
Ans. d
308. Salient:
(a) common
(b) clear
(c) shove
(d) visible
(e) error
Ans. a
309. Identify the correct sentence:
(a) There are ups and downs in one’s life
(b) He ran ups and downs
(c) He is on ups and downs
(d) He looked ups and downs at us
(e) The ups and downs of the road made the journey hard
Ans. a
310. The home country of football Grogba is:
(a) France
(b) Ivory Cost
(c) England
(d) Nigeria
(e) Ghana
Ans. b
Fill in the blanks
311. He is taller than___
(a) me
(b) mine
(c) I
(d) I am
(e) my
Ans. c
312. I met a person ___ I never saw earlier.
(a) who
(b) that
(c) which
(d) whom
(e) whose
Ans. d
313. We are sure ___ his success.
(a) for
(b) of
(c) about
(d) in
(e) on
Ans. b
314. He is envious____ my prosperity.
(a) in
(b) for
(c) of
(d) by
(e) about
Ans. c
315. Credit the amount ___ my account
(a) in
(b) of
(c) with
(d) to
(e) against
Ans. d
316. Yesterday I went there with a view to ___ a pen.
(a) buy
(b) buying
(c) have bought
(d) bought
(e) had bought
Ans. b
317. I expect that Selim will come round in a week. Here 'come round' means.
(a) come back
(b) complete recover
(c) get married
(d) meet all
(e) recover
Ans. e
318. The idiom 'hit upon' means:
(a) find
(b) fall down
(c) suddenly meet
(d) get excited
(e) get injured
Ans. c
319. The opposite of the word 'terminate' is
(a) depart
(b) prevent
(c) change
(d) begin
(e) conclude
Ans. d
320. The synonym of the word 'honorary' is
(a) part-time
(b) optional
(c) elective
(d) voluntary
(e) irregurlar
Ans. d
321. The term 'cereal' is used to mean
(a) fish
(b) grain
(c) series
(d) order
(e) queue
Ans. b
322. There are _____ dangerous drivers.
(a) a very lot of
(b) very many of
(c) very much of
(d) a lot of
Ans. d
323. I have read the book _____ you lent me.
(a) that
(b) whom
(c) whose
(d) what
Ans. a
324. Water boils _____ you heat it to 100 Centigrade.
(a) unless
(b) until
(c) if
(d) although
Ans. c
325. Tell me _____ that.
(a) whom told you
(b) that told you
(c) who told you
(d) told you
Ans. c