Subject English
Meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase
Instruction: For each question, select the option that best expresses the meaning of the underlined Word/Phrase.
476. Many teenagers are going to the dogs because of excessive use of social networking sites in the internet.
(a) Getting spoiled CA
(b) Preferring doges as pets
(c) Making new friends
(d) Playing Farm Ville.
(e) None of these.
Ans. a
477. He has gone to the United States of America for good .
(a) For higher study
(b) Forever
(c) For traveling
(d) In search of fortune
(e) None of these
Ans. b
478. Prices of essential goods are rising by leaps and bounds.
(a) Slowly
(b) At a rate less than inflation
(c) quickly
(d) Every month
(e) None of these
Ans. c
479. Though his answer was a short in the dark, it was a correct one.
(a) Guessed one
(b) Clever one
(c) informed one
(d) Quick one
(e) None of these
Ans. a
Identification of Missing Word
Instruction: In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Your task is to identify the missing word form the given choices.
480. No sooner had he seen the train he started running.
(a) than
(b) than
(c) been
(d) station
(e) No word is missing
Ans. b
481. He is famous not only in his village also in the whole country.
(a) all over
(b) or
(c) too
(d) but
(e) No word is missing
Ans. e
482. You should prepare yourself take the examination
(a) to CA
(b) good
(c) for
(d) by
(e) No word is missing
Ans. a
483. He was interested making a film.
(a) in
(b) for
(c) by
(d) colour
(e) No word is missing
Ans. a
Fill in the Gaps
Instruction: For each question, select the words that appropriately fill in the gaps.
484. Few could have ___ the ___ results of our season; we won seven games and lost only two.
(a) Meditated—presumptuous
(b) appropriated – lackluster
(c) predicted –stellar
(d) identified—elastic
(e) None of these
Ans. c
485. Because of past abrasion with his superiors, some -- if he would be willing to--at all.
(a) Speculated ---validate
(b) doubted—obey
(c) liquidated—acquiesce
(d) questioned---provide.
(e) None of these
Ans. b
486. Having inherited a staff known for ___ resources, the new chairman had no choice but to introduce a number of more ___ practices.
(a) defining ---- fraudulent
(b) harboring---diverse
(c) neglecting---proficient
(d) squandering—efficient
(e) None of these
Ans. d
487. Iodine deficiency is ___ in the remote mountain regions; however, it is no longer ___ in the lowlands where iodized salt is available.
(a) recorded - unusual
(b) rate - sporadic
(c) eradicated - common
(d) endemic - prevalent
(e) None of these
Ans. a
488. Despite the attacks of her coworkers, Seema never ___the bad feelings and instead kept her ___ inside.
(a) Disposed - anger
(b) maligned - frolic
(c) predated -fury
(d) reciprocated - aggression
(e) None of these
Ans. a
Identification of Missing Word
Instruction: In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word from the given choices.
489. We were deafened the roar of the explosion at the powder factory.
(a) From
(b) by
(c) of
(d) between
(e) No word is missing
Ans. b
490. He not create miracles, but he can provide consistent and solid performance .
(a) will
(b) should
(c) rather
(d) may
(e) No word is missing
Ans. d
491. Which method of organizing content points you did feel more comfortable?
(a) among
(b) with
(c) have
(d) Between
(e) No word is missing
Ans. b
492. Sometimes, it is better to contain one’s glee if is results of another person’s loss.
(a) than
(b) for
(c) of
(d) it
(e) No word is missing
Ans. d
493. The ultimate test of a good education is supposed to that it teaches you to think.
(a) be
(b) all
(c) if
(d) by
(e) No word is missing
Ans. a
Word Meaning
Instruction: Select the word that best expresses the meaning of the underline word.
494. The man walked about with the sober dignity of kings.
(a) restrained
(b) demonstrative
(c) ambiguous
(d) frantic
(e) None of these
Ans. a
495. After the accident, he was admonished to drive with greater care.
(a) initiated
(b) reconciled
(c) revealed
(d) chided
(e) None of these
Ans. b
496. Some man have come to install the air –conditioner.
(a) set up
(b) set out
(c) put forward
(d) stand up
(e) None of these
Ans. a
497. Labor rights activists claimed the number of moralities in the fire is much higher than the official count.
(a) refugees
(b) casualties
(c) celebrities
(d) tenants
(e) None of these
Ans. b
498. Who planned such an audacious undertaking?
(a) reclusive
(b) prevalent
(c) implacable
(d) improbable
(e) None of these
Ans. c
Error identification
Instruction: For each of these sentences, identify which underlined section is incorrect.
499. He is a quite b capable of doing c the work by himself d . e. No error
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. d
500. It is always a more difficult b to climb up mountain c than to get down d again. e. No error.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. e