Subject English
576. An electromagnet is created ------ electrical current through a coil of wire.
(a) by passing
(b) passes by
(c) to be passed
(d) passed
Ans. a
577. Ceramics can be harder, light a and more resistant b to heat c then metals d . No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. a
578. Not everyone a realize that b the most c largest organ of the human d body. No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. c
579. The way a child plays a with other children reveals a lots b about the child’s c emotional development d . No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. b
580. Sheep have a been domesticated b for over c five thousand years ago d . No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. d
581. Dhaka University has a an outsstanding b collecting c of historical documents d . No Error e .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) .
Ans. c
(a) Lucid
(b) Ministerial
(c) Wise
(d) Graceful
(e) Inarticulate
Ans. e
(a) Elastic
(b) Resinous
(c) Resolute
(d) Inflexible
(e) Malleable
Ans. d
(a) Mandate
(b) Intoxicant
(c) Life
(d) Euthanasia
(e) Gloom
Ans. e
(a) Compassion
(b) Lack of feeling for others
(c) Lack of religious certainty
(d) Lack of credit
(e) Recalcitrance
Ans. b
(a) Inconsequential
(b) Non-native
(c) Extraterrestrial
(d) Affluent
(e) Compliant
Ans. d
English comprehension. Select the best answer
Leave Intestate 25 at exit 7S. Follow that road (Elm Street) for two miles. After one miles, you will pass a small shopping center on your left. At the next set of traffic lights, turn right onto Maple Drive. Erick's house is the third house on your left. It's number 33, and it's white with green trim.
587. What is Erik's address?
(a) Interstate 25
(b) 2 Elm Street
(c) 13 Erika Street
(d) 33 Maple Drive
(e) None of them
Ans. d
588. Which is closest to Erik's house?
(a) the traffic light
(b) the shopping center
(c) exit 7S
(d) a greenhouse
(e) None of them
Ans. a
Spend ten romantic days enjoying the lush countryside of southern England. The countries of Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, and Essex invited you to enjoy there castles and coastline, their charming bed and breakfast inns, their museums and their cathedrals. Spend lazy days watching the clouds drift by or spend active days hiking the glorious hills. These fields were home to Thomas Hardy, and the ports lunched ships that shaped world history. Bed and breakfast abound, ranging from quiet farmhouses to lofty castles. Our tour begins August 15. Call or fax us today for more information 1-800-222-XXX. Enrollment is limited, so please call soon.
589. Which of the following countries is not included in the tour?
(a) Devon
(b) Cornwall
(c) Essex
(d) Hampshire
(e) None of them
Ans. b
590. How many people can go on this tour?
(a) 10
(b) an unlimited
(c) 2-8
(d) a limited number
(e) None of them
Ans. d
591. What can we infer about this area of southern England?
(a) The region has lots of vegetation
(b) The coast often has harsh weather
(c) The sun is hot and the air is dry
(d) The land is flat
(e) None of them
Ans. b
592. Select the correctly spelt word -
(a) Superior
(b) Superour
(c) Superrior
(d) Supperior
(e) Superrior
Ans. a
593. Select the correct one to fill in the gap.
After the correct repaired, it ______ again.
(a) ran perfect
(b) could run perfect
(c) run perfect
(d) ran perfectly
(e) runs perfect
Ans. d
594. Select the similar meaning of the EXPOSE -
(a) Reveal
(b) Uncover
(c) Unearth
(d) Conceal
(e) None of them
Ans. a
595. Select the opposite meaning of the word INADVERTENT -
(a) Uninentional
(b) Unintended
(c) Accidental
(d) Intentional
(e) None of them
Ans. d
596. Select the appropriate word to fill in the gaps.
It ____ is raining since early morning.
(a) is raining
(b) rained
(c) was raining
(d) has been raining
(e) None of them
Ans. e
Read the following passage and answer questions
Man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed but he cannot be destroyed. His sole is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation between the superpowers, the silver lining is provided by an amazing phenomenon: the very nations which have spent incalculable resource and energy in production of deadly weapons are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives, they withdraw from the brink.
597. The main point form the author's views is that
(a) Man's soul and spirit can not be destroyed by the superpowers
(b) Man's destiny is not fully clear and visible.
(c) Human society will survive despite the serious threat of that annihilation.
(d) Man's soul is deathless
(e) Mankind is immortal
Ans. c
598. Select the similar meaning of the word GRATS -
(a) Gratifying
(b) Free
(c) Gracious
(d) With Charge
(e) None of these
Ans. b
599. Select the opposite meaning of the GLORIOUS -
(a) Superb
(b) Splendid
(c) Disgraceful
(d) Wonderful
(e) None of these
Ans. c
600. Select the correct one to fill in the gap.
After the hurricane, uprooted trees ____ all over the ground.
(a) were laying
(b) were lying
(c) were laid
(d) was laid
(e) was lying
Ans. b