Subject English
Read the following passage and answer questions
Man is not destined to vanish. He can be killed but he cannot be destroyed. His sole is deathless and his spirit is irrepressible. Therefore, though the situation seems dark in the context of the confrontation between the superpowers, the silver lining is provided by an amazing phenomenon: the very nations which have spent incalculable resource and energy in production of deadly weapons are desperately trying to find out how they might never be used. They threaten each other, intimidate each other and go to the brink, but before the total hour arrives, they withdraw from the brink.
601. The phrase 'go to the brink' in the passage means
(a) Retreating from extreme danger.
(b) Declare war on each other
(c) Advancing to the stage of war but not engaging in it.
(d) Negotiate for peace
(e) Threaten and intimidate each other
Ans. c
602. In the author's opinion,
(a) Stockpiles of destructive weapons save mankind from catastrophe
(b) Mankind is heading towards extreme danger.
(c) Superpowers now realized the need for abandoning lethal weapons
(d) Nations possessing stockpiles of lethal weapons now want to avoid actual conflict
(e) It is not good for nations to threaten or intimidate each other.
Ans. d
603. The word 'intimidate' used in the passage means
(a) contradict
(b) bargain with
(c) quarrel with
(d) deceive
(e) frighten
Ans. e
604. A suitable title to the above passage is
(a) Destruction of Mankind is Inevitable.
(b) Man's Desire to Survive Inhabits Use of Deadly Weapon
(c) Mounting Cost of Modern Weapons.
(d) Threats and Intimidation between Superpowers
(e) Soul is Deathless, Spirit is Irrepressible
Ans. b
Choose a lettered word which is opposite in meaning to the capitalized one
605. ABATE:
(a) praise
(b) grant
(c) soothe
(d) increase
(e) irritate
Ans. d
606. FROWN:
(a) appreciate
(b) criticize
(c) regret
(d) accept
(e) reject
Ans. a
Choose a lettered word similar in meaning to the capitalized one/s
607. Head and Ears:
(a) affective
(b) close
(c) complete
(d) attention
(e) sink
Ans. c
608. Eat into vitals:
(a) life
(b) escape
(c) interrupt
(d) unveil
(e) swallow
Ans. c
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
609. The property is the _____ among the brothers.
(a) apple of discord
(b) orange of discord
(c) discord a apple
(d) discord of orange
(e) apple and orange
Ans. a
610. The person is noting more than a square meal ____ .
(a) rank and file
(b) rank profile
(c) square meal
(d) white elephant
(e) mare's nest
Ans. a
Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions
611. I can not accede ______ your proposal.
(a) with
(b) at
(c) by
(d) to
(e) in
Ans. d
612. The whole case hinges ____ this point.
(a) to
(b) at
(c) upon
(d) for
(e) against
Ans. c
613. Many more people who smoke develop lung cancer than do those who do not smoke. In the face of the evidence, how could a cigarette company representative argue against the conclusion that cigarette smoking cause lung cancer? To answer to the question, the representative could most likely say that
(a) Many things might could most cancer
(b) A single cause may be responsible for both smoking and cancer
(c) People have the right to endanger themselves if they choose to do so.
(d) People may breathe die, but no one accuses breathing of causing death.
(e) People will smoke anyhow, regardless of the evidence
Ans. a
614. It is immoral to blame people for what they do because they behave as they are conditioned to behave no choice in the matter. Blaming them will never change their behavior. In the statement above, the author undercuts his own argument by
(a) adopting dubious psychological theory
(b) undermining morality
(c) attacking human freedom
(d) arguing emotionally
(e) doing what he against
Ans. a
615. 'Odds and ends' means
(a) excuse
(b) difficulty
(c) dispute
(d) small things
(e) sad ending
Ans. d
616. 'Dead and buried' means
(a) dull
(b) complete stop
(c) exhausted
(d) closed
(e) long forgotten
Ans. b
617. I absolve you ____ blame.
(a) of
(b) in
(c) for
(d) with
(e) from
Ans. e
618. He is bent _____ going.
(a) for
(b) at
(c) to
(d) on
(e) after
Ans. d
619. We condoled _____ him on his loss.
(a) with
(b) to
(c) for
(d) at
(e) by
Ans. a
620. I cannot be false ___ my friend
(a) before
(b) by
(c) with
(d) to
(e) after
Ans. d
621. I have no hatred _____ him.
(a) before
(b) by
(c) of
(d) in
(e) on
Ans. c
622. Do not impute motives ____ him.
(a) upon
(b) on
(c) at
(d) to
(e) against
Ans. d
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
623. He looks very tough, but he is a nice man ____ .
(a) at length
(b) in length
(c) of length
(d) at last
(e) at bottom
Ans. e
624. I was very offended by his _____ attitude
(a) flat
(b) smooth
(c) hot and cold
(d) cut and dired
(e) for and sword
Ans. d
625. His dealing are clear and _____ .
(a) above board
(b) on course
(c) at large
(d) at wit's end
(e) in course
Ans. a