Subject English
2176. “The prize competition was touted as a showcase for new technology, but disqualifications and disputes.” The underlined word can be best substituted with which of the following words?
(a) conceived
(b) heralded
(c) disappointing
(d) promising
(e) concocted
Ans. b
2177. As no one knows the truth as fully as him, no one but him can provide the testimony.
(a) as fully as his, no one but him
(b) as fully as he, no one but him
(c) as fully as he does, not one but he
(d) as fully as he does, no one but be alone
Ans. b
2178. Speculations and hypothesizing are the most essential and well-known aspects of inventions.
(a) hypothesized
(b) hypothesizing needs
(c) hypothesis
(d) no improvement
Ans. c
2179. If I would have realized the nature of the job earlier, I would not have accepted it.
(a) If I would
(b) Incase I would have
(c) Had I
(d) no improvement
Ans. c
2180. The tea estate is in such a mess there is no one to set things right.
(a) in mess there
(b) in a such mess that there
(c) in such a mess that there
(d) no correction required
Ans. c
2181. I would have waited for you at the station if I knew that you would come.
(a) I know
(b) was knowing
(c) had known
(d) no improvement
Ans. c
Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys more or less the same meaning as the italicised word in the sentence.
2182. The use of bullock carts is a superannuated mode of transportation.
(a) cheaper
(b) obsolete
(c) quicker
(d) rural
Ans. b
2183. Bengalis are innate poets.
(a) excellent
(b) romantic
(c) dull
(d) inborn
Ans. d
2184. If you want real solace go to Cox’s Bazer.
(a) holiday
(b) consolation
(c) happiness
(d) rest
Ans. b
2185. He was engrossed in day’s office routine.
(a) involved
(b) tried
(c) fully occupied
(d) lost
Ans. a
2186. No one welcomes him to a party for he is so garrulous.
(a) behave indecently
(b) too proud
(c) to have ego
(d) talks too much
Ans. d
Select the word/phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
(a) former
(b) careless
(c) observant
(d) moderate
Ans. b
(a) erosion
(b) addition
(c) procession
(d) stack
Ans. a
2189. BURIED
(a) shown
(b) marked
(c) obscured
(d) hidden
Ans. a
(a) preface
(b) commencement
(c) postscript
(d) tender
Ans. c
(a) speak harmoniously
(b) shout harshly
(c) push forcefully
(d) advise candidly
Ans. d
Select a pair of words to replace the question marks.
2192. Alleviate : Aggravate
(a) Joke : Worry
(b) Elevate : Agree
(c) Elastic : Rigid
(d) Level : Grade
Ans. c
2193. Fortuitous : Inherent
(a) Rugged : Endurable
(b) Legible : Indelible
(c) Gregarious : Introverted
(d) Envious : Desire
Ans. c
2194. Escape : Abscond
(a) Freedom : Independence
(b) Endless : Eternal
(c) Weaken : Strengthen
(d) Exult : Jubilate
Ans. d
2195. Benevolent : Kind
(a) Unclear : Muddy
(b) Imprudent : Reverential
(c) Sagacity : Incautious
(d) Redundant : Cheerful
Ans. a
2196. Burden : Encumber
(a) Synopsis : Recapitulate
(b) Weariness : Tireless
(c) Reptile : Snake
(d) Behead : Summary
Ans. a
Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/phrase.
2197. One who eats everything -
(a) carnivorous
(b) gourmet
(c) omnivorous
(d) omnipotent
Ans. c
2198. A speech delivered without preparation -
(a) straightforward
(b) extempore
(c) verbose
(d) maiden
Ans. b
2199. A place that provides refuge -
(a) asylum
(b) sanatorium
(c) shelter
(d) orphanage
Ans. a
2200. A person who tries to deceive people by claiming to be able to do wonderful things -
(a) trickster
(b) impostor
(c) magician
(d) mountebank
Ans. d