Subject English
2076. How many types of parts of speech?
(a) ৫
(b) ৭
(c) ৮
(d) ৬
Ans. c
2077. How many types of tense?
(a) ৩
(b) ২
(c) ৫
(d) ৪
Ans. a
2078. He will go to Dhaka ___ Sunday.
(a) in
(b) on
(c) at
(d) of
Ans. b
2079. N.B stands for-
(a) Note before
(b) No bar
(c) Nota bene
(d) Non bearning
Ans. c
2080. Which one is an example of superlative degree?
(a) Least
(b) Less
(c) Near
(d) Out
Ans. a
2081. Which is the plural from of word Hero?
(a) Heros
(b) Heroes
(c) Herois
(d) Heroes
Ans. b
2082. The word ‘wonderful’ is a -
(a) Noun
(b) Adjective
(c) Preposition
(d) Adverb
Ans. a
2083. ‘Act’ শব্দটির verb কোনটি?
(a) Action
(b) Acted
(c) Enact
(d) Actress
Ans. d
2084. আমি গতকাল তোমায় চিঠি পেয়েছি এর সঠিক অনুবাদ -
(a) He had your letter yesterday
(b) I had received your letter yesterday
(c) I received your letter yesterday
(d) I am received your letter yesterday
Ans. c
2085. What is the past participle form of ‘die’?
(a) diad
(b) died
(c) had died
(d) die
Ans. b
2086. Choose the correct option:
He ___ not wait for us:
(a) need
(b) needs
(c) do not need
(d) None of these
Ans. a
2087. ‘I have to do it’ বাক্যের passive form হবে -
(a) It has to be done to me
(b) Let it be done by me
(c) It has to done by me
(d) It is to done by me
Ans. a
2088. ‘You will be helped by me’ - বাক্যটির সঠিক পরিবর্তিত voice হবে-
(a) I shall help you
(b) I must help you
(c) I shall have helped you
(d) I should help you
Ans. a
2089. Open the window বাক্যটির passive form হবে
(a) Let the window be opened
(b) The window should be opened by you
(c) Let the window be opened
(d) The window must be opened
Ans. a
2090. ‘My brother has interest ___ music’ - Fill in gap.
(a) for
(b) with
(c) in
(d) at
Ans. c
2091. ‘He is out for your blood’ বাক্যটির বাংলা অনুবাদ কোনটি?
(a) সে তোমার জন্য রক্ত খুজেঁছে
(b) সে তোমার রক্তের জন্য বেরিয়েছে
(c) তোমাকে আক্রমণ করতে কৃত সংকল্প
(d) সে তোমার রক্ত সম্পর্ক হতে বাহিরে
Ans. c
2092. রহিম আমার চেয়ে বয়সে ছোট – সঠিক অনুবাদটি
(a) Rahim is junior than me
(b) Rahim is junior then me
(c) Rahim is junior to me
(d) Rahim is more junier than me
Ans. c
2093. The closest meaning of ‘Scatter’ is -
(a) Disperse
(b) Moist
(c) Trust
(d) Damp
Ans. a
2094. What is the opposite meaning of ‘Striking’?
(a) Spectacular
(b) Excellent
(c) Exquisite
(d) Ordinary
Ans. d
2095. I want ___ soap to wash my dress with. (Fill up the gap)
(a) any
(b) a piece of
(c) them
(d) but
Ans. b
2096. Which of the of followings does not add “ves” in the plural from?
(a) wife
(b) roof
(c) wolf
(d) self
Ans. d
2097. Plural of ‘Criterion’ is-
(a) Criterions
(b) Criteriones
(c) Criterias
(d) Criteria
Ans. d
2098. ___ is not the only thing that tourists want to see. (Fill up the gap).
(a) A scenery
(b) Sceneries
(c) The sceneries
(d) Scenery
Ans. d
2099. The antonym for ‘Recalcitrant’-
(a) complaint
(b) passive
(c) Indifferent
(d) careful
2100. The synonym for ‘Obdurate’-
(a) Deceitful
(b) Stubborn
(c) Sly
(d) Swindler
Ans. b