Subject English
2001. Which one is the relative pronoun?
(a) He
(b) You
(c) His
(d) Who
Ans. d
2002. The word ‘advance’ is -
(a) an adverb
(b) a verb
(c) a noun
(d) an adjective
Ans. c
2003. ‘Dog days’ means -
(a) a time when dogs roan the street
(b) quarrel
(c) hot weather
(d) a period of being care-free
Ans. c
2004. Which is the correct spelling?
(a) Orthopaedic
(b) Orthopedic
(c) Orthopadic
(d) Orthopadyc
Ans. b
2005. I would rather ___ coffee than tea.
(a) with have
(b) have
(c) had
(d) to have
Ans. b
2006. What is the antonym of ‘determine’?
(a) Restore
(b) Alert
(c) Hesitate
(d) Preserve
Ans. c
2007. Which one is past indefinite tense?
(a) He is drinking coffee
(b) He drank coffee
(c) He drink coffee
(d) He was drinking coffee
Ans. b
2008. The phrase ‘At a stretch’ means-
(a) long way
(b) irregularly
(c) decaying
(d) without break
Ans. d
2009. Choose the right word for the sentence:
‘He divided the money ___ the two children’.
(a) among
(b) between
(c) in between
(d) over
Ans. b
2010. Use the correct word in the gap:
The grass on the other side of the ___ always looks greener.
(a) land
(b) yard
(c) boundary
(d) fence
Ans. d
2011. A bad workman ___ with his tools.
(a) fights
(b) quarrels
(c) plays
(d) revolts
Ans. b
2012. Synonym of ‘cross-examine’:
(a) intervene
(b) interview
(c) interrogate
(d) interrupt
Ans. c
2013. Which of the following is grammatically correct?
(a) I prefer walking to riding
(b) I do not known to write
(c) He gave me a pen to write.
(d) He gave me a lot of information.
Ans. a
2014. Which of the following is singular?
(a) data
(b) agenda
(c) index
(d) criteria
Ans. c
2015. The word ‘lunar’ is related to -
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) light
(d) earth
Ans. b
2016. Passive form of “Who has done the work?” is -
(a) Whom has done the work by?
(b) Whom has been done the work?
(c) By whom has been done the work?
(d) By whom has the work been done?
Ans. d
2017. He ___ to see us if he had been able to.
(a) would
(b) would have come
(c) may have come
(d) may come
Ans. b
2018. A ‘bull market’ means that share prices are -
(a) static
(b) moving
(c) falling
(d) rising
Ans. d
2019. Neither Rumi nor Popy ___ qualified for the job.
(a) had
(b) is
(c) were
(d) are
Ans. b
2020. To build caste in the air is -
(a) to work selflessly
(b) to be a dreamer
(c) to work hard
(d) to make a fortune
Ans. b
2021. Synonym of ‘discreet’ is -
(a) careless
(b) tactless
(c) indiscreet
(d) judicious
Ans. d
2022. Choose the correct use of article:
This is ___ better of ___ two.
(a) a, an
(b) a, a
(c) the, the
(d) x, the
Ans. c
2023. In spite of everything life is worth ___.
(a) eating
(b) singing
(c) living
(d) dancing
Ans. c
2024. To read between the lines means -
(a) to read the lines
(b) to read quickly to save time
(c) to read some lines only
(d) to read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
Ans. d
2025. You had better ___.
(a) stayed
(b) stay
(c) staying
(d) to stay
Ans. b