Subject English
2401. Out and out means-
(a) Not at all
(b) Brave
(c) Thoroughly
(d) Whole heartedly
Ans. c
2402. The antonym if `different` is-
(a) indifferent
(b) callous
(c) separate
(d) similar
Ans. d
2403. Which word is both a noun and a verb?
(a) advice
(b) practice
(c) belief
(d) brush
Ans. d
2404. `Tajmahal` is a-
(a) Monument
(b) Castle
(c) Tower
(d) Mansion
Ans. a
2405. `Macbeth` is-
(a) a play
(b) a novel
(c) an essay
(d) a poem
Ans. a
2406. `Laugh` শব্দটির Noun হচ্ছে-
(a) Laugh
(b) Laughing
(c) Laughable
(d) Laughter
Ans. d
2407. `All at once` - phrase টির অর্থ হলো-
(a) Suddenly
(b) Quickly
(c) Slowly
(d) Gradually
Ans. a
2408. ‘পরীক্ষা খুব নিকটবর্তী’ এর সঠিক ইংরেজি অনুবাদ কোনটি?
(a) The examination is coming soon
(b) The examination will start soon
(c) The examination is knocking at the door
(d) The examination is beginning soon
Ans. c
For each question, select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill in the gap(s).
2409. The hypocrite _____ feeling which s/he does not ____ but which s/he feels s/he should display.
(a) shows - apprehend
(b) depicts - possess
(c) decries - hold
(d) simulates - admire
(e) None of these
Ans. b
2410. Small investors who are ____ of the sponsors and directors’ intents, consequently _____ their hard-earned money in the stock market.
(a) aware - recoup
(b) ignorant - loss
(c) oblivious - lose
(d) unmindful - retrieve
(e) None of these
Ans. c
2411. Early sailing ships, _____ in uncharted seas, at times faced many _____ in reaching their destination.
(a) were navigated - problems
(b) navigating - hazards
(c) has navigated - adversities
(d) being navigated - perils
(e) None of these
Ans. b
2412. The merger will eliminate ____ and provide more ____ cross training to staff.
(a) paperwork - or less
(b) loss - aggressive
(c) duplication - effective
(d) competitors - directed
(e) None of these
Ans. d
2413. Given the existence of so many ____ in the field, it was unrealistic of Moin to expect any ____ of opinion.
(a) sections - integration
(b) conflicts - assessment
(c) divergence - formation
(d) factions - uniformity
(e) None of these
Ans. d
For each of these sentences, identify which underlined section is incorrect.
2414. He was much a more wiser b after c that d unfortunate incident.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. b
2415. He is a quite b capable of doing c the work by himself d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. d
2416. Cotton fiber, alike a other b vegetable fibers, is composed c mostly d of cellulose.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. a
2417. At the a eyes of the b law, robbery c is a greater offence than d theft.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. a
2418. Whenever a people live b together in one c place, they formed d community.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. d
In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word from the given choices.
2419. He felt on qualms borrowing money from his friends.
(a) to
(b) for
(c) of
(d) about
(e) No word is missing
Ans. d
2420. Rajshahi has one of lowest motor fatality rates in the country.
(a) is
(b) the
(c) of
(d) between
(e) No word is missing
Ans. b
2421. Considering how long she yearned to see Italy, her first reaction was curiously was curiously tepid.
(a) almost
(b) should
(c) rather
(d) had
(e) No word is missing
Ans. e
2422. Which method of organizing content points did you feel more comfortable?
(a) among
(b) with
(c) have
(d) between
(e) No word is missing
Ans. e
Read the following passage.
Based on what is stated or implied in the passage, answer the question that follow.
He saw nothing, he has no knife or sharp instrument, the grating of the window was of iron hand and he had too often assured himself of its solidity. His furniture consisted of a bed, a chair, a table, a pail, and a jug. The bed had iron clamps, but they were screwed to the wall and it would have required a screwdriver to take them off. Dantes had but one resource which was to break the jug and with one of the sharp fragments attack the wall. He left the jug fall on the floor and it broke in pieces. He concealed two or three or the sharpest fragments in his bed, leaving the rest on the floor. The breaking of the jug was too natural an accident to excite suspicion, and nest morning gaoler went grumblingly to fetch another, without giving himself the trouble to remove the fragments. Dantes heard joyfully the key grate in the lock as guard departed.
2423. Dantes was in
(a) a hostel
(b) a dinning room
(c) an army barrack
(d) a prison
(e) None of these
Ans. d
2424. Dantes heard the key grate in the lock when the
(a) cell door was shut.
(b) cell door was opened.
(c) store room was opened.
(d) store room was shut.
(e) None of these
Ans. e
2425. The guard left the fragments because he
(a) did not notice them.
(b) wished to punish Dantes.
(c) was too lazy to bother.
(d) wanted Dantes to Clear them up.
(e) None of these
Ans. c