Subject English
For each of these sentence, identify which underlined section is incorrect.
2651. Can a you make identification b the underlying c causes of the d recession?
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
(e) No Error
Ans. b
In each of the following sentences, there is one word missing. Identify the missing word from the given choices.
2652. The spy managed to pass on the message through the police were watchful.
(a) if
(b) their
(c) even
(d) for
(e) No word is missing
Ans. c
2653. Due to an accident on the flyover, traffic was delayed nearly an hour.
(a) because
(b) the
(c) only
(d) for
(e) No word is missing
Ans. d
2654. A number of clinical trials shown regular exercise to be strongly linked to heightened immunity.
(a) have
(b) for
(c) has
(d) and
(e) No word is missing
Ans. a
2655. Rina’s mother has agreed let her go to the concert only if I accompany her.
(a) there
(b) it
(c) provided
(d) to
(e) No word is missing
Ans. d
2656. You need to hear both sides of the story before making your mind.
(a) carefully
(b) up
(c) deciding
(d) in
(e) No word is missing
Ans. b
Read the passage and answer the questions given below.
Many folk cures which have been around for centuries may be more therapeutic than previously suspected. A case in point is that of penicillin. Alexander Fleming did not just randomly choose cheese molds to study when he discovered this very important bacteria-killing substance. Moldy cheese was frequently given to patients as a remedy for illness at one time. Fleming just isolated what about the cheese which cures the patient.
In parts of South America, a powder obtained from grinding sugar cane is used for healing infections in wounds and ulcers. This usage may data back to pre-Colombian times. Experiments carried out on several hundreds patients indicates that ordinary sugar in high concentrations is lethal to bacteria. Its suction effect eliminates death cells, and it generate3s a glasslike layer which protects wounds and ensures healing.
Another example of folk medicine which scientists are investigating is that of Arab fishermen who rub their wounds with a venomous catfish to quicken healing. This catfish excretes a gel-like slime which scientists have found to contain antibiotics, a coagulant that help close injured blood vessels, anti-inflammatory agents, and a chemical that directs production of a glue-like material that aids heading.
It is hoped that by documenting these folk remedies and experimenting to see if results are indeed beneficial, an analysis of the substance can be made, and synthetic substance can be developed for human consumption.
2657. This passage is mainly about
(a) using folk medicines in place of modern medicines
(b) antibiotics in the field of medicine
(c) the validity of folk remedies and their use for advances in modern medicines
(d) isolating antibiotics in cheese, sugar, and slime
Ans. c
2658. The word ‘therapeutic’ is closest in meaning to
(a) physiological
(b) medicinal
(c) traditional
(d) psychological
Ans. b
2659. It can be inferred from the passage that Alexander Fleming
(a) discovered moldy cheese
(b) isolated infectious patients
(c) suspected medicinal properties of mold
(d) enjoyed eating cheese
Ans. c
2660. According to the passage
(a) bacteria feed on sugar
(b) sugar kills unhealthy cells
(c) glass is formed from sugar
(d) sugar promotes healing
Ans. d
2661. The gel-like substance which promotes healing comes from
(a) catfish bodies
(b) Arab Fishermen
(c) coagulants
(d) catfish venom
Ans. d
Find out which underlined pars (a, b, c and d) of the following sentence has an error.
2662. The oceans a contain many forms b of life that yet c yet d been discovered.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2663. There have recently a been any b important findings c in medical technology d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2664. In recent years a automobile emissions have disfigured b stone carvings c , corroded bronze monuments, and soil d ancient billings.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. d
2665. The rings of a Saturn are so b distant to be c seen form the Earth without d telescope.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2666. Drying a food by means b of solar energy is ancient c process applied d wherever food and climatic conditions make it possible.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
Each sentence below has one or more blanks. Choose the most appropriate alternative(s) to complete the following sentences.
2667. The new owners of the paper change the _____ completely.
(a) outlay
(b) layout
(c) outlet
(d) outlook
Ans. b
2668. Patriotism, like so many other, objects of this imperfect world, is a _____ web of good and evil.
(a) complicated
(b) intricate
(c) tangled
(d) entangled
Ans. b
2669. During the _____ many buildings were _____ to the ground.
(a) riots, collapsed
(b) fire, razed
(c) floods, razed
(d) disturbance, brought
Ans. a
2670. In a changing and _____ instructed business environment, creativity and innovations are being _____ demanded of excutives.
(a) excessively, rapidly
(b) highly, extremely
(c) increasingly, moderately
(d) progressively, increasingly
Ans. b
2671. He deals ____ foreign good only, but our firm deals _____ several leading merchants who trade _____ variety _____ goods.
(a) in, with, in, of
(b) with, with, with, of
(c) with, in, of, with
(d) in, in, with, of
Ans. b
2672. `Salarium’ is a latinword that means-
(a) salt
(b) salary
(c) soldiers
(d) the salt Road
Ans. b
2673. The thief was caught red handed. Here ‘red handed’ means -
(a) Latter
(b) With proof
(c) Trap
(d) None of them
Ans. b
2674. Which is correct spelling?
(a) Humourous
(b) Humorous
(c) Humourious
(d) Humorious
Ans. b
2675. What is the masculine gender of ‘Mare’?
(a) Marmaid
(b) Stallion
(c) Dog
(d) Boar
Ans. b