Subject General Knowledge
1251. Who among the following writers has not been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature?
(a) Mario Vargas Llosa
(b) Leo Tolstoy
(c) John Steinbeck
(d) William Faulkner
Ans. b
1252. Epistemology is concerned with
(a) Nature and scope of knowledge
(b) The study of form and structure of animal
(c) The study of heredity
(d) The study of earth
Ans. a
1253. At present, which is the second largest economy in the world?
(a) USA
(b) Russia
(c) Japan
(d) China
Ans. a
1254. Which one among the following is written in the logo of MTBL?
(a) Excellence in banking
(b) Happy banking
(c) Simple math
(d) You can bank on us
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1255. ‘World Health Day’ is observed on -
(a) 1st December
(b) 1st April
(c) 7th December
(d) 7th April
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1256. Who among the following has won the FIFA ballon d’Or award for 2013?
(a) Lionel Messi
(b) Cristiano Ronaldo
(c) Franck Ribery
(d) Batistuta
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1257. Recently, which of the following companies have acquired the cell phone business of Nokia?
(a) Motorola
(b) Google
(c) Ericsson
(d) Microsoft
(e) None of these
Ans. d
1258. In which area, Gabriel Garcia Marquez received the Nobel Prize in 1982?
(a) Medical Science
(b) Literature
(c) Economics
(d) Peace
(e) None of these
Ans. b
1259. Who is the current Secretary of State of USA? (Year 2014)
(a) Hillary Clinton
(b) John F. Kerry
(c) Collin L. Powell
(d) Condolleezza Rice
Ans. a
1260. The Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in
(a) Venezuela
(b) Columbia
(c) Argentina
(d) Equador
Ans. b
1261. What is FDI?
(a) Foreign Donor investment
(b) Foreign Direct investment
(c) Future Development Index
(d) Foreign Development Investment
Ans. b
1262. Which of the following is the effect of inflation?
(a) Purchasing power of money increases
(b) Purchasing power of money decreases
(c) Import increases
(d) GDP decrease
Ans. b
1263. What is the Capital of Turkey?
(a) Ankara
(b) Istambul
(c) Saana
(d) Izmir
Ans. a
1264. The concept of carbon credit originated from which one of the following?
(a) Earth Summit
(b) Rio de janeiro
(c) Kyoto Protocol
(d) Montreal Protocol
Ans. c
1265. Which of the following is a land locked country?
(a) Hong Kong
(b) Afghanistan
(c) Pakistan
(d) Nigeria
Ans. b
1266. Which country will host the World Cup Football tournament in 2018?
(a) Brazil
(b) Argentina
(c) Qatar
(d) Russia
Ans. d
1267. The Capital of Ukraine is -
(a) Tashkent
(b) Kiev
(c) Belgrade
(d) Tabilisi
Ans. b
1268. Where is the headquarter of IMF?
(a) Washington DC
(b) Rome
(c) Manila
(d) Paris
Ans. a
1269. The first match of World Cup Football 2014 was held in which city
(a) Rio-de-Jenirio
(b) Sao Paolo
(c) Brasilia
(d) Natal
Ans. b
1270. Which one of the following is the name of current deposit scheme in First Security Islamic Bank?
(a) Al Wadiah
(b) Mudarabah
(c) Musharakah
(d) All of these
Ans. a
1271. Rise in the sea level will affect which of the following countries most?
(a) Bangladesh
(b) Indonesia
(c) Australia
(d) Maldives
Ans. d
1272. The term ACARS is related to
(a) Airplane
(b) Ship
(c) Car
(d) Space Shuttle
Ans. a
1273. Which is the host country for Olympic 2020?
(a) Brazil
(b) China
(c) Japan
(d) Australia
Ans. c
1274. ‘মিশর’ কোন মহাদেশে অবস্থিত?
(a) এশিয়া
(b) আফ্রিকা
(c) আমেরিকা
(d) ইউরোপ
Ans. b
1275. বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেটে কত সালে টেস্ট মর্যাদা লাভ করে?
(a) ২০০০ সালে
(b) ২০০১ সালে
(c) ২০০২ সালে
(d) ২০০৩ সালে
Ans. a