is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
2252. In a class, 50% of the male students and of the female students speak French. If there are as many girls as boys, what fraction of the entire class speaks French?
2255. A culprit was spotted by a policeman from a distance of 250 meter. When the policeman started running towards the culprit at a speed of 10km/hr, the culprit also fled. If his speed was 8km/hr, find how far the culprit had run before hw was overpowered.
2256. A shopkeeper sells a pair of sunglasses at a profit of 25%. If he had bought it at 25% less and sold it for Tk. 10 less, he would have gained 40%. Determine the cost price of the pair of sunglasses.
2257. A tea merchant blends 2 kind of tea, putting 3 parts of a Tk. 25 per kg grade to 1 part of a Tk. 15 per kg. If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the Tk. 25 per grade to 3 parts of the less expensive grade, how much will the shop lose or save in blending 200 kg?
2258. A man has Tk. 210 in coins alone. The coins consist of one taka, 50 paisa and 25 paisa whose numbers from a ratio of 5:6:8 respectively. How many coins are there in the 50 paisa denomination?
2259. The difference between the compound interest and simple on a certain amount of money at 5% per annum for 2 years is Tk. 15. Find the principal amount.
2260. In order to pass an examination, a student is required to get 35% of the maximum marks. If a student scored a total of 381 marks and failed by 144 marks, determine the maximum marks for the examination.
2261. The cost of preparing a cricket ground of rectangular shape at 70 paisa per square meter is Tk. 420. Find the perimeter of the field if its sides are in the ratio of 3 : 2.
2271. কয়েকজন শ্রমিক একটি কাক ১৮ দিনে করে দিবে বলে ঠিক করে। কিন্তু তাদের মধ্যে ৯ জন অনুপস্থিত থাকায় কাজটি ৩৬ দিনে সম্পন্ন হয়। ৩৬ জন শ্রমিক নিযুক্ত হলে কত দিনে কাজটি সম্পন্ন হতো?