is online job preparation, question, solution & model test for any kind of job (BCS, PSC(non cadre), Bank…) in Bangladesh. Now we are only focusing on multiple choice question. Here we categorize every question in three types (Read, Review & Test).
Subject Mathematics
2301. এক ব্যক্তি ক্রয় মূল্যের উপর ৫০% হিসাব করে বিক্রয় মূল্য নির্ধারণ করে। সে নির্ধারিত বিক্রয় মূল্যের উপর ১০% কমিশন দিয়ে জিনিস বিক্রয় করে। তার মোটের উপর শতকরা কত লাভ হবে?
2310. A train is travelling at 100km per hour (kmh) overtakes a motorbike travelling at a speed of 64 kmh in 40 seconds. What is the length of the train in meters?
2311. Four persons can complete a job in 8 days. After four days two persons have left the work. How many days would it take for the remaining persons to complete the work?
2312. Two friends M and N have 40% and 60% shares in a business. After some time a third friend joined the business by investing Tk. 5 lac and acquired 20% shares in the business. What is the share of M in the business now?
2314. The price of a certain DVD is discounted by 10% and the reduced price is then discounted by another 10%. This series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of:
2315. A zookeeper counted the heads of animal and found it to be 80. When he counted the legs of animals, he found the number to be 260. If the zoo had either Pigeons or horses, how many horses were there in the zoo?
2316. The seed of a boat is 10 km per hour (kph) and the speed of the river current is 5 kph. The boat travelled 5 hours in favor of the current and then returned to the starting point. What was the time to return?