Subject English
In each of the following questions, a related pairs of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select pair that best expresses a relationship similar to the one expressed in the question pair.
(a) Trickster : risk
(b) Braggart : boast
(c) Haggier : concede
(d) Laggard : outlast
Ans. b
(a) Deceptive : false
(b) Hardworking : diligent
(c) Altruistic : mercenary
(d) Demonstrative : effusive
Ans. b
(a) Disrespect : age
(b) Embezzlement : trust
(c) Jury : vow
(d) Plagiarism : authority
Ans. b
(a) Dismiss : jury
(b) Demobilize : Troops
(c) Cheer : team
(d) Convene : committee
Ans. d
(a) Encomium : laudatory
(b) Critique : Insolent
(c) Monologue : lengthy
(d) Aphorism : boring
Ans. a
Each sentence below has one or more blank(s). Choose the most appropriate alternative(s) to complete/correct the following sentences.
2756. The _____ of time had left the castle _____, it towered high, looking much the same as it must have done centuries ago.
(a) repairs, destroyed
(b) ravages, untouched
(c) lack, defended
(d) status, lonely
Ans. b
2757. The child was so _____ by her indulgent parents that she pouted and become _____ when she did not receive all their attention.
(a) protected, insecure
(b) pampered, tranquil
(c) Sheltered, elated
(d) spoiled, sullen
Ans. d
2758. The _____ pittance that the destitute receive from the government cannot keep them from _____.
(a) meager, poverty
(b) meticulous, despair
(c) indulgent, desolation
(d) small, crime
Ans. a
2759. We were assumed that a man who had so far been the most _____ of public speakers could _____ the audience and bring them cheering to their feet.
(a) masterful, bore
(b) enthralling, anger
(c) accomplished, humour
(d) pedestrian, electrify
Ans. d
2760. The _____ of evidence was on the side of plaintiff since all but one witness testified that his story was _____.
(a) propensity, far-fetched
(b) preponderance, correct
(c) accuracy, insufficient
(d) paucity, accurate
Ans. b
2761. Which sentence is correct?
(a) I lodged a complaint.
(b) I made a complain.
(c) I lodged a complained.
(d) Do not complaint any more.
Ans. b
2762. ‘Pilferage’ is a soft word for -
(a) stealing
(b) pillar
(c) pilgrimage
(d) piled up
Ans. a
2763. I called for his explanation. Here call for means:
(a) demand
(b) want
(c) expect
(d) hone
Ans. a
2764. The word ‘orphanage’ is-
(a) a verb
(b) an adjective
(c) a noun
(d) an adverb
Ans. c
2765. ‘Cute’ means-
(a) sharp witted
(b) accurate
(c) flute
(d) to cot
Ans. b
2766. What is the noun form of ‘stupid’?
(a) stupidity
(b) idiot
(c) stupendous
(d) stupefy
Ans. a
2767. ‘Genocide’ is -
(a) a verb
(b) a preposition
(c) a noun
(d) an adjective
Ans. c
2768. The interrogative form of the sentence “He is a great scholar” is -
(a) Is he a great scholar?
(b) Is he not a great scholar?
(c) Is he a big scholar?
(d) Is not he a great scholar?
Ans. b
2769. A ‘red letter day’ means -
(a) A red day
(b) A historical day
(c) A memorable day
(d) A day of joy
Ans. c
2770. Fill in the gap: Learn the poem _____ heart
(a) by
(b) with
(c) within
(d) of
Ans. a
2771. ‘At a stretch’ means:
(a) irregularly
(b) without break
(c) decaying
(d) long way
Ans. b
2772. Which word is in Masculine gender?
(a) Cow
(b) Bitch
(c) Nun
(d) Ox
Ans. d
2773. Which word is in feminine gender?
(a) Nun
(b) Friar
(c) Hart
(d) Colt
Ans. a
2774. Which one is in singular number?
(a) Phenomena
(b) Criterion
(c) Oases
(d) Ultimata
Ans. b
2775. Which one is in plural number?
(a) School
(b) Oxen
(c) Leaf
(d) Mathematics
Ans. b