Subject English
2726. ‘Justice delayed is justice denied’ was stated by
(a) Shakespeare
(b) Emerson
(c) Gladstone
(d) Disraeli
Ans. c
2727. What is meaning of ‘White Elephant’?
(a) An elephant of white color
(b) A hoarder
(c) A very costly and troublesome possession
(d) A black marketer
Ans. c
2728. ‘Renaissance’ means-
(a) the revival of learning
(b) the revival of hard task
(c) the revival of life
(d) the revival of new country
Ans. a
2729. ‘Give me good mothers, I will give you a good nation, was the observation of-
(a) Hitler
(b) Abraham Lincoln
(c) Napoleon
(d) Disraeli
Ans. c
2730. ‘Shortly’ means -
(a) short
(b) soon
(c) small size
(d) similar
Ans. b
2731. Belal came after my departure. The underlined word after has been used as-
(a) Adjective
(b) pronoun
(c) Adverb
(d) Conjunction
Ans. c
Read the following passage and answer the question:
Defining green banking is relatively easy. It means promoting environment-friendly practices and reducing your carbon footprint from your banking activities. This comes in many forms; using online banking instead of branch banking paying bills online, opening up CDs (certificates of deposit) and money market accounts at online banks instead of large multi-branch banks. A green bank takes the biggest steps to support local green initiatives. Any combination of the above personal banking practices can help the environment. In this respect, online banks and smaller community banks have better track records than larger banks. However, these larger banks may be induced to go green.
2732. According to the passage, larger, multi-branch banks.
(a) can never become green banks.
(b) can become green banks if they reduce the number of braches and eliminate the use of paper.
(c) ban become green banks if they can greatly reduce or eliminate carbon footprint from their banking activities.
(d) can becomes green banks if they support local green initiatives.
Ans. B
2733. Many business today use environment friendly practices. Which of the following is an environment friendly practice?
(a) persisting with multi-branch, paper dependent approaches.
(b) keeping the premises well-lighted and super-cool during summer
(c) buying wholesale office supplies in bulk.
(d) spurning options for green cleaning.
Ans. D
2734. Certificates of Deposits (CDs) show all but one of the following characteristics. Find out which one:
(a) Most CDs will incur a fee or penalty for early withdrawal.
(b) CDs usually offer lower yield than a regular savings account.
(c) CDs are usually insured up to the same amount through some credit union mechanism.
(d) Most commonly CDs are offered with a fixed interest rate and term.
Ans. C
2735. A ‘track record’ means
(a) a record set by an athlete on a running track.
(b) past achievement or performance of a person or organization
(c) the record achieved by a person or organization in a particular business contest.
(d) the future achievement of a person or organization depending on its present stock market record.
Ans. d
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
2736. The potato chop was very hot. He let ____ just in time.
(a) alone it
(b) go alone it
(c) go it
(d) go of it.
Ans. A
2737. He made his children ____ their homework every afternoon.
(a) do
(b) to do
(c) to study
(d) studied
Ans. a
2738. What is the Synonym for word ‘APPALL’?
(a) deceive
(b) cover
(c) dismay
(d) confuse
Ans. c
2739. The antonym for ‘DEARTH’ is:
(a) lack
(b) abundance
(c) poverty
(d) foreign
Ans. b
2740.   ধরি, দেয়ালটির উচ্চতা, h
      sin30° = h ১৮
  ⇒ = h ১৮
  ⇒ ২h = ১৮
  ∴ h = ৯
(a) a n m = a n/m
(b)  মনেকরি, সংখ্যাটি x
    ∴ ৬ + ৮ + ১০ = ৭ + ৯ + x
  ⇒ x = ২৪ - ১৬
    ∴ x = ৮
(c)   সুদ I = ৪৭৬ – ৪২৫ = ৫১
      এখন, I = Pnr
    ⇒ ৫১ = ৪২৫ × ৩ × r ১০০
    ⇒ ৫১ = ১৭ × ৩ × r
    ⇒ r = ৪ × ৫১ ৫১
    ⇒ r = ৪
    ∴ সুদের হার ৪ %
(d) X এর মান কত হলে 2 4x-12 = 16 হবে?
Ans. d
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions based on it.
One of the great delusions of present times is the prevailing belief that we are more civilized than our ancestors. At no other period of the history of mankind has the world ‘civilization’ been so often misused and misunderstood, it is not in the abundance of material alone that civilization lies. Neither does it consist of the advance of scientific knowledge, however amazing that may be. The inventions and discoveries of science have undoubtedly brought unheard of blessings and contort to us. But they are not civilization is special way of human behavior, of thought and feeling. The essential quality of civilization lies in the spirit of man, in his attitude to himself, to his fellowmen and to life as a whole. Looking everywhere around us today, you will find that man has made no progress since the dawn of history, in his attitude toward his fellowmen. On all the highest pillars in the cities of the would, you will find figure of conqueror or a general soldier. We know far more about our killers and destroyers than about oar saviours and saints. The heroes of war are die heroes of the world.
2741. Who are the heroes of the world?
(a) Teachers
(b) Saints
(c) Warriors
(d) Prophets
Ans. c
2742. What have scientific inventions given to mankind?
(a) Destructive weapons
(b) Civilization
(c) Blessings and Comforts
(d) Wealth
Ans. c
2743. A vital quality of civilization depends upon _____ .
(a) Competitive Spirit of man
(b) man’s desire to conquer nature
(c) attitude of man towards his fellowmen
(d) management of resources
Ans. c
2744. Who should be our heroes?
(a) Politicians
(b) Saints and saviors
(c) Conquerors
(d) Great men of history
Ans. b
2745. What is civilization according to the auther?
(a) Another form of affluence
(b) Inventions and discoveries
(c) Way of human behavior, thought and feeling
(d) Possession of goods
Ans. c
Each sentence has four underlined word(s). The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked a, b, c and d. Identify the one underlined word (s) that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct.
2746. If one plans to hike a in the backcountry, you should b prepare for c the possibility d of encountering a bear.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2747. A couturier who a works in b the field of women’s fashion designed c original models for his customers and also produces a fairly d limited number of copies.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. c
2748. It is a extremely important and essential b to keep accurate financial records that are c clear, simple and practical d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. b
2749. Electronic mail to describe an upcoming workshop should used a only if b potential participants use this c form of communication regularly d .
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. a
2750. The sound of speaking a language do b not always c match up with the symbols of d written language.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) .
Ans. a