Subject English
2876. Who has written the play ‘Volpone’?
(a) Jhon Webster
(b) Ben Jonson
(c) Christopher Marlowe
(d) William Shakespeare
Ans. b
2877. The phrase ‘Achilles’ heel’ means:
(a) A strong point
(b) A weak point
(c) A permanent solution
(d) A serious idea
Ans. b
2878. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what of verse?
(a) Alliterative verse
(b) Sonnet from
(c) Iambi pentameter
(d) Daetylic Haxameter
Ans. c
2879. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?
(a) The Epic
(b) The Comic
(c) The Occult
(d) The Tragic
Ans. b
2880. Use the appropriate article-
I saw _____ one-eyed man when I was walking on the road.
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) no article is needed
Ans. a
2881. The word ‘omnivorous’ means
(a) eating all types of food
(b) eating only fruits
(c) eating only meat
(d) eating grass and plants only
Ans. a
2882. What is a funny poem of five lines called?
(a) Quartet
(b) Limerick
(c) Sixtet
(d) haiku
Ans. b
2883. Robert Browning was a _____ poet. Fill in the gap with appropriate word.
(a) Romantic
(b) Victorian
(c) modern
(d) Elizathan
Ans. b
2884. The comparison of unlike things using the words like on as is known to be-
(a) metaphor
(b) smile
(c) alliteration
(d) Personification
Ans. b
2885. ‘The sun Also Rises’ is a novel written by-
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Herman Melville
(c) Earnest Hemingway
(d) Thomas Hardy
Ans. c
2886. The new offer of job was alluring. Here ‘alluring means-
(a) unexpected
(b) tempting
(c) disappointing
(d) ordinary
Ans. b
2887. The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as-
(a) personification
(b) onomatopoeia
(c) alliteration
(d) rhyme
Ans. c
2888. “Who planted this tree here”? The correct passive voice of this sentence is-
(a) By whom the tree was planted here?
(b) Who the tree had been planted hereby?
(c) The tree was planted here by whom?
(d) By whom had the tree been planted here?
2889. He worked with all sincerity. The underlined phrase is-
(a) A noun phrase.
(b) An adjective phrase.
(c) An infinitive phrase.
(d) An adverbial phrase.
Ans. d
2890. “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism” বইটি কার লেখা?
(a) টমাস হবসন
(b) ভি. আই. লেলিন
(c) কার্ল মার্কস
(d) এন্টিনিও গ্রামসি
Ans. b
2891. The novelist has a hold of ___ in writing.
(a) manner
(b) hisotry
(c) tradition
(d) style
Ans. d
2892. Which period is known as “The golden age of English literature”?
(a) The Victorian age
(b) The Elizahethi age
(c) The Restoration age
(d) The Eighteen Century
Ans. b
2893. Which one in the correct indirect narration?
“Why have you beaten my dog”? he said to me
(a) He demanded me why had I beaten his dog
(b) He asked me why I have had beaten his dog
(c) He enquired me why had I had beaten his dog
(d) He demanded of me why I had beaten his dog
Ans. d
2894. Which word is closest in meaning “Franchise”?
(a) utility
(b) frankeness
(c) privilege
(d) superficial
Ans. c
2895. ‘One in a blue moon’ means-
(a) always
(b) very rarely
(c) nearly
(d) hourly
Ans. b
2896. ‘Jacobean Period’ of English Literature refers to -
(a) 1558-1603
(b) 1625-1649
(c) 1603-1625
(d) 1649-1660
Ans. c
2897. A retired officer lives next door. Here, the underlined word in used as a/an:
(a) Gerund
(b) Adverb
(c) preposition
(d) participle
Ans. d
2898. Choose the appropriate preposition in the blank of the following sentence:
Eight men were concerned ___ the plot.
(a) at
(b) with
(c) in
(d) for
Ans. b
2899. Fill in the gap with right tense:
When water ___ it turns into ice.
(a) will freeze
(b) freezes
(c) would freeze
(d) froze
Ans. b
2900. Which one is the correct antonym of ‘frugal’?
(a) Extraordinary
(b) spendthrift
(c) economical
(d) authentic
Ans. b