Subject English
2826. English is our-
(a) 1st language
(b) 2nd language
(c) foreign language
(d) official language
Ans. c
2827. Fill in the blank:
Qamran is good _____ Mathematics.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) with
(d) for
Ans. a
2828. Find out the correct sentence:
(a) Bangalees are a brave nation
(b) The Bangalees are a brave nation
(c) The Bangalee is a brave nation
(d) The Bangalees are brave nation
Ans. c
2829. Which of the following words wrong in spelling?
(a) Pneumonia
(b) Colera
(c) Dyspepsia
(d) Diarrhea
Ans. b
2830. The synonym of ‘identical’ is-
(a) famaliar
(b) recognisable
(c) exactly the same
(d) almost similar
Ans. c
2831. The antonym of ‘frugal’ is-
(a) wasteful
(b) economical
(c) careful
(d) prodigal
Ans. ad
2832. Who is misogynist?
(a) A man who loves women
(b) A man who hates women
(c) A man who lives with women
(d) A man who kills women
Ans. b
2833. Who wrote ‘Wuthering Heights’?
(a) Jane Austen
(b) Emily Bronte
(c) Thomas Hardy
(d) D.H. Lawrence
Ans. b
2834. What is the adjective form of ‘Literature’?
(a) Literal
(b) Literate
(c) Literary
(d) Literatural
Ans. c
2835. Where has this letter come _____?
(a) to
(b) on
(c) from
(d) for
Ans. c
2836. He has deprived _____ his paternal property.
(a) from
(b) of
(c) with
(d) in
Ans. b
2837. It has been raining _____ morning.
(a) from
(b) in
(c) since
(d) for
Ans. c
2838. Which one is correct spelling?
(a) Tution
(b) Teution
(c) Tuition
(d) Tiution
Ans. c
2839. He is _____ MBBS. (Choose the article) -
(a) a
(b) an
(c) the
(d) no article
Ans. b
2840. Who wrote Madame Bovary?
(a) Leo Tolstoy
(b) James Joyce
(c) EM. Forster
(d) Gustave Flaubert
Ans. d
2841. ‘Frailty, The name is woman’ _____ in which of the following novels you find this?
(a) Macbeth
(b) Romeo and Juliet
(c) Hamlet
(d) Tempest
Ans. c
2842. Who wrote Prometheus Unbound?
(a) Coleridge
(b) Keats
(c) Byron
(d) Shelley
2843. Lady Chatterley’s Lover was written by the author of-
(a) A Passage to India
(b) Lord Jim
(c) Rainbow
(d) Ulysses
Ans. c
2844. The synonym of ‘Tremor’ is-
(a) struggle
(b) revolt
(c) shake
(d) departure
Ans. c
2845. The antonym of ‘eccentric’ is-
(a) angelic
(b) erotic
(c) normal
(d) abnormal
Ans. c
2846. William Shakespeare is the author of -
(a) Paradise Lost
(b) Old Man and the sea
(c) Daffodils
(d) King Lear
Ans. d
2847. Which one of the following words is not plural?
(a) Feet
(b) Lice
(c) News
(d) none
Ans. c
2848. The more you read, the more you learn. He more is an-
(a) adjective
(b) adverb
(c) interjection
(d) none
Ans. b
2849. ‘Vanity Fair’ is a-
(a) short story
(b) drama
(c) poem
(d) novel
Ans. d
2850. Choose the word which never has a plural -
(a) mouse
(b) intention
(c) woman
(d) information
Ans. d